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CEO and Director of the Center for Biosecurity of UPMC Admits to the Manufacturing of Flu Viruses

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posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 02:44 AM
I searched ATS and while there are other threads on this subject I did not find any that had this in it and I felt it deserved a thread of it's own. I am sure there are probably threads here that show proof of the manufacturing of Flu Viruses too but I have never seen one with sources with the credentials this guy has who at :52 admits to the manufacturing of flu viruses in plural terms. It is not just that he admits they are manufacturing flu viruses but what I find concerning is he says it in such a nonchalant way I get the feeling he knows most flu viruses are created this way. Really makes me wonder how many viruses are natural and how many have been created now.���

Sorry I can't figure out how to get this to post so I am trying it a few ways, the bottom one is without the http part of the link. If anyone can share how I may be able to get the link to work or can post it in a way that it works I would be thankful.
edit on 21-12-2011 by EndGovtCorruption because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 02:51 AM
pfft this is not news to me.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by aBlueRAY

I am guessing by your response you didn't read the thread. I said it's not news to anyone, just that I don't think I have seen someone with the credentials he has admit it. You do realize the difference of claiming it's news and and not claiming it's news right? Thank's for the troll post anyways

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 03:14 AM
Seems to me that this story was created for spreading fear. It was on a msm. Lol the government controls msm. But they let it slip that this guy created this killer virus. Lol i gotta laugh at people who think all these viruses and # are not manmade. I doubt oure species would have made it all the way to our present state if there was a constant battle going on with viruses. Government is making us sick and weak.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by CharonIncarnate

I agree. I don't even think it's logical to think in terms these viruses are not created. Life started as a single cell organism and has progressed to this point. Hominids have been around for millions of years. I find it highly unlikely that we would evolve over time carrying the best features of Hominids with us, discarding what was not needed or useful, even whole lines of evolution and would not have developed better immunities to a lot of ailments we have unless they are being manufactured to get around those immunities. At the current rate of newly discovered human viruses in the last century it would equate out to billions of strains of viruses since hominids evolved and there would be more proof of the viruses and the deaths and sicknesses caused by them in the archeological record and there is not

As for the story it has been around awhile, while it may have been created for spreading fear on MSM it is still true none the less.
edit on 21-12-2011 by EndGovtCorruption because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by EndGovtCorruption

Yup. Im glad so many people are waking up to the power of fear. And what it has been doing to humans. I recall before my last day of the military, the flu vaccine just came out. They told me i had to get it before i left. Looking back i thought it was funny that the military was so excited to spend money on a vaccine for a troop they werent responsible for anymore, and had no use for.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by EndGovtCorruption

Released earlier today on msm in Australia...

US silences scientists over man-made super flu that could "change world history".

THE US government paid scientists to figure out how the deadly bird flu virus could mutate to become a bigger threat to humans, then demanded virologists researching their work don't release full details of their success.

No surprise here.

They admit the research had lots of potential to help the public, but feared it might also be hijacked by would-be bioterrorists.

... "would-be bioterrorists"... one can draw their own conclusions with that statement - sounds like it could be code for the "global elite".

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 08:15 AM
The site of Origin of the 1918 flu pandemic

if history repeats itself then the next pandemic will come from the military like the last one did. started in military bases and camps, then spread to cities, then Europe. to me, this means the military killed 20 million people in an experiment.

"By 1918 Oswald Avery and others at Rockefeller Institute had already produced both an effective curative serum and a vaccine for the most common pneumococcal pneumonias."

Rockefeller was already deep into research with the flu virus. What better way to spread your laboratory monster then through vaccines to soldiers, who would then unknowingly infect civilians. This planet is so corrupt sometimes I think there is no helping us. We could build the heavens but we create hell.
edit on 21-12-2011 by nrd101 because: added quoted text

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by EndGovtCorruption

I don't even think it's logical to think in terms these viruses are not created. Life started as a single cell organism and has progressed to this point. Hominids have been around for millions of years. I find it highly unlikely that we would evolve over time carrying the best features of Hominids with us, discarding what was not needed or useful, even whole lines of evolution and would not have developed better immunities to a lot of ailments we have unless they are being manufactured to get around those immunities. At the current rate of newly discovered human viruses in the last century it would equate out to billions of strains of viruses since hominids evolved and there would be more proof of the viruses and the deaths and sicknesses caused by them in the archeological record and there is not

There is no doubt that military efforts to create bioweapons have mucked up our biological world as badly as industrial activities. But you need a quick primer on viruses and other microbes.

As complex organisms, humans are an ancient collection of ancient viruses and microbes - composed of groups of microbes and viruses that got together millions of years ago, learned to work cooperatively and created what are sometimes called "supra-organisms." …..As 'complex organisms,' we are simply a collection of ancient viruses and microbes that make up our DNA, and live in and on our bodies.

Our bodies - and the bugs that make up our bodies - communicate constantly with each other and with the environment, most commonly by protein-protein interactions. Changes and perturbations in the environment affect these communications, the existent 'balance' that makes us what we are - and affect us in ways we are only beginning to understand.

