posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 05:22 PM
Forgive me if something like this has been discussed before. I tried searching to see if I could find anything, but I couldn't. Even though due to
the subject, I'm sure it's been discussed somewhere, sometime, but damned if I could find where
The point about liberating Iraq. The original premise of the war was of course changed when it became clear that it was unlikely we would find any
WMDs there. Then it became about liberating the Iraqi people, or removing a 'brutal dictator' from power. It seems as though that is thrown around
now as if no one can argue against that.
But can they?
Is it just me, or is that not a cause worth sacrificing American lives for? I understand that Sadaam is bad, and I understand that given the choice,
almost everyone would want him and his regime out of the picture. But it wasn't a simple choice. It was something that took (and is still taking)
American lives to accomplish. Is it worth that? My answer is no.
I think someone said it best, when they were referring to an old Vietnam quote I believe, and applied to the Iraq situation. Why should young
Americans do what young Iraqis should be doing? Why should we have to liberate them? I know some will say that the Iraqi people had no power and
were no match for Sadaam's army, but I don't believe that. If there is enough support for overthrowing a government, people will find a way. Do
you think the world would have given "Americans" much of a chance against the British when we won our Independence? There are countless examples of
that throughout history. Those people may have not had the numbers, or the military might, but they did have heart. And that goes a long way to
fighting for your own freedom (assuming you want that to begin with).
While liberating Iraqis may be a 'noble' cause, it should not be our fight. That excuse should not be thrown out there, as if it is unquestionable.
It should be questioned. I would rather have those Americans back alive, because that is not our fight. It's the Iraqi people's fight.
Are we now going to continue on and liberate all the people of the world? Of course not. So why use that excuse as if THAT is an acceptable reason
to go to war, when the other excuses they have given have been shot down?