posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 01:32 AM
Originally posted by BohemianBrim
I challenge you to explain this link someone posted on a news site talking about the CNN interview:
This same story [1996 Dallas Morning News] also appeared in the comment section at Raw Story today (per the Borger/Paul interview). Here is the
response to that comment (quoting Matthew Long):
"...You speak from ignorance. The Texas Monthly in 2001 wrote this about the newsletters:
In spite of calls from Gary Bledsoe, the president of the Texas State Conference of the NAACP, and other civil rights leaders for an apology for such
obvious racial typecasting, Paul stood his ground. He said only that his remarks about Barbara Jordan related to her stands on affirmative action and
that his written comments about blacks were in the context of "current events and statistical reports of the time." He denied any racist intent. What
made the statements in the publication even more puzzling was that, in four terms as a U. S. congressman and one presidential race, Paul had never
uttered anything remotely like this.
When I ask him why, he pauses for a moment, then says, "I could never say this in the campaign, but those words weren't really written by me. It
wasn't my language at all. Other people help me with my newsletter as I travel around. I think the one on Barbara Jordan was the saddest thing,
because Barbara and I served together and actually she was a delightful lady." Paul says that item ended up there because "we wanted to do something
on affirmative action, and it ended up in the newsletter and became personalized. I never personalize anything." His reasons for keeping this a secret
are harder to understand: "They were never my words, but I had some moral responsibility for them . . . I actually really wanted to try to explain
that it doesn't come from me directly, but they [campaign aides] said that's too confusing. 'It appeared in your letter and your name was on that
letter and therefore you have to live with it.'"
As you can see, long before he ever made his run for president in 2008, Dr. Paul expressed regret that his campaign managers (when he was running for
the House in 1996) didn't allow him to deny writing the content because they believed it would be "too confusing."
I hope this has been helpful!
edit on 22-12-2011 by Habit4ming because: to include cited link
edit on 12-22-2011 by Springer
because: don't resort to childish namecalling, focus on the issues not your fellow members.