posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 01:37 PM
I wish more people would take action on a personal level. We all sit around, bitch about the banks and the government and how much everything sucks
etc.... etc..... but everyone just goes about their business as usual. My best analogy is for example, trash tv like "jersey shore" I know people
who bitch about how stupid it is, yet tune in to watch every episode........ ???
We each have the power to do something. We are all consumers, the things we hate in life that have so much power over us have all this power because
we allow it. Simple as much as the market will bear economics. We keep taking it, they will keep tightening their grip. No matter what the subject is.
Do you know why a hotdog is $6 at a ball game??? Because jackasses will pay that much for it.
How about $15 for a soda and some popcorn at the movies? Same reason, stupid people pay it.
Cable company raises rates- you pay it
bridge toll goes up- you pay it
bank charges fees, you pay it
this list could go on and on forever.........
We bitch bitch bitch, and we continue to pay pay pay..... and we just keep taking it and bending over farther and farther.
How on earth does anyone expect anything to change, if most people can't even make a simple change in their own life?
I lost my very high paying job 6 months ago that threw me into reality. I've read boards like these for years, but nothing is as much of an eye
opener then being thrown into the #. I spent the last 10 years of my life slaving away, paying ridiculous interest and fees, 80 hours a week, no life
all work, on the hamster wheel believing I was living the american dream. Now sitting in my home laughing because I just don't care anymore.
Point of the story......
I got sick of everything. The more I learned the sicker I got. I made the choice not to play the game anymore.
Filed bankruptcy, got rid of all my debt and credit cards. Closed every bank account checking and savings and withdrew whatever balances I had.
Stopped paying my mortgage. I refuse to do business with the banks.
Just as I refuse to pay the cable company, and I refuse to pay $6 for a hotdog, I refuse to pay for a soda and popcorn at the movies...... etc...
I just don't understand why more people just don't say enough, if you hate something so much stop feeding the beast.
You hate the banks? Don't give them your money! Close your accts, withdraw your cash, don't pay your mortgage.
Find a place to go, live with friends or relatives. Get used to a simpler lifestyle. Pool your resources, Barter work, trade, work for cash, share,
Grow a garden, start removing yourself from the system. As things come crashing down around everyone it won't effect you at all.
If everyone had the balls to start doing something and making changes, things would change.
But everyone is all talk and no action.