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US public being prepped for Ricin Attack

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posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 12:55 AM

For the third time in 9 months, the FBI has made press releases involving Ricin connected to non-fatal domestic crimes. In the first story above, ricin was sent to Senate offices in February.

In the second story, I reported on the weirdness of the baby food tampering in California. The baby food turned out not to have Ricin, but some 'ground up castor beans.'

In the third story, FBI announced news of 'no Ricin' involved in the murder-suicide of a trucker and his wife, but 'they found a few castor beans at his house.'

Ricin and castor beans are nearly the same thing. Eating a castor bean can be fatal. Ricin is a component within the beans and the whole castor plant.

Castor beans have only one domestic residential purpose, and that is to grow a castor plant, which is uncommon because the plant is wholly toxic.

Three incidents of ricin, two of which are highly suspect if there was ever any castor beans or ricin, have been fed into the public this year. The second and third stories look very much like government-fed 'education' stories to subtley educate the public to the dangers of this particular poison.

Now look at the CDC webpage's info about Ricin:

How you could be exposed to ricin

It would take a deliberate act to make ricin and use it to poison people. Accidental exposure to ricin is highly unlikely.


Accidental exposure is NOT highly unlikely. If you have castor beans or plants, consumption of the beans or plants by animals, children, or unsuspecting persons will induce ricin poisoning. Look at the warning on the webpage of this commercial seller of castor plants:

Something extremely fishy is going on here.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 01:00 AM
If the U.S Goverment finds links to Saudi Arabia then that oil is up for grabs too.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 01:09 AM
I remember a news report a few years ago, where some mail order company in the US sold a 'do it yourself' ricin kit. The kit consisted of castor beans and instructions on how to extract the poison from them.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Varmac
If the U.S Goverment finds links to Saudi Arabia then that oil is up for grabs too.

Ditto the Arctic & Antarctic.

I'be got a can of oil in the shed - should I be worried about waking one morning to find 5000 US soldiers wandering through my garden ?

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 01:33 AM
I would guess that the Administration will probably invade Southern California soon as the Castor Bean plant is indiginous and can be found everywhere. Along the freeways, on public lands, the roadsides, the hills ...

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 04:18 AM
I don't doubt we're going to be hit again (and again, and again) -
but bear in mind the NYC area has received a slew of "warnings" over the past six months ranging from car bombs to chemical weapons attacks.

Remember that news briefing we received which claimed we were going to be "HIT HARD" this summer? Well....summer's almost up and NYC has yet
to be nuked.

The current administration appears to use terror fear as a marketing ploy.
The media goes right along.

Keep Cheney's comment about an impending attack in mind. What was it he said several days ago? There will be another terror attack if Kerry's in office? Could you be anymore blatant about using impending doom as an election weapon? (No pun intended).

Don't lose sight of the fact the largest attack in our nation's history
occurred with Bush in office. Take things with a grain of salt.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 04:28 AM
These plants are a common sight in the UK, they are grown as a decorative plant in thousands of garden borders.

The UK has no problem or fear of a ricin attack. Propaganda yet again, I expect any incidents in th US are carried out by its citizens, not forien terrorists.

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