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To any police who read this

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posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 10:46 PM

We, the civilian public, know who and what you truly are, or have become.

You do not exist to serve or protect.

You do not exist to enforce the law in any legitimate or morally defensible sense.

You are nothing other than the means of reinforcement for state fascism. You have destroyed the credibility of the Law, and your credibility to legitimately enforce it. The Law no longer exists as a means of genuinely protecting the wellbeing of the public. It now serves merely as enforcement for corporate interests.

If as police officers, any of you are possessed of conscience, or are in any way remotely human, then on reading this post, you will make a commitment to immediately resign from your current profession. The Internet is currently littered with reports of the most imhuman police violence, now constantly taking place all over the planet.

If you have any honour; if you have any compassion; if you have any memory of the time spent at your mother's breast, you will resign, and seek instead, some form of employment which genuinely furthers the cause of human wellbeing. The institution of the police, on a global level, no longer serves that purpose, and it must be disbanded immediately.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 10:52 PM

if all the police worldwide took your advice it would be chaos worldwide...

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by petrus4

Little biased there aren't you? As there is 99% of us who are not the cream of the crop, I am sure there are 99% of law enforcement officers who are doing the right thing, or wish they were NOT a part of the police state.

I hate to see a group stereotyped in a negative light because of a few hundred rotten eggs.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by CaDreamer
if all the police worldwide took your advice it would be chaos worldwide...

I currently live in a town that is almost entirely self-policing, and peaceful. There are a total of 11 police officers here; they have virtually nothing to do.

The "thin blue line," is a complete lie; and I also virtually never hear anyone other than brainwashed police or military themselves citing it. Civilians don't. We know who the real threat to our safety is.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by petrus4

I could not agree more.

Its like the police have immunity from assault,manslaughter and murder.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by petrus4

Are you kidding? Get the only policemen with a conscience to resign? I think I would like to keep the honest, honourable, principled officers to be there when I need help.
What we really need is these honour bound officers to re-educate the unprincipled or pressure them to resign.
I know police have really misbehaved by beating on our innocent brothers and sisters.
The question remains, what sacrifies have you made to make the world a better place?
Lots of complainers on this site!

edit on 18-12-2011 by brice because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-12-2011 by brice because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by petrus4

Originally posted by CaDreamer
if all the police worldwide took your advice it would be chaos worldwide...

I currently live in a town that is almost entirely self-policing, and peaceful. There are a total of 11 police officers here; they have virtually nothing to do.

The "thin blue line," is a complete lie; and I also virtually never hear anyone other than brainwashed police or military themselves citing it. Civilians don't. We know who the real threat to our safety is.

Ditto where I live too, about 11 cops bored out of their minds in a "we don't need to call the cops to settle our disputes" kind of New Hampshire town.

There was a 21 year old kid found dead in a car about a block away from me couple months ago, but it was a self induced overdose on hard drugs incident, even if we had 1 million laws and 10,000 cops in riot gear on every street corner, the kid still would have died.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 11:26 PM
I live in a major city, if it weren't for police officer's, our neighborhoods would be over run by gang bangers, our city parks would become homes for these gang bangers, the drug dealers would just take home in the school play grounds, pedofiles would just camp out like the 99 percent and occupy the day care centers, in other words, we need the police, get a grip.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 11:45 PM
You know I respect everyone's freedom of speech and how they feel, I have not been here for a long long time but I know on a whole there are some truly good people on this site I have kept jobs out of all talks but I have to speak and voice my feelings. I have been a police officer for many years now I am a father and husband who my world revolves around my love and devotion for my family that being said I treat every victim like they are a friend or family because I truly care about people, most the time I'm told I have to big of a heart for what I do but to do my job and truly protect u have to truly care and be fair and honest and give people hope that life is something to be cherished and nurtured no matter what. I try my best to understand and help everyone I come into contact with even if they are bad I try to let them know there is another way and imo I would rather love than hurt. So I'm sorry for what ever happened to prompt u to feel so much hate for all officers but I ask you to please see that some of us are good people just like you and that it makes my blood boil too to see all the vicious police abusing their power, power given to them to protect the innocent not to pervert the system to hurt and kill cause some jackass Mayor or politician said to piss on that I will fight against those who hurt others in the name of government till my last breathe so please don't judge all of us because when things blow up I wld hope u would want us good officers fighting with you for you and not against u. Well God bless and be safe and everyone have a merry Christmas.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 11:46 PM
Okay, I love the places you guys live where cops are basically paid for their deterrence value. That works very well, I'd say...where it can work at all. Then again, Socialism is a wonderful system (it truly is) in Northern European nations that have small populations and make things come together under that ideology. police across America? Okay.. How exactly would that work for self policing in a place like Miami, Houston, Los Angeles or Detroit? We won't even go into New York...Self Policing would work, but wow...The City would have a distinctly smaller population and the bad guys wouldn't likely be the ones losing numbers.

I'm not sure how each here feels...but I've always found it something just short of comical that past people I've had this debate with are also anti-gun and anti-death penalty. If I need to note how self defeating and contradictory those beliefs are to a self policing concept in a community which isn't like minded and pretty peaceful to begin with....well...I pretty much give up.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by M1FST91

Thank you for you service. I am married to one of the good guys and I don't see how him quitting and us going on welfare helps this country at all. The same people who group all police officers together usually seem to be the ones who say you shouldn't generalize. Would it be right for me to say all union members are mafia, all teachers are socialists or all coaches are pedophiles? This country is made up of individuals, when we lose are self and give in to that kind of thinking, we give ourselves over to dangerous mob mentality. Thank God for all those people out there who risk there lives to protect others.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by M1FST91

Is every member of the Mafia a bad person? No.

