posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 01:33 PM
Despite what the media has lead you to believe, when the AWB sunsets you cannot purchase machine guns (as cool as that would be). All this AK47 and
Uzi talk has been a ploy to incite fear the general public because they autmatically assume those guns are all fully automatic weapons that "we
don't need/want those on our streets! will kill children and cute animals! etc!"
Anyway, non-LEOs can purchase newly manufactured high capacity magazines and rifles with previously banned features, such as bayo lugs, collapsible
stocks, and threaded barrels. I also beileve that it removes the ban on importing assault weapons, but I'm not too clear on that part on the law.
[edit on 9/8/04 by para] - for clarification about AKs and Uzis
[edit on 9/8/04 by para]