posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 03:49 PM
Bear with me as I have a lot of thoughts running through my mind right now and I hope they will come out coherently.
I have heard countless of times from my own ears, reading on here and many other places how tired we are of the USA poking their noses into every one
else's business; how tired we are of wasting money on war, war, war; how tired we are of tax payers money being wasted - and I could go on and on,
but this is ATS. You all know what I'm talking about.
So how is it then, that it's time to elect a new President, or reelect the current one, and some people are still gung ho for the war happy runners?
I know it's all opinion and it's good for everyone to support those they feel personally are correct in how they'll run things, but some scare me
(runners), some worry me, some seem perfect, all have faults of COURSE.... but why would some folk want to elect (or re-elect) those who could
potentially do more harm than good and have history of wanting to take the gov't to an even worse level than it is now?
A hard question indeed, very true. Even I know this. But I just wanted some input from everyone. This is trying to be a super neutral post as I know
who I back but I won't mention it (at least in the OP) just to sake staying neutral.