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Richard Hoagland - I'm calling you out!

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posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by Telos

As far as I remember from the last show on C2C (November the 30th) Hoagland stated clearly that the whole Elenin fear online was totally staged and perpetrated to divert people's attention from the real story.

In other words, he contradicted himself when events proved him spectacularly wrong. It is the unwillingness to acknowledge errors that differentiates legitimate speculation from delusional thinking and outright fabrication. Hoagland knows what he says is not true, therefore he is not delusional. By the process of elimination, he is a hoaxer.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 08:28 AM


posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by Telos

As far as I remember from the last show on C2C (November the 30th) Hoagland stated clearly that the whole Elenin fear online was totally staged and perpetrated to divert people's attention from the real story.

In other words, he contradicted himself when events proved him spectacularly wrong. It is the unwillingness to acknowledge errors that differentiates legitimate speculation from delusional thinking and outright fabrication. Hoagland knows what he says is not true, therefore he is not delusional. By the process of elimination, he is a hoaxer.

I think would be better if you check the show yourself. I found it on a torrent site.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:41 AM


posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by zorgon


But... they lost all those tapes, remember?

Will you consider to prevaricate?

The "lost tapes" were mostly of medical telemetry recordings. Allegedly some....SOME copies from Apollo 11 EVA video (a couple of hours??) were mis-routed on their way to storage.....but, didn't really matter, since just about every news organization on Earth HAD COPIES!!!

And of course, the Apollo 11 DAC films are intact, and well, the hundreds of still photographs.

Or, didn't you already know that??

Still banging on that dead horse I see?

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 11:54 AM

If Hoagland's effort with Elenin doesn't convince people that he's full of it, nothing will.

Hoagland was the first fraud to bring us all the bull # about how HAARP interacts with NOAAs Nexrad Doppler radar system. You know, the same nonsinse that fraud Dutchsinse spews? Yea, debunked a decade ago. When someone mentions Richard Hoagland, I immediately stop listening. Most of these big name conspiracy guys are in it for fame and money. It's not about the truth, it's all about them.

"Phikent's issue of radar anomalies received little mention until it was made popular in conspiracy circles by Richard C. Hoagland on the Art Bell radio show in December of the same year. It was used in conjunction with a conspiracy hoax of some kind of "special activity" (some speculated an ET landing, etc.) anticipated for December 7, 1998, at Turret Peak, AZ. Nothing happened on December 7th and both the Turret Peak and radar anomalies were discredited within weeks. In fact, it seems that after about January 1999 even Hoagland no longer brought up the radar anomaly topic, certainly not as a point of ongoing interest. Even so, the theory began to snowball among some conspiracy theorists. It evolved from simple radar anomalies to having something to do with HAARP and is now linked to the chemtrail conspiracy theory. The webmaster of RadarMatrix goes one step further and links it all to SDI."

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by Arken

Oh, please?! "All"????

The Space/Moon/Mars missions (all) are deliberately faked for the public opinion.

This is where reason has left the building. And is headed to "Skunk Works".
"This is where reason has left the building. And is headed to "Skunk Works"."

This is the quote of the day!
And reminds me, I'm overdue to check in there for my daily ration of irrationality!!

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 12:42 PM
I must say that so many are being blinded & currently are blinded to the TRUTH! No one wants to ask questions because of the BLINDERS that are on many peoples eyes. Especially regards to UFO DIARIES & HOAGLAND'S SPOT ON that video, & HIS CONNECTIONS TO THOSE IMAGES! I am the one calling him out! I am the one that was set up by him over this. I AM THE ONE THAT STARTED THIS INVESTIGATION ALMOST 6 YEARS AGO!!!

This subject also is NOT going to just blow away back under the rug where Hoagland thought he succeeded in sweeping it & ME!!!! Too many now are starting to see & question HIM on this all & I am fighting ofr US ALL TO GET THE TRUTH & THESE SECRET FACES OF MARS FROM HIM! Why don't YOU want the truth or these images?? Why is many ok with the actions words & non-answering for this all by Hoagland? Yet many wish to continue to send him money to continue to keepthe truth from them & damm to any that get too close??? SUCKERS I CLAIM MANY ARE & deserve to be looking the fool by the time I get done. I hope there will be many less suckers & many more with BALLS TO DARE & CHALLENGE HIM TO GET THE TRUTH! I need all your help.

Here is a show I was on with Francis on Collision Course Radio on November 4th, 2011, AFTER Hoagland was on. I am sure Hoagland was pissed at that. LOL! GOOD!

Here in this vid link, is where I tried to get on with Noory to tell this story, that wanted me to tell them all abot it, then cuts me off once he sees who I was & what this was about.

Here is my appearance on Late Night In the MidLands on November 26th, 2011. Muchmeat on the bone. Little spooky also. (for Hoagland)!!!

