Abezethibou Abez, Abasdarhon, Beelzeboul, Baalzebub,
Beelzebub, Beelzebub, Beelzebuth. Lord of the
Flies. Foe of Emmanuel. Prince Prime Minister
of Infernal Spirits; Ruler of demons. The name
Beelzeboul was once that of the Ekronite oracle
god. Cone winged. Imprisoned in a cave beneath
the Red Sea. Last of the fallen angels. Leads
people astray. July. Pride, African Spirits.
5th hour of the night. He rules 6 chiefs and 6
Agares Agaures, Amaymon, Barmiel, Carnifiel, Daresiel,
Dardariel, Tamiel, "King of the East." Grand
Duke of Eastern Hell. Form of a sage riding a
crocodile & carrying a hawk. Stops movement &
causes Earthquakes. Teaches languages, makes
spirits dance & Routs enemies. Commands 31
Legions. Rules 6 chiefs and 6 subalterns. Rules
87 demons under Samael. 11th hour of the night.
As Tamiel, he was one of the leaders of the 200
Angels who swore allegience to Samiaza and
rebelled against God.
Aini Aym, Haborym, Nacoriel, Aniguel. The Demon of
Holocausts. Grand Duke, 3 headed (snake/man/cat),
rides a viper bearing a torch. Starts fires &
teaches cleverness. 9th hour of the night.
Commands 26 Legions. Rules 6 chiefs and 6
Alocer Amers, Allocen, Allocer, Alocer, Alloien, Oriel.
Grand Duke. Horned Horseman w/lion's head, rides
a dragon-footed horse. Teaches the secrets of
heaven and the Liberal Arts. 10th hour of the
day. He rules 10 cohorts or choirs. Comands 36
Legions. Grants Familiars. As Amers, he was one
of the leaders of the 200 Angels who swore
allegience to Samiaza and rebelled against God.
Amduscias Samil, Yomael. Grand Duke. Unicorn or Unicorn-
headed Human. Gives invisible consorts. 6th
hour of the day. Rules 10 chiefs and 100
Subalterns. Commands 29 Legions. Makes music.
As Yomael, he was one of the leaders of the 200
Angels who swore allegience to Samiaza and
rebelled against God.
Amon Amane, Aman, Pamon, Aamon, Paymon, Paimon,
Mendrion, Monasiel, Parmersiel, Caspiel. "King of
the South," Marquis of Hell. Powerful, right
under Satan. A robust wolf-headed demon
w/serpent's tail or owl headed man, riding a
camel; accompanied by a court. Loud Voice.
Grant any honor. Grants familiars. Domination.
Flame breath, knows past & future. A Possessing
demon. Commands 40 Legions. Rules 6 chiefs and
6 subalterns. Rules 87 demons under Samael. 7th
hour of the night. As Amane, he was one of the
leaders of the 200 Angels who swore allegience to
Samiaza and rebelled against God.
Asmodeus Zavehe, Syrach, Sydonay, Ashmedai, Asmoday,
Asima, Areex. "King of Demons," Sarindiel,
Charmeas. Foe of Raphael. King. 3 headed
(Ram/Bull/Man). HoLesser Dem.s a spear & rides a dragon.
He has many powers. Madness and lust; makes
virgins ugly, troubles brides and grooms, but
makes marital happiness; teaches invisibility &
shapechange; Guardian of hiDemi-Dem.en things. Creature
of Judgement. Luxury. Most Potent on Saturday &
Wednesday. 12th hour of the night. Rules 6
chiefs and 6 subalterns. Rules 87 demons under
Samael. As Zavehe, he was one of the leaders of
the 200 Angels who swore allegience to Samiaza
and rebelled against God.
Astaroth Aseroth. Ataroth, Malgaras, Amenodiel, Demoriel,
Corson, Azael, Azazel, Anael, Anizel, Arniniel,
Anarazel. "King of the West," Grand Duke of
Western Hell. Treasurer of Hell. Black Man.
Ugly Angel, rides a dragon & hoLesser Dem. a viper. Knows
past & Future. Wife is Astarte. Wednesday.
August. 2nd hour of the day. Subverts by Vanity
& Laziness. Can teach any science. Rules demons
of Americas. Rules 87 demons under Samael. He
rules 10 chiefs and 100 Subalterns. As Azael, he
was a leader of the "Sons of God who weDemi-Dem.ed the
daughters of men." One of the leaders of the 200
Angels who swore allegience to Samiaza and
rebelled against God. Bore the sins of the
people to the Devil
Barginiel Barbatos, Barbas, Marbas, Brumiel, Lerajie. Grand
Duke. Dressed as a hunter. Wears green, quiver
& bow, which causes wounds that are hard to heal.
Invariably escorted by troops & kings. Finds
treaures, knows past & future, Brings people
together. Commands 30 Legions. He rules 10
chiefs and 100 Subalterns. Rules 87 demons under
Samael. Appears best during month of Sagitarius.
7th hour of the day.
Berith Bofi, Bolfry, Beratiel, Batraal, Beleth, Byleth,
Bileth. Grand Duke. SoLesser Dem.ier wearing a goLesser Dem. crown
& red uniform, rides red horse. Accompanied by
orchestra; has very bad temper; grants love
spells. He is very powerful & not trustworthy.
12th hour of the day. He rules 12 orders, both
greater and lesser. As Batraal, he was one of
the leaders of the 200 Angels who swore
allegience to Samiaza and rebelled against God.
Caym Caim, Gamiel, Danel. President. Grand Master of
Hell. Elegant man with head and wings of a
blackbird or thrush, peacock's tail & tuft.
