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Who Owns Your Poop? …Designing Bioweapons to Target Specific Populations

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posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 11:16 AM
The biggest problem with genetically engineered plagues is that disease knows no boundaries. Set loose a flu virus or any other infectious agent and it will spread round the world - killing your own people and your allies, not just "the enemy."

Enter the military-industrial bioterrorists' Holy Grail - genetically engineered infectious bioweapons that target certain "genetic" groups, and leave everyone else untouched. Unfortunately, the Human Genome Project did NOT provide the hoped-for blueprint. Turns out none of us are very different, genetically speaking. The Bad Boyz looked at proteomics (proteins) next - but there's too much overlap in proteins too. So now the "Human Microbiome" is on the radar.

As complex organisms, humans are an ancient collection of ancient viruses and microbes, as well as other "microbiota" that accumulate in and on our bodies after we're born - the "Human Microbiome" - groups of microbes and viruses that work together cooperatively and create what are called "supra-organisms" or "super-organisms." In this scientific light, we humans are simply a collection of ancient viruses and microbes that make up our DNA, and live in and on our bodies.

The key to targeting infectious bioweapons lies in mapping Human Microbiomes - and maintaining private ownership of microbiome information. Industrial corporations linked to Big Pharma already have biobanks filled with comprehensive collections of bio-samples - mainly from medical testing. In 2008, the US government created the Human Microbiome Project to investigate the relationships between microbiomes and human health and disease.

As with the current flu virus fiasco in the news, it's all about who owns the information. If the information is Openly Accessible and freely available to ALL medical scientists, then humanity as a whole will benefit. If the information is privately owned, then it is controlled to generate power and profit.

The big question being debated in the hallowed halls of justice and science, right now, without your participation is, "Who owns your poop?" Who owns your tissue samples? Your blood? Your mucous?

…..Right now, you don't.

Humans can be thought of as a complex of both microbial and human cells, a 'super-organism' containing over 100 trillion microbiota that are essential for nutrition, immunity and pathogen resistance. Whilst some are harmful, the majority of human cell and microbial cell interactions are mutually beneficial, and essential to human physiologic functions and day to day activities[12]. Research on the human microbiome aims to elucidate the relationship between human health, physiology, and behaviour and the various microbial communities present in different areas of our body (including the mucosa, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital system and skin)[13,14].

The human microbiome is the entire complement of microorganisms that exists in and on every human body. ….rapid advances in human microbiome research involve collecting large amounts of data on microorganisms that exist in symbiotic relationships with the human body. Currently it is not clear [legally] whether these microorganisms should be considered part of or separate from the human body.

Turns out our biggest differences are found not in our genes or proteomes, but in the microorganisms we pick up after we are born, usually very shortly after - they're found in our guts and poop, on our skin, in our immune systems, under our armpits, in the crease of our elbows, vaginas, everywhere. These microorgansims are an integral part of who we are as individuals, and as part of any distinct and identifiable group.

The Human Microbiome Project was created to map the microbial communities on human bodies.

The Common Fund's Human Microbiome Project (HMP) aims to characterize the microbial communities found at several different sites on the human body, including nasal passages, oral cavities, skin, gastrointestinal tract, and urogenital tract, and to analyze the role of these microbes in human health and disease.

Biobanks, loosely defined as large collections of biological tissues samples, often with some degree of linked clinical or medical information, have received considerable attention in the ELSI (ethical, legal, social issues of genome research) and scientific literature in recent years[1-3]. This attention is due not just to the complexity of the issues raised by biobank related research, but also because they call into question established research ethics norms and accepted practices[4]. The nature of these ethical conundrums has been well documented, with research focused on issues such as privacy, informed consent, ownership of samples and information, secondary use of biological specimens, benefit sharing and governance [5-8]. While these biobank issues remain problematic and unresolved, other areas of science are moving ahead rapidly, and have the potential to further complicate matters[9]. In particular, this paper considers recent large scale research efforts towards studying the human microbiome, and the potential social and ethical implications of this research for biobanks.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 11:24 AM
What's scary is a bio weapon that can target a specific ethnicity without killing other ethnicity

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by starwarsisreal

True. But the common link will NOT be ethnicity - these bioweapons will target groups that share the same or similar microbiota, probably through water, air and food sources - the common links will be area (of birth and main residence) and income.

