posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 12:09 PM
I find alot of the OP information to make a lot of sense. I know that music with different beats can have an affect on a crowd of people in seconds.
I also feel that when you combine music, sports, and alcohol it is very easy to direct a group of people in one direction.
Sports to me is the number one way to get control of a person. I remember when ESPN was born. I was young and an athlete and I couldn't get enough
of the information from around the US. I noticed that if my particular college was even mentioned on TV, I got a sense of accomplishment and
happiness. Now that was 30 some years ago and I can't even watch it for a minute. Today, I see people that wear their team on their sleeve, dress
their dog in team colors, and talk in terms of "our" or "we" when referring to their team or a game or transaction the team is making. I know
people that absolutely live and die for a game. Why, because they are being distracted from life.
We have been programmed to think in terms of small segements of time, Its monday, two days later its "Humpday", two days later its the weekend.
More monday night football, then humpday again. When you throw in bowl games, championships in whatever sport you follow, you find that you spend
more time focusing on the "next" event, than you do your life and family.
In every past civilization, we have discovered that one thing always exist in them, games. From the Myans to the Romans to the US to Europe, China,
South America, they all spend a big portion of their time immersed in a sport.
Now, where is this going? Well it comes down one thing, building a better human. Mentally and physically. We are being driven to think that if you
aren't "perfect" and a "Champion", you are a loser. People have become so hypnotized by the TV that they no longer understand that is just
entertainment. The people on TV are always perfect, the announcers are always perfectly dressed, the men are svelt, the women beautiful. And they
all appear to be finacially sound. Viewers don't realize that between lines these people have a group of assistance making sure their hair is
perfect, their collar is straight, their tie is perfect. Its all phoney. And people begin to pattern their lives after what they see, not knowing
its all a charade.
It all about procreation. What are you attracted to. It is being programmed into you. If you are not a warrior, blond, blue eyed and financially
secure, you will be eliminated at some point or you will just fade into the woodwork to make room for the beautiful and sexy.
I guess this kind of turned into a rant, but a few days before xmas I have a lot of time on my hands.
Speaking of xmas, Do ya think "Black Friday" is an example of programming?
To close I would like to wish all of my fellow humans love and prosperity for them and their families and that all are safe. Fill the world with love
and quit watching the TV. Quit filling your time with the gameplayer and think about loving someone. Get back to interaction with people instead of
electronic devices that can't touch or feel.