Was every member of the Nazi regime a bad person? No.

Is every cop a bad person? No.

Does this mean that we should have any more respect for each of those groups? No.

How many people have you put in prison for "crimes" that have no victim except for (debatably) themselves, such as drug possession? How many of those people subsequently were physically abused or even raped in prison?
Let me help you a bit with some statistics: Roughly 1% of our population is in prison, 2/3rds of which are in there for drug charges, almost two percent of which are estimated to be subjected to the worst possible torture ever: rape.

You wonder why we hate you? ^ There's your answer. Either stand up and speak out against this atrocity, or don't ever come on here again and try to convince us that you are an honorable person and actually care about people.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by hapablab
I live in a major city, if it weren't for police officer's, our neighborhoods would be over run by gang bangers, our city parks would become homes for these gang bangers, the drug dealers would just take home in the school play grounds, pedofiles would just camp out like the 99 percent and occupy the day care centers, in other words, we need the police, get a grip.

LOL that is the BS they'd like you to believe. What would really happen is the citizens would eliminate those problems once and for all. All the police do is perpetuate the problem running them in and out of the system so they can justify thier jobs. If it were not for the police there would be a lot less pedophiles running around I guarantee it!

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 12:43 AM
Thank you, I try my hardest to show love for all people of every color and race and I respect their beliefs even tho they are not my own because its not for me to judge I live by Luke 6:37 Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned. 38 “Give, and it will be given to you. . I am a Christian but I would never and have never look down on anyone. I became an officer after multiple deployments and in that time I learned that our system is severely broken we had no reason to be doing what we were doing so I came home feeling lost and like I didn't deserve to live but I wad blessed with a wife much stronger than myself and she got me thru it. So I decided to do everything humanly possible to make a difference and to my best to help everyone I come into contact with. I just hope that everyone who thinks all police are the same truly takes the time to get to know me before you judge me as guilty without even trying. Thanks again.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 01:06 AM
Police have the duty to enforce the laws. If you don't like the laws work to change them. Don't blame the police because drugs are illegal. Don't blame the police because their are bad people in jail. Be aware of the laws, don't break them and you won't get raped in jail.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by petrus4

I currently live in a town that is almost entirely self-policing, and peaceful. There are a total of 11 police officers here; they have virtually nothing to do. The "thin blue line," is a complete lie; and I also virtually never hear anyone other than brainwashed police or military themselves citing it. Civilians don't. We know who the real threat to our safety is.

How nice for you. I happen to live in a city that's been deemed by the FBI to be the #7 most dangerous city in the U.S. Just last week we surpassed our previous record of homicides for one year. If all of our police resigned, it would be a chaotic disaster. I'm sorry you are so bitter about police, but not everyone has had unpleasant experiences with law enforcement. I've had plenty of positive experiences with my police department, and they have apprehended some very dangerous people through great investigative work.

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly some will jump on the anti-police bandwagon because a handful of cops abuse their authority and it makes the news. Do you know how many police officers there are in America, Petrus? I'm wondering if you even have a clue. I'm not even gonna give you a hint because if you are so full of disdain for police to post a thread proclaiming they all should resign, then I'm guessing you have yet to do a comparison of how many negative incidents are reported in the media compared to the number of cops employed in this country.

There are bad cops out there....there are corrupt departments.....but if you think this country is ready to disband our law enforcement agencies and police ourselves, then you have a dangerous amount of trust in the population of America. We have too many assholes at large to do that now.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by hawkiye

LOL that is the BS they'd like you to believe. What would really happen is the citizens would eliminate those problems once and for all. All the police do is perpetuate the problem running them in and out of the system so they can justify thier jobs. If it were not for the police there would be a lot less pedophiles running around I guarantee it!

Oh, yeah, let's adapt the angry mob mentality and string-em up! YEE HAW! Back to the western days! While we're at it, let's just shut down the courts and let all the prisoners in jail and in the penitentiaries go, including the serial killers and the pedophiles who've kidnapped and murdered our kids! No problemo! The angry mobs will kill them once they find them walking free in the public! REVENGE...REVENGE.....REVENGE!!!!!!!!

You know....what the hell.....why don't we just start up the old GLADIATOR fights like in Roman times, too....and bring back the guillotines! There's nothing like taking the family to see a criminal's head get chopped off. If we're lucky, maybe the head might roll off the platform and land near us so we can see it up close!

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by hawkiye

LOL that is the BS they'd like you to believe. What would really happen is the citizens would eliminate those problems once and for all. All the police do is perpetuate the problem running them in and out of the system so they can justify thier jobs. If it were not for the police there would be a lot less pedophiles running around I guarantee it!

The citizens would "eliminate those problems once and for all," and "a lot less pedophiles running around," eh?

Yeah, sounds logical......

Get rid of the cops because they beat people up. Let the citizens beat people up instead!

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 04:03 AM
Excellent thread. And people need to excercise their VOICE and speak up in numbers. In phone calls, visits to these paid employees, and really let them understand, they're not endorsed and that we're considering rescinding any portion of our taxes going to them, and its not just the police. We need to do this to all the leaders. And boycott all their friends, makes lists of their favorite compaines and deprive them of their money. Its time to speak up and start some real action.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by petrus4

They should not resign because this will leave only tyrants in the police. There are some good coppers around but there are also quite a few bad apples that need to be rooted out starting with those in charge. It seems these days only tyranical police officers get promoted to really high positions. Any coppers who blow the whistle are either turfed out or end up dead IMO.

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