posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 02:59 PM
Between 1911 and 1920, the birth and death rates were virtually equal--about forty-eight births and forty-eight deaths per 1,000 population” whereas
in the US the “ideal” annual death rate in the pre-antibiotic era early 1920s was 11 per 1,000 population per year and the birth rate was 27.7
per 1,000 population per year. Using Indian census data 1870-1950, assuming an Indian population of about 200 million in the period 1760-1870, and
estimating by interpolation from available data on Indian avoidable death rate in (deaths per 1,000 of population) of 37 (1757-1920), 35 (1920-1930),
30 (1930-1940) and 24 (1940-1950), one can estimate Indian excess deaths of 592 million (1757-1837), 497 million (1837-1901) and 418 million
(1901-1947), roughly 1.5 billion in total or 1.8 billion including the Native States.
Of course Eurocentric people may quibble about using the “advanced” US pre-antibiotic era 1920s death rate of 11 per 1,000 of population as a
baseline for estimating Indian avoidable mortality (avoidable mortality rate equals observed death rate minus death rate expected for a decently
run society with the same demographics). However Indian Ayurvedic medicine had a huge empirical basis gathered over thousands of years (see J.N. Govil
and V.K. Singh, “Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants”, 2002, a huge multivolume series) and Indian surgical procedures were thousands of years
ahead of pre-Ignaz Semmelweiss (pre-1847) 19th century European practice in terms of sterile practice (Semmelweiss Medallist and famous surgeon
Professor Jeno Polya, “The History of Medical Science”, Budapest, 1944).
1.8 billion avoidable Indian deaths from deprivation under the genocidal British over 2 centuries is not that surprising when one considers that
despite modern medicine, antibiotics, and the essential absence of famine avoidable deaths from deprivation in the period 1950-2005 in India and South
Asia totaled 0.35 billion and 0.47 billion, respectively
If we go by an average of 6-10 Million deaths per year, through Christian war, genocide, and starvation of Indian people, then the figure of
1.5Billion is EASY understandable. If an estimated 60-80Million people died, during world war 2 which was over a period of 6years. Which means a
death toll of around 10-12million a year, had the war carried on for another 100years, then we can QUITE EASILY see how the British Christians
slaughtered, starved, plundered some 1.5-1.8Billion Indians
The reason why India remain a commonwealth state, is because of this deceit. The politcal state of India was created by the west, and NOW Indian are
realising the truth. Imagine germany invading israel, plundering it, looting it, and then rebuilding it in their german image, with german schools,
german link lang, german history, german ideology, and a german party created to delude the jewish people called israel congress, now some jews might
think the german invasion was a good thing, But the VAST majority know the truth, and now Indians KNOW the deception of the British, the Ghandi
family, Sonia Ghandi, the Chrisitan english education system which was Imposed....... Now the british empire didnt end, they morphed their ideology
into government and the education system an act DONE on purpose to MISEDUCATE indians.
But lies dont stay forever, and now and has been for the past 30years, a MOVEMENT which will not end, untill EVERY legacy of British rule is
erased.....Indians KNOW that the british wanted India to be duplicate soceity which takes direction from the west. But we are not Africa, or North or
south america, or australia, we are the oldest longest empire the world has ever known. And the deceit of 360years of BRITISH CHRISTIAN rule in
Dharmic India is now SHINING, and almost everyone NOW knows, that the british empire was not that great.....
.and within the next 15years, as Indian wealth returns, HISTORY will show how BRUTAL and VENGEFULL the BRITISH CHRISTIAN TALIBAN WHERE..At the moment
the British Imposed a CHRISTIAN TALIBAN esque education system in place, to Hide, to erase, to teach Indians of an ALTERNATE history which puts the
British empire in good lightBut now facts, figures, genetics, are aiding the Indians in their quest for truth, and one can see Why the British
reinvested so much of the stolen Indian wealth into creating CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SCHOOLS, and a creating FALSE DOCTORED INDIAN was
simply to EDUCATE out the truth, with MISEDUCATION on the past.Today Some Indian will say the british empire was a GREAT THING, because they have been
schooled in a chrisitan camp school, but now the TIDE is in favour of truth, as MANY Indian know REALISE how they have been DUPED....mohan singh
should be SENT TO JAIL..
Just to let those PRO english imperialist know that in india the PRO WESTERN PARTY is called CONGRESS. A party paid, created and funded by the WEST
during British empire...also now sliding into oblivion.