posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 11:18 AM
The main problem is this is no debt, it's not real its all fabricated because we have nothing to back it up. It's just numbers on a piece of paper
or in a computer.
This is why we send companies to China, that is how we repay the debt. We do the same thing to many countries, we loan them absurd amounts of money
and then we say time to pay and they can't so we say OK we'll now we will build a military base in your country and then you will supply us with
your best commodity (oil, grains, textiles, whatever you get the pt) at a discounted price.
The only difference is China doesn't have a military base here as far as we know.
Analogy, if you owe a bookie money and can't pay what happens? He hurts you in some fashion, but you still owe the money.