Someone with OPEN EYES, & BALLS, made this video... IS RICHARD HOAGLAND HONEST??

Also, here is a Before It's News article on this:,_Lies,_and_Calling_for_a_New_World_Order.html?currentSplitted Page=0


Have some fun, & take notes, & dare to ask questions & demand the truth from that DICK HOAGLAND! (it's his name)


posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

I stopped listening to this man several years ago.

It's hard for me to believe anybody still listening to him.

Sure he might have a few things to say, but 99% of it's gooey.

I have to wonder if he's purposely lying or buys into his bunk?

If he does actually believe it, then I feel sorry for him. I still love the man.

These days I am watching Richard Hoover and Gilbert Levin and Chandra Wickramasinghe.

I'm waiting for the moment when we find ET organisms or another Earth.

Quite unbelievably (depending on who you're), we're almost there...

Kepler has found a couple candidates that might be ocean-planets, similarly sized.

And we have pieces of evidence that lead us in the direction of astrobiology.

I'm not looking for snake oil anymore. UFOs and ancient alien civs are too "out there."

I won't rule out finding intelligent life, but ET microorganisms are our best chance.

Think (just for a moment). Where're the intelligent ET's? They're not here on earth? They're unlikely to be in our solar system for the same reasons they're not (likely) here on earth. If they were here, we'd probably have abundant clues and wouldn't be asking the question. So, assuming all of this logic is sound, then we'll probably find ET in the form of a signal from (quantum?) space. Or maybe we'll stumble on one of ET's probes - seems unlikely. We may see the signature of an ET UFO fleet enroute from one area of the universe to another. I'm sure there're lots of possibilities, but make no mistake, we'll probably find the smart ones "out there." So, for the time being, we're more likely to find ET microorganisms in the soils and atmosphere(s) of other bodies in Sol than anything else. Plus, if we don't find ET microorganisms in our solar system (apart from earth), then this not only teaches us about astrobiology but it also puts into question the probability of ever finding intelligent life like ourselves from elsewhere.

None of us is going to live for long. Don't waste your time chasing shadows.
edit on 23-12-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:20 PM
Its nice to wake up and come back to a thread that made me smile. Puppet on a string is a great wake up song.
I wonder if NASA ever used that one aboard the Shuttle as their "song of the day"?

Anyway, I think Hoagland has been "gotten to". By that I mean he has been told things which he then takes on board as one of his theories which in turn makes him look foolish when it doesn't pan out the way he had expected. (In a similar vein, people say the same of David Icke and his Reptilian theories.) I don't think all he says is bunkum but that is just my opinion and liable to error. Whether or not he worked for NASA is unimportant imho. Not all NASA employees discover things as the discoverers of Lovejoy and (probably) other "objects" have shown. The photo of him holding that pyramid is almost good enough to become a meme, with the addition of some humorous text.
I still appreciate his attempts although I don't see too much of his stuff anymore.

As for Jay Weidner and Kubrick, I still think it's a masterpiece of detail-noticing if nothing else and he might just be onto something. Kubrick had unbelievable movie skills which I believe no-one can deny. His films are still "right up there" to this day and the small changes he made to plot details are strange. (I actually hated that movie though, it just wasn't my thing, unlike 2001.)

To the OP, nice post with some intriguing evidence. Thanks for the time you (and others) put into this and other posts. Some of us here do appreciate it.
At the end of the day, there seems to be more to all this than meets the eye regardless of who is "right".

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:38 PM
I say it's high time we give all these old school hucksters a good pantsing.

Way to get that party started with an excellent thread.

edit on 23-12-2011 by mistermonculous because: Who's next in line for the CT hall of shame?

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

Seems like you may need to re-evaluate your comprehension about real physics, and the entirety of the "hoax" claims.

THIS is why Richard Hoagland has prospered so well, over the is the preying upon people and their lack of diligence (which he counted on) into investigating the many claims. Hoagland depended on people being (A): Inherently too busy to do proper research, and : (B): Willfully gullible enough to simplay accept what he "handed" to them, without doubt (see '[A]', above).

Puppet on a string is a great wake up song.

IF you refer to that silly YouTube video presented by zorgon earlier, and any implications or facts it may possess? Well, all the assertions in it can be easily refuted, but UNLESS that particular video is somehow related to Richard Hoagland? Then, it will drive this off the focus.

THAT video could conceivably be the genesis of its own thread....but, will not live long, I assure you.

As for Jay Weidner and Kubrick....

Is that part of the Richard Hoagland lexicon? I am not that well-versed in all of his nonsense, so someone tell me.