But we do know that creating new viruses and other microbes, and contaminating the environment, definitely muck up the ancient cooperative relationships that 'are us' - accelerate our ongoing evolution, and change humans' evolutionary directions to accommodate the new environmental influences.

The human microbiome is the entire complement of microorganisms that exists in and on every human body. ….rapid advances in human microbiome research involve collecting large amounts of data on microorganisms that exist in symbiotic relationships with the human body. ….

Human Microbiome Project

At birth, your body was 100-percent human in terms of cells. At death, about 10 percent of the cells in your body will be human and the remaining 90 percent will be micro-organisms. That makes you a "supra-organism", and it is the interactions between your human and microbial cells that go a long way towards determining your health and physical well-being, especially your resistance to infectious diseases.

….a microbiome is the full complement of micro-organisms populating a supra-organism. The goal of the HMP is to sequence the genomes of 1000 or more of these microbial species and assemble the information in a "project catalogue" as a reference for future investigations.

….even with the availability of technology to explore the microbial world in depth, to date, only a fraction of the human bacterial microbiota has been genetically identified and characterized. As of late 2009, approximately 1,100 published complete bacterial genomes had been identified with 6,000 more under review.13 Nevertheless there are still huge gaps in our understanding of how the microbiota contributes to human health and disease.

Viruses (the virome) and phages are also key components of the microbiota. Like bacteria, many of these microbes have yet to be fully characterized by high-throughput genome sequencing. However, molecular analysis has revealed that nearly all humans acquire multiple viruses, usually within the first years of life, viruses that generally remain with them throughout life. Polyomaviruses infect between 72% and 98% of humans, surviving in the kid- ney, lung, and skin.14 Similarly, human herpes viruses are extremely persistent.

Anelioviruses, as well as adeno- associated virus are now recognized to infect most humans by the end of childhood. The role of these viruses is unknown, but a significant number of people who harbor them become symptomatic later in life, suggesting that they may be capable of virulence under conditions of immune dysfunction. According to Herbert Virgin of Washington University, "We carry, for good or for ill, many lifelong [viral] passengers."14

The Human Body as Supra-Organism

Also see: Who Owns Your Poop? …Designing Bioweapons to Target Specific Populations

edit on 22/12/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by soficrow

Actually I did know that, thank you for posting it. I could not find the one link I wanted to post to this topic I read many years ago that the Human Genome is actually about 20% comprised of insect and microbial naturally occurring genetic engineering, which I think would only further prove the points I made.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by EndGovtCorruption

......the Human Genome is actually about 20% comprised of insect and microbial naturally occurring genetic engineering, which I think would only further prove the points I made.

I don't see how - can you explain please? ...Since the completion of the Human Genome Project, it's become very clear that epigenetics, NOT genetics, explains most individual difference. (So tinkering with genes does little in the larger scheme of complex organisms except maybe kill the experimental 'model'.)

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 04:12 PM
Why doesn't the Vatican declare research into this deadly field a threat against humanity?

The Flu Vaccine is 100% worthless as vaccine makers have absolutely no clue on what strain of the flu will exist next year. They blindly make a vaccine every year that is 100% ineffective against the strain of flu that occurs. It constantly mutates every single year.

The Chemical Weapons Convention mandates all countries share research into this field. But they aren't.

Some countries have plans to use it as weapons. Supposedly the Korean War saw it's use as claimed by North Korea and the bugs they found laying in the snow from US canisters dropped over them. They've got the canisters on display in a museum.

There was a Federal Court case from a lady who worked at one of the big Pharma research facilities in the United States a couple years ago. She claimed a disability over the viral strain she was exposed to. During the Federal Case it was revealed that when things go wrong, they VENT into the atmosphere in America whatever they are working on to try and save the people working at the facility.

Hope you don't live where they are doing this research. I bet the homes around those facilities get bought and resold quite quickly as the residents die from getting exposed to some highly DEADLY stuff.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by soficrow

I was incorrect in stating that insects comprised a part of the Human Genome. I searched for the original article which I read on Discovery Live Science about 15 years ago but could not find it. I did find this article which appears to be based off that article. After reading this article some of the original article came back to me and what it had stated was that retro viruses transferred by insect bites now comprise around 10% of the Human Genome although this article leaves out the part of about the transferring of viruses by insect. on-year-virus/

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by EndGovtCorruption

Interesting. Thanks.
....My research says we are supra-organisms - basically a collection of viruses and microbes that learned to work cooperatively and make every species who/what they are. It's also fairly apparent that this "integration" process continues, as does evolution. We are all one, and the mechanisms exist to maintain that status. Interesting idea, imho. Here's something I just bumped into today that kind of adds to your perspective, but a bit misrepresented by the writer/reporter.

Beware of viruses living inside human body

There are thousand of viruses that exist in the genes of every human which are mostly defective but some of them could trigger infections including schizophrenia, breast cancer, haemophilia, rheumatic disorders, multiple sclerosis, type I diabetes and even AIDS.

....called human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs)......

Most of them were early traces of original viruses, having first integrated millions of years ago.

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