AKA "Diet and lifestyle."

edit on 22/12/11 by soficrow because: clarif.

edit on 22/12/11 by soficrow because: to add

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by soficrow
reply to post by starwarsisreal

True. But the common link will NOT be ethnicity - these bioweapons will target groups that share the same or similar microbiota, probably through water, air and food sources - the common links will be area (of birth and main residence) and income.

edit on 22/12/11 by soficrow because: clarif.

start stocking up on MMS 1, MMS 2, colloidal silver, hydrogen peroxide, zappers,etc.
these will alter/get rid of most of your microbiota/microbiome.configuration as prevention and in an emergency

remember what the joker did in the 1st batman movie?
a series of "compartmentalized"poisons which only killed in the correct combination.

this is more of the same, and proof that the american eugenicists, who financed/advised hitler, tried to topple Roosevelt and impose a fascist dictatorship in the US, and received all those nazi war-criminals with open arms and US citizenship are alive,well and active.

the bush clan was and is a member of said group followers of the Secret Covenant.

it's time for the round-up methinks, and i'm not talking about fertilizer.

proof that US government is composed of criminals?

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by soficrow

This is EXCELLENT news! Somebody should work on a disease that only targets politicians (except Ron Paul).

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

GREAT graphic. Thank you! s'n

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger

Originally posted by soficrow
reply to post by starwarsisreal

True. But the common link will NOT be ethnicity - these bioweapons will target groups that share the same or similar microbiota, probably through water, air and food sources - the common links will be area (of birth and main residence) and income.

....proof that the american eugenicists, who financed/advised hitler, tried to topple Roosevelt and impose a fascist dictatorship in the US, and received all those nazi war-criminals with open arms and US citizenship are alive,well and active.

the bush clan was and is a member of said group followers of the Secret Covenant.

it's time for the round-up methinks, and i'm not talking about fertilizer.

proof that US government is composed of criminals?

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:23 AM
More info on Biobanks (Australia, USA, UK.)

Biobanks Information Paper

Biobanks are generally large collections of human biological materials (biospecimens) linked to relevant personal and health information (which may include health records, family history, lifestyle and genetic information) and held specifically for use in health and medical research. Their object is to provide a resource for researchers to use to advance our understanding of human health and disease. Biobanks are seen as increasingly important to research in two broad areas: understanding the risk factors that underlie complex diseases, and translating biomedical research into real improvements in health care, especially through advances in pharmacogenomics and personalised medicine, to minimise adverse drug reactions and match drugs more effectively to the patient.

…Over the last decade, a number of such biobanks have been established in several countries (Hirtzlin et al 2003), including the Icelandic Health Sector Database, the Estonian Genome Project, UK Biobank, Generation Scotland, and the CARTaGENE project in Quebec; and others are planned, including the Joondalup Family Health Study in Western Australia. Advancements in bioinformatics and biotechnology have made it possible to store biospecimens and data on an unprecedented scale and, with globalisation and growing interest in trans-national sharing of biobank resources, there is an increasing push to harmonise biobank processes and regulation. This is an important consideration for those establishing or managing a biobank.

…The emerging trend towards the establishment of biobanks poses a number of legal, ethical and regulatory challenges. Regardless of size, biobanks inherently involve some risk due to the sensitive status of the data they contain. Their success also depends on community support and willingness to participate. For this reason it has become clear in every jurisdiction that seeks to establish or use biobanks that a mechanism for maximising public trust is critically important (Campbell 2007).
This Information Paper draws on the international and Australian literature to discuss best practice in biobanks across six broad areas: establishment (including discontinuation); consent; data management; governance; access; and commercialisation and benefit sharing.

Guidelines for human biobanks, genetic research databases and associated data

The potential for commercial exploitation of the unique population health resources and biobanks in WA raises complex issues for the State, academic institutions and the community.

More than 300 million biospecimens are stored in the United States in public and private repositories known as biobanks.
…may lead to new diagnostic tests and targeted treatments for specific diseases, as well as open the way to personalized medicine.
Collecting and storing biospecimens raises ethical challenges concerning how to obtain informed consent, protect privacy, and disclose research results.
Other issues concern the ownership of biospecimens as intellectual property and government oversight of biobanks to ensure ethical use of biospecimens.

…..challenges include matters involving informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, disclosure of research results, intellectual property, and biobank governance.

UK Biobank Access and Intellectual Property procedures

UK Confederation of Cancer Biobanks - wants to protect professional interests such as right to first publication or right to protect intellectual property or commercial / competitive advantage resulting from their research efforts.

Biobanking, Bioethics & the Law

Find paper, “Exploitation and the commercialization of human biological materials.” David Resnik (NIEHS, NIH)

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