IF it's applicable, then by all means point it out, as it may apply to any oh Hoagland's silly claims.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by MadMartian
I must say that so many are being blinded & currently are blinded to the TRUTH! No one wants to ask questions because of the BLINDERS that are on many peoples eyes. Especially regards to UFO DIARIES & HOAGLAND'S SPOT ON that video, & HIS CONNECTIONS TO THOSE IMAGES! I am the one calling him out! I am the one that was set up by him over this. I AM THE ONE THAT STARTED THIS INVESTIGATION ALMOST 6 YEARS AGO!!!

This subject also is NOT going to just blow away back under the rug where Hoagland thought he succeeded in sweeping it & ME!!!! Too many now are starting to see & question HIM on this all & I am fighting ofr US ALL TO GET THE TRUTH & THESE SECRET FACES OF MARS FROM HIM! Why don't YOU want the truth or these images?? Why is many ok with the actions words & non-answering for this all by Hoagland? Yet many wish to continue to send him money to continue to keepthe truth from them & damm to any that get too close??? SUCKERS I CLAIM MANY ARE & deserve to be looking the fool by the time I get done. I hope there will be many less suckers & many more with BALLS TO DARE & CHALLENGE HIM TO GET THE TRUTH! I need all your help.

Here is a show I was on with Francis on Collision Course Radio on November 4th, 2011, AFTER Hoagland was on. I am sure Hoagland was pissed at that. LOL! GOOD!

Here in this vid link, is where I tried to get on with Noory to tell this story, that wanted me to tell them all abot it, then cuts me off once he sees who I was & what this was about.

Here is my appearance on Late Night In the MidLands on November 26th, 2011. Muchmeat on the bone. Little spooky also. (for Hoagland)!!!

Someone with OPEN EYES, & BALLS, made this video... IS RICHARD HOAGLAND HONEST??

Also, here is a Before It's News article on this:,_Lies,_and_Calling_for_a_New_World_Order.html?currentSplitted Page=0


Have some fun, & take notes, & dare to ask questions & demand the truth from that DICK HOAGLAND! (it's his name)


A-HA! Hello MM

I gotta say thank you for your work - it really gave me a 'tipping point' moment regarding Hoagy (or was that tricky dicky). Kinda sucks to know there is someone you once vested in - to only find he is just as "NASA" as any NASA PR would be...that's what sucks.

I read your thread which you posted and well - it was a very strange energy Hoagy was emulating - seeing Hoagy on the back foot, with no way out, he then claimed your mental state was to be questioned...

...when he did that...he lost me 100%. Hell I'm as crazy as you (and Arken
just kidding Arken (as was Kadinsky I thought)) and for someone to go to that level of desperation, it really shone a doubtful light on the Hoagy many look up to, me too.

The audio in the video is annoying - is there a transcript of it, or a better recording (without the overdub)?

Once again MM thanks again mate - and yes you are everyone else of us!

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by ProudBird

How many unreleased Apollo photo's are there? Several thousand still? It's easy to be a NASA employee and debunk at great length when they are the ones with all the keys.

You may believe it to be a silly video, I see reflections of a metal wire that really should not be there, despite your assurances, among other things of course.

No, the Jay Wiedner video is an examination of small but significant (and seemingly senseless) plot changes Kubrick made to Steven King's book The Shining while making the movie version. The changes were actually clues to his Apollo involvement. As the video is no longer available on youtube due to copyright claims (fair enough, its a ..20 dollar (?) DVD the man is trying to sell which is fair enough, he made a good presentation and work) the nicest one I can remember off the top of my head is instead of printing
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
which was supposed to be the book the writer in the film was supposedly writing, it says
"A11 work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
A11 or A eleven being an Apollo reference, as were a lot of the other plot changes. There were many others presented though which watching a horror movie you just don't notice. Another one was the renumbering of the hotel room to (again from memory) 237 instead of the number King used in his book. 237,000 is or was I believe the average known distance of the moon to the earth. Not exact, but close enough.

It has nothing to do with Hoagland at all. Or should I say at a11?

Another salient "coincidence" is that Kubrick stipulated in his contract with whatever firm it was that released Eyes Wide Shut, the film was only and most definitely to be released on a certain day, nothing else was acceptable. That date of course being (in the US) the 16th of July. I'm sure you know what happened on that day, back in 1969.