Bears a tapered saber & talks to animals. Knows
the future. Answers appear in flaming coals.
Rules 6 chiefs and 6 subalterns. 1st hour of the
night. As Danel, he was one of the leaders of
the 200 Angels who swore allegience to Samiaza
and rebelled against God.
Decarbia Nestoriel, Narcoriel. Marquis. In form of a star
in a pentagram. Grants familiars & bestows
magical knowledge. 8th hour of the night. Rules
87 demons under Samael. Rules 6 chiefs and 6
Eligor Ertrael, Jefischa. Grand Duke. A military
spirit. Knight in full accoutrements. Returns
lost things, grants love & teaches military
knowledge. 4th hour of the night. Rules 6
chiefs and 6 subalterns As Ertrael, he was one
of the leaders of the 200 Angels who swore
allegience to Samiaza and rebelled against God.
Fleuretty Fleurity, Vadriel. Lt. General of the Legions of
Hell. He can perform any task by night. 9th
hour of the day. Rules 10 chiefs and 100
Furfur Farris, Faraji. Earl. Count of Hell. An angel or
winged stag w/ human arms & a flame tail.
Controls storms. Commands 26 Legions. Rules 6
chiefs and 6 subalterns. 2nd hour of the night.
He lies unles trapped in magical triangle.
Bestows marital love.
Gaap Gaap, Tap, Zaazonash, Zazel. Prince and
President. Appears as a human, accompanied by
four kings. Teaches magical lore, grants
familiars and teleports. 6th hour of the night.
Rules 6 chiefs and 6 subalterns. As Zazel, he
was one of the leaders of the 200 Angels who
swore allegience to Samiaza and rebelled against
Geryon Urakabarameel, Pirsoyn, Gusayn, Gusion, Guseyn,
Gusoyn, Osgarbial. Grand Duke. Blows a horn.
Grants positions of power & honor. 8th hour of
the day. Rules "many chiefs and subs." As
Urakabarameel, he was one of the leaders of the
200 Angels who swore allegience to Samiaza and
rebelled against God. (N.b. the name Geryon is
Greek, referring to a three bodied, winged
monster killed by Hercules.)
Mephistopheles Lucifuge Rofocale, Merosijn,
Mastiphal, Jusguarin, Akikel. Prime Minister of
Hell. 10th hour of the night. Rules 6 chiefs and
6 subalterns. Rules 87 demons under Samael. As
Akikel, he was one of the leaders of the 200
Angels who swore allegience to Samiaza and
rebelled against God.
Rahab Ramuel, Vachmiel. "Dragon of Darkness," "Dragon
of the Moon" 4th hour of the day. Rules 10
chiefs and 100 Subalterns. As Ramuel, it was one of
the leaders of the 200 Angels who swore
allegience to Samiaza and rebelled against God.
Samael/Sammael (May not exist but as a metaphor). Samiaza,
Uriel, Satan, "The Adversary," Lucifer "Light
Bearer," Salamiel, Diabolus, Melek Taus,"The
Devil," Apolloyon, Aminadar, Abbadon. The
Destroyer. Leader of Demon Locusts from
Revelations; Angel of the Bottomless Pit, "The
Angel of Poison," "The Angel of Death.""Emperor"
of Hell, Eblis, Iblis, Shaitan. Rules 1st Hour
of the day. He has 444 serving spirits. He has 4
wives. As Lucifer, he appears as a young boy.
Monday. March & May. Rules spirits of Europe and
America. As Samiaza, he was chief of the Fallen
Angels in rebellion to God.
Satanachia Put Satanachia, "The Supreme,"
Sarakmyal, Sarquamich, Charpon, Kasdeya, Grand
General, Commander in Chief. Commands
the 1st Legion of Hell, "The Great Legion."
Rules 6 chiefs (4 favorites) and 6 subalterns.
Rules 87 demons under Samael (44 favorites).
Makes women submissive. 3rd hour of the night.
As Kasdeya, he was the "5th Satan" who taught men
the secrets of destruction. As Sarakmyal, he was
one of the leaders of the 200 Angels who swore
allegience to Samiaza and rebelled against God.
Scox Shax, Chax, Samsavael, Sazquiel. Marquis, Grand
Duke of Hell. Bird. Deceitfull, steals money;
causes deafness, dumbness, blindness. 5th hour
of the day. Rules 10 chiefs and 100 Subalterns.
As Samsavael, he was one of the leaders of the
200 Angels who swore allegience to Samiaza and
rebelled against God.
Leviathan Lotan. Seven headed dragon that inhabits the
Abyss. Sometimes used to respresent aspects of the
mythical Samael/Lilith Duality. February is
alleged to be sacred to him.
Turel Bariel, Belial, Behemoth, Beliar, Rasiel,
Ziminar. "The Beast," "Without a master." "King
of the North." Grand Duke of Hell. One of the
leaders of the 200 Angels who swore allegience to
Samiaza and rebelled against God. The most
viscious demon, a true leader of the forces of
Evil, a great deceiver & expects sacrifices. A
beautiful angel who rides a flaming chariot. 3
headed Toad/Man/Cat, Harsh voice, good fighter.
Commands 66 Legions. He rules 10 cohorts or
choirs. 11th hour of the day. Grants cunning
and invisibility. October Arrogance
Vinc Veguaniel, Leontophoron. "Foe of Emmanuel."
Appears as a lion or other monster. Can tell
true names of other sorcerers & witches. Causes
destruction. 3rd hour of the day. Rules 20
chiefs & 200 subalterns. "Ruler of Legions."