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To any police who read this

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posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 02:36 AM
Its not as simple as that, I wish it were but the elite pull the strings behind the curtain and we simple have no affect no matter who runs for office and tries to change what law. Speak out and be ignored, start to gain an audience and attention your assassinated, great world we live In.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by M1FST91

Fair play to you for testifying against them.

I guess you can count yourself one of the actual good cops. I always say I have no time for any cop, unless they actively seek to end the corruption in the force. You are in the VAST minority unfortunatly. And whilst I agree with most, that if all the good cops left, we really would be in the s#. I've also got a deep ingrained hatred for all law enforcers. For ANYONE who believes that they actually have authority over another man. ( let's just say I have issues with authority, massive issues) And especially those who abuse their power, and happily use violence becasue some little book tells them that they can. Most cops don't even know the difference between right and wrong, they think that because their handbook, written by megalomaniacs in legalise, says that they can shoot to kill if someone steals a twinkie, then it must be the right thing to do. The police are made to follow orders, not to think.

It's more what the police stand for today, that makes me so angry. They are not for the people, they do everything against humanity they possibly can. And even when they beat someone to death, the legal system protects them and their ilk. The police are now an arm of goverment oppression, a tool to belittle and intimidate the working masses. I can never respect that, and I will never respect that. I could never trust a police officer, that's been standard practice for as long as I've known. If one comes over to me, I leave as soon as possible, if I find out I'm drinking in the pub near one, I leave. I just feel sick near them and their "we're better than you" attitude which most cops have.
edit on 20/12/2011 by Acidtastic because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by AG123

I'll admit, I am not to familiar with your laws. Over here it is a fine line between personal freedoms (rights) and the rights of others. It is great to have all these so called rights but at some point they begin to affect others usually negatively and that's where the cops get the bad rap. Protecting one person's rights or perceived rights could limit someone else's then the cop is the bad guy. But better safe than sorry. Also alot of things (ie: pot/drugs) are illegal, so even if someone thinks it's a stupid law because it's harmless or whatever the reason, the law still has to be obeyed. If you want to do it anyway, then don't hate the cops because they are doing their job. This is an extreme example but most serial killers don't think what they do is wrong, or pedophiles whatever, but that doesn't mean they can do it. Same goes with lesser crimes, right?

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by timetothink
reply to post by Badkro

The thread is about cops and you are equating bad cops with the conviction of the are blaming cops for the conviction of "innocent" people. Cops do not convict anyone. Juries convict, crazy activist judges sentence, at least here in USA.

I'm not doing anything except pointing out that you are totally wrong with this statement.

Originally posted by timetothink
Be aware of the laws, don't break them and you won't get raped in jail.

I posted a link to a study.

Other problems included negligence by criminal justice officials, coerced confessions, "frame ups" by guilty parties, and general overzealousness by officers and prosecutors.

A person can be convicted on the lies of an officer.
To sum it up for you, people that do not break laws still get put in prison.
Oh ya, thanks for the math lesson. 5+5=10

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 06:43 AM
I personally believe that the more police you put onto the streets, the more violence/drugs/crime will also rise. I think it's a subconscious reaction in people that, if they are constantly being baby-sat and monitored and told what to do and what not to do, then they react by rebelling. Look at schools, the nicer a teacher is to you, and the more "in" they are, the better the pupils react to them, but if you get a d*ckhead of a teacher, then the more unruly people start to act unruly.

Just look at Britain, the country with the most CCTV and general police presence. Only 5 or 6 years ago, the "neds and chavs" started to erupt in high waves, neglecting the law and taking it out on other civilians. Fast forward to today, and you can barely walk the streets at night without at least being verbally abused in some way. Heck, I don't remember the last time i left the house WITHOUT having some sort of homophobic abuse thrown at me. Luckily for me, if it turns into fisticuffs, I tend to do the psychotic act, where i start screaming weird things and punching myself in the face whilst laughing, it tends to work on the supposed "tough guys." Then the police get involved, and it;s a whole different ballgame, myself and the people in the fights/verbal bashing end up screaming at the police, about how we should have the right to argue and sort our differences out without some supernanny in a uniform coming to get involved.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Badkro

You are spending way to much energy on my sarcastic remark...maybe they should do a study about people who believe studies because they promote their viewpoint. Like all the global warming "studies" which were found to be false. A study doesn't mean squat in the real world. Usually people get arrested because they are hanging with people who are criminals themselves. Very rare for a law abiding citizen who was never in trouble to convicted of something just for the heck of it. Get a grip. Do you really think no one should ever be arrested because an innocent one might get scooped up in it? Let's just have anarchy, let all criminals run loose, hide your children and fend for yourself....that makes sense.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by timetothink
reply to post by Badkro

Usually people get arrested because they are hanging with people who are criminals themselves.

Thats called a police station.

It is better to remain silent and appear to be ignorant, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Badkro

Or to open your mouth and prove your are an asshole.

I apologize to the rest of you in this post....I hate when I let cop haters get me so upset i stoop to their level. Done with this post, hope all you haters get your just rewards.

edit on 20-12-2011 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by timetothink
reply to post by Badkro

Or to open your mouth and prove your are an asshole.

I apologize to the rest of you in this post....I hate when I let cop haters get me so upset i stoop to their level. Done with this post, hope all you haters get your just rewards.

edit on 20-12-2011 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

Maybe English isn't your first language because you have not understood a word I have written.
Tell me where I wrote in any of my posts that I hate cops. What level are you talking about stooping to and
what kind of reward are you talking about?

All I did was point out that you were wrong, thats it.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by petrus4
The institution of the police, on a global level, no longer serves that purpose, and it must be disbanded immediately.

Got any bright ideas on what should take it's place?

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by jerico65

Originally posted by petrus4
The institution of the police, on a global level, no longer serves that purpose, and it must be disbanded immediately.

Got any bright ideas on what should take it's place?

Ooh, wait for it...they're gonna say something like "personal responsibility" or "street justice" or "mob rule" or maybe something like "everyone should have a gun and then no one would ever, ever commit a crime"... I can feel it in my bones...something really anarcho-libertarian.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:41 PM
Rather than resign I think that those in the police force who believe in "to protect and serve" rather than "to ticket and collect"....or worse (along the lines of out of control bullies in blue) should commit to the public much like OathKeepers in the military and dedicate their service to protecting the public and respecting the Constitution. That involves self policing their own units and not protecting their own when one of them screws up (lying, tampering with evidence, drop guns, etc). In many places the police will tell you that there job is not to protect you but rather to investigate crime after the fact - at least in areas that have eliminated many police services due to lack of funding. The police are increasingly becoming federalized and militarized and while that may be useful in some instances (major riots, etc) it is not the original intent of a public police force. Protect and Serve and do your Duty with Honor.

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