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Pensacola Priest escorted from Council meeting.

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posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 11:39 AM
This video was posted on YouTube 12-16-11 and shows a priest addressing the city council. He was concerned about the treatment of 3 individuals that were escorted out of Monday's meeting for apparently voicing there dissent. During his address he was cut off by Council President Hall and told to sit down. Check it out...

I do not know how to imbed the video so here is a LINK

Also, here is the ARTICLE

“As Americans, we have the right to redress our government without fear of being arrested,” he said. “Whether or not they’re connecting dots from Hitler to George Wallace to Barney … you should be asking, ‘well what are we doing that’s allowing people to connect those dots?’ It was a sick and gross abuse of power.”
Council President Hall interrupted Monk at that point. “Your time is up, sit down,” he said.
“No, I have a minute and 12 seconds left,” Monk said, looking at the timer at the speaker’s lectern.
“I’m ruling you out of order,” Hall said.

Thankfully, this attempt to stifle his dissent did not go unnoticed by other council members. Sherri Myers and John Jerralds left the meeting over the treatment of the Priest.

“I am leaving this chamber as you are in violation of the people’s First Amendment right,” Myers said. “I will be outside if you want to want to address your grievances to your government.”

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 11:49 AM

there you go OP.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 11:51 AM
Embedded for you and thanks for sharing, it's shocking that that happened but it was also uplifting to see a person refuse to back down and a City Councilor be so outraged that she rightly stated the violation of the 1st Amendment and walked out.
edit on 18-12-2011 by Kali74 because: pfft Whateva69

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 11:58 AM
This is shameful and obscene to see happen in the United States. He's a man of the Church and it takes 2 with a 3rd hanging back just to approach and begin to address whatever "Threat" he could possible pose to anyone?!

I'm waiting to see a cop finally find his own voice and his own judgement after the cities and Departments have worked so hard to take both from them, and simply say No. I want to see a cop stand and say No, I will NOT violate this man's right to address this council or meeting while he still has allotted time and is creating no disturbance.

This isn't the first video in recent months to show Police being used as the toy poodles to a Mayor or Council in abusing a citizen and their right to address a meeting simply because what they had to say wasn't a happy and popular sentiment to hear. As I recall, one particularly outrageous one had a member of city government himself being soaked in pepper spray right in their own city meeting chamber for a similar "outrage" and "threat".

Pensacola residents should pack that chamber every meeting, every time and simply keep that going UNTIL THE END OF TIME or.....the piece of work who ordered this abuse loses his elected position and the Police who followed the illegal orders here are AT LEAST made to take a Constitutional Civics class at the local community college in their off duty time. How'd that be for a creative way of teaching a few cops a lesson about duty without trashing their whole career over a bad moment of judgement?

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:02 PM
Wow the people of Pensacola need to take a look at why they are paying their council members.
The council is supposed to represent the people, not themselves. And that woman that spoke wasn’t going to listen to anything that she didn’t want to. Stubborn and pigheaded.

And WTF three cops move in on the priest, are you kidding me, I was on the edge of my seat expecting them to tazer the poor guy.

love and harmony

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:47 PM
Imagine how smash-mouth it will get when Paul gives the power to the states and communities.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Whateva69

It was hard for me to catch onto at first. The woman that spoke was a council member that refused to allow the council leader to censor the Priest. Since she did not have the "authority" to overrule him she left the proceedings. Apparently to hear concerns of citizens outside the chamber.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by satron

I cannot wait for that. Transferring power back to a more local level and allowing the people to actually have a voice.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 05:08 PM

Pensacola residents should pack that chamber every meeting, every time and simply keep that going UNTIL THE END OF TIME or.....the piece of work who ordered this abuse loses his elected position and the Police who followed the illegal orders here are AT LEAST made to take a Constitutional Civics class at the local community college in their off duty time.
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I noticed the council chamber was a bit empty. Local residents need to step up. The lackadaisical attitude that our local community has embraced is disconcerting.

I'm waiting to see a cop finally find his own voice and his own judgement after the cities and Departments have worked so hard to take both from them, and simply say No.

They will. It is like someone that has spent there lives believing in God coming only to find it is a giant spaghetti monster. It will take time for them to come around. Soon I hope.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Sagittarian69

Oh thanks for clearing that up, i was like what the. i thought she walked out so she didnt have to listen to the priest anymore.

love and harmony

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by Sagittarian69

Does anyone here know the penalty for constitutional rights violations?
If your rights are violated, by another individual or group of individuals... what is the penalty?

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 08:23 AM
Wow. That's amazing. I'd hope that a copy of that video is put on the local news in heavy rotation. Since the council would be elected officials, I'd say the next guy has it easy. Just show that video.
I'd also send a copy to the police department to show their people not defending the constitution, but helping to break it.

Kudos to the lady council member who walked out. That's an American.

As for the comment about any penalties: Yes, but not if you have a position of power.

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