posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 08:41 PM
Well I have a belief about the beings you guys call Aliens and it goes as Follows. If they show themselves, then they are Angels, which means Fallen,
or those who turned away in rebellion against YaHWeH and followed Hillel or Mary (Who calls herself the Queen of Heaven).
But there are another bunch of beings that you don't see because they are obedient to the rules laid out by Father YaHWeH from the beginning, they
are known as Malakim (Messengers) and these are the ones people think of as Angels, except they do their jobs without being seen. The Malakim do not
plot to destroy mankind as do the Angels and they live by the 613 Laws of YaHWeH.
So I think about the best way to prove this is simply to ask them, those you would be able to see:
"Do you keep the Laws of YaHWeH?"
This is the easiest way to know if they are friend or foe, if they say "yes", then you should be able to ask them for a ride to the next Sabbath
Service, but if they say "NO" then I would ask them
"Is Hillel the mother of God, the mother of YaHshua, or the ex-wife of YaHWeH?"
Only one of the 3 answers is true, but I suspect you'd hear something like "the mother of Jesus, who is God, and who is this YaHWeH you speak
Moshe said "I call heaven and earth as Witness's this Day, See I have set before you Life and blessings, and Death and curses, So choose Life, so
that you and your Children may Live in the Land YaHWeH has promised you."
Now Moshe was not referring to inanimate objects, he was speaking about the innumerable masses of beings that are all around us and throughout the
So if they were able to fly back then and were watching at that time, why does mankind choose to call them aliens? I'd say considering YaHWeH
called them to witness his plan that they are no more alien than you or I.
But why is it so hard to believe there is life out there?
And I believe I answered one of the first poster's questions as to "how can they just sit and watch?" or something like that, well the ones who
are just watching, without intervening are doing their job, which is to witness what happens when the Laws of YaHWeH are taken away from mankind and
the end it shall bring. The ones who show themselves and give out deadly knowledge like the splitting of atoms and chemtrail technology are not
witness's but trespassers who have bet their lives that Hillel (Mary, not to be mistaken with Myriam, the Mother of YaHshua Messiah) will be able to
destroy mankind and show YaHWeH cannot protect his PLAN.
So if you find yourself in a position to ask one of them something, I'd be very careful what you say, because either you are dealing with someone
who's either got a message to give you, in which case you should be listening instead of probing, or you are dealing with someone who's plan it is
to destroy you, in which case they would not hesitate to lie, cheat, steal, or kill.
I personally think this whole idea is absurd as this place is full of UFO and alien believers, yet hardly anyone here has a clue what is going on,
if you did you wouldn't wonder what they are doing here, you would know.
And if you want to know what the deal is, you don't have much time to find out, but there is a man whom the prophets of the Holy Inspired
Scriptures told you to look for in These Last Days, a Man we call The Branch, The 7th Trumpeter, YaHWeH's Faithful Witness, the last days
witness. He is the one who has the knowledge you need to know, all this talk about Aliens is worthless, just like NASA and the POPE.
You can find more knowledge and wisdom at this site dubya dubya dubya dot yahweh dot com than in all the churches, colleges, and alternative news
sites combined because he gets his words straight from the one who made YOU! All you have to do is open up your bible, turn on a sermon and have your
mind blown forever. Once you've gotten rid of all the lies this world has fed us, and filled your mind with True Wisdom from the one Sent. Then
you will know what to say when you meet those beings. But narrow is the path, and few men there are that find it.
The work of YaHWeH is to believe into the one Sent! ? Know who said that ?