ETA I have no idea if you are a NASA employee nor was I trying to imply that but I know at least one user here is. Or at least has very close connections through another company. Not a bad thing in itself, he contributes much to these forums..

edit on 23/12/11 by LightSpeedDriver because: ETA

edit on 23/12/11 by LightSpeedDriver because: Typo

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 04:35 PM
you really might be on to something,in 2007 a few months after the mro started sending back pics from mars they were putting them on the mars hirise webisite.i was looking at one on their website that had a zoom function,i saw a profile of a face in the picture in the bottom left of the image.i thought i just could be seeing what i wanted to see,so i zoomed behind the eye in the profile and it was there;a huge face straight on in the image,there was going to be no denying what this was,i thought i got to let someone know,get this out,i didnt think of videotaping my screen with my phone.i wish i did,i sent the link of the photo and how to find the face in the photo in a e-mail to enterprise mission,i thought if anybody would bring attention to this its hoagland.i took a nap and when i went back to look at the face again,the image had been cropped off right to where i saw the profile of the i didnt have any proof,the rest of the image was removed 1 week afterwards.Did hoagland tip nasa off?Nasa throws hoagland a bone once in a while,hes out there gathering info,something that might be crucial like what i saw,he helps them out,if what i saw got out there would have been no doubt of extraterrestial life on mars,i would have been famous,why because the image was so clear and huge the eyes and other facial features to me was like the seeing the holy grail,maybe he didnt have anything to do with it.but i did send him the link,i'd be willing to take a lie detector test,would hoagland,i actually met him and asked him about it,he said he kept all his e-mails and he would check his back e-mails.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 04:45 PM
Hogland is NASA'S Manchurian disinfo agent!

It's a double spy type scenerio. It would be perfect of NASA or TPTB to place such a well polished mouth piece infront of the group of people that believe that we have been lied to for years and perpetuate more BS.

Well the house of cards is comming down and little Dickey Hogland is being caught with his pants down. When he serves no more use for the "Info-Cartel" he will disappear and another polished piece of talking dung will pop-up.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

Seriously doubt this:

How many unreleased Apollo photo's are there? Several thousand still?

Why not do the research, and satisfy your own questions that way? Check ALL of the records. There have been people who took the time and effort to do this for us, and make it available on the Internet....IF you just bother to look a bit, and take the time:

The "Apollo Lunar Surface Journal"

The Apollo Lunar Surface Journal is a record of the lunar surface operations conducted by the six pairs of astronauts who landed on the Moon from 1969 through 1972. The Journal is intended as a resource for anyone wanting to know what happened during the missions and why. It includes a corrected transcript of all recorded conversations between the lunar surface crews and Houston. The Journal also contains extensive, interwoven commentary by the Editor and by ten of the twelve moonwalking astronauts.


The Apollo Lunar Surface Journal was inspired by the work of New Zealand historian J.C. Beaglehole, the 20th Century's foremost authority on the European exploration of the Pacific and, particularly, on the voyages of Captain James Cook.


The Journal is, in Neil Armstrong's words, a "living document". The Journal Update File details recent additions, changes and corrections. E-mail messages to...

(email is not reproduced here....go to the website to view it. Possibly, because of the note at the bottom that I have linked, the authors have disabled it ***)

....concerning typos, factual errors, or general comments are always gratefully received.


Edited by Eric M. Jones and Ken Glover.

GO and learn.

The link, from above ***:

Ken and I are having to scale back our Apollo activities for the time being; and will concentrate on a few specific actvities that make best use of available time. Please don't hesitate to let us know about errors. We apologize to those whose contributions have not yet been added to the Journal. We will do our best to include everything, but can not make any promises about when that might happen. With thanks to everyone for their help and patience.

This appears to have been current AS OF 23 December, 2010.

Feel free to find any "mistakes"

Oh, and in case the "entry" to the rest isn't immediately obvious, here:

The "Main Gate", found by clicking on the LOGO near the bottom of page, first link......have fun!!!!

edit on Fri 23 December 2011 by ProudBird because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by ProudBird

Thank you! As someone who worked in the television industry in the "old days" I need to correct the "green screen" myth. Back then it was "blue screen" (cobalt blue) and the method was chroma-key. Every time chroma-key was used back in the 60's and 70's it was noticeably a "keyed" product. Trust me, television effects from that era could not fool anyone.


posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 05:49 PM
OP, please break this down and explain to me your point. I don't feel like watching a dozen videos so are you saying Hoagland is purposefully keeping secrets from us?
I think you're saying he's a NASA shill (which wouldn't surprise me) but I am totally lost as far as your overall message.

Not that it matters much but what does Oberg think of Hoagland? Did Jim Oberg ever mention actually meeting or knowing Hoagland (seeing they have these NASA ties)?

Personally I am disgusted with Hoagland. His entire Elenin is a tetrahedron mothership that's actually cloaked dissertation made me embarrassed for even knowing him let alone supporting him in the past.
But OP, kindly tell me what you're saying without directing me to other websites or videos.

Thanks a lot

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

Hoagland depended on people being (A): Inherently too busy to do proper research, and : (B): Willfully gullible enough to simplay accept what he "handed" to them, without doubt (see '[A]', above).

Not everybody, however, is either A or B. "Expat," who runs the Emoluments of Mars blog, has, for example, done a thorough investigation of Hoagland's so-called 'Ritual Alignment Model.' It will not surprise any of us that the "model" was found to be utterly bankrupt.

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