posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by soficrow
All the negative corporate practices you list are not being overlooked or minimised, and i'm sure the practices you mention do not stand particularly
favourably when looked at under a spotlight.
However, unless a poultry / farming corporation is actively and deliberately cooking up deadly human to human, airborne viruses, specifically
genetically engineered strains of Avian Influenza H5N1, that are MORE easily transmitted to people through human to human via air, as opposed from
Bird to human by direct contact with an infected bird, it's fairly moot that big business are a selfish bunch of profiteering slimebags.
I don't focus praise on anyone who would strive to create a version of a deadly virus that is more easily able to infect and kill potentially huge
numbers of people, regardless of their motives, and especially when they store those virus in unsecured, relatively easily accessible locations, and
then broadcast "Hey, we've managed to turn a bird to human deadly virus into a human to human deadly virus,,,and by the way, it's downstairs in the
bloody freezer if you're interested!
It's like telling the world you have anthrax spores stored in a shoe box under your bed.
TELL the world about others engineering it, fine...but don't engineer the thing to be even more deadly and easily spreadable and then tell the world
how and where to steal it or how to make it themselves!
These guys are not the paragons of virtue you seem to think they are, and neither are the others doing the same thing around the world.