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Congressman on hunger strike to show solidarity with Occupy

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posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by CaptainInstaban
And also, for me, not eating for 24 hours would be very unpleasant, I have a very fast metabolism and if I don´t eat something within an hour of waking up i get stomacheaches and feel sick.

The feeling sick is natural when you first start. Your body starts burning fat and that is where toxins are stored. When they are released into the blood, it makes you feel sick. Seen what happens on The Biggest Loser the first few days? Once you get past this stage, you start feeling really good.

That is why it's good to fast occasionally. It's great for detoxifying your body.

edit on 17/12/11 by NuclearPaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

No, I get sick because I´m almost 100 percent lean muscle, I got no fat reserve to burn, I go into immediate starvation lol.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by HangTheTraitors

I have gone 3 days myself and it was absolutely no problem. And this was after a lifetime of never skipping a meal.
24 hours is something that anyone could do very easily.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by CaptainInstaban
reply to post by NuclearPaul

No, I get sick because I´m almost 100 percent lean muscle, I got no fat reserve to burn, I go into immediate starvation lol.

In wilderness therapy rehab programs(kinda like survivalist boot camp for drug users or troubled people, don't let the word "therapy" fool ya, it fooled me and it turned out to be intense), it is typical to do at least one 3 day "solo" where everyone in the group camps alone for 3 days.

At the one I was at, you have the option to fast for those solos, I personally opted out of the fasting during my three solos, but I regret it because other people I know have done it and had a good experience.

My friend who went to another program was basically forced to do a 3 day fast.(they cant technically force you, but the people there pretty much decide when you are allowed to leave, you have no rights if you are under 18, and you sign them away if you are above 18, like in a mental institution, so you do what they say and do not talk back)

Anyway, my friend that did the three day fast, very skinny kid, was fine. And he did that outside in the snow while making his own fires for warmth with a bow drill he had to make himself...

If you think 24 hours is difficult, if you think tummy aches and food headaches are a big deal, I hope you have have to do something actually challenging in your life that requires actual endurance.

Again, I support OWS in general, but showing you will go through just a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle bit of discomfort by fasting for 24 hours is disingenuous.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by CREAM

If you think 24 hours is difficult, if you think tummy aches and food headaches are a big deal, I hope you have have to do something actually challenging in your life that requires actual endurance.

OK wild assumptions here.

Like I said before, 24h is not very impressive.

For me personally it would be unpleasant as I already said. I didn´t say it was the end of the world or that I can´t handle discomfort.

I challenge myself everyday, as my job requires me to walk constantly and pull and push heavy objects in a high pace for hours on end without breaks, outside no matter the weather.

I go out camping in the forest by myself, or on a Ardennes mountain in two feet of snow because i want to.

I´ve always had a very fast metabolism and coupled with my job it made me very lean, not skinny, I have a very low fat percentage and I need to keep eating.

If you think that you are a superior tough guy, and I am a pussy because of that be my guest. I know that I am a hardcore. mofo.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by CaptainInstaban
OK wild assumptions here.

Like I said before, 24h is not very impressive.

For me personally it would be unpleasant as I already said. I didn´t say it was the end of the world or that I can´t handle discomfort.

I challenge myself everyday, as my job requires me to walk constantly and pull and push heavy objects in a high pace for hours on end without breaks, outside no matter the weather.

I go out camping in the forest by myself, or on a Ardennes mountain in two feet of snow because i want to.

I´ve always had a very fast metabolism and coupled with my job it made me very lean, not skinny, I have a very low fat percentage and I need to keep eating.

If you think that you are a superior tough guy, and I am a pussy because of that be my guest. I know that I am a hardcore. mofo.

Well, I am glad you have experienced those things.

Now I can tell you are just blindly supporting this for the sake of OWS. Unpleasant? Who cares.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by CREAM

What is your problem dude, I merely added as sidenote in my initial post that for me personally it would be unpleasant to not eat for 24h.

I started my post by saying that it wasn´t that big of an effort.

The only reason I´m supporting this guy is because he actually puts himself out there as a member of congress with his support for OWS, not because the 24h without food is that hard.

Chill out.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by raydaniels

I respect his effort.

What effort? I respect other things about him. Not this.

Have you ever gone 24 hours without food?

I double dare you to do it..and see how easy it is.. and don't cheat !!!

EDIT: That doesn't mean you can drink beer all day either.. water..and nothing else.
edit on 17-12-2011 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 01:08 PM
To someone like Ellison who has never known poverty, even the prospect of having to go 24 hours without food must seem like a big deal, whereas for many seniors and veterans, going without food for at least the same period of time is something they are forced to do on a regular basis! The good congressman should remove his head from the sand and take a good look around him!

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by raydaniels
I respect his effort.

I'm making an "effort"...

...did you sense it (?)....
to remain civil...for as long as OWS is still mentioned as "significant";
We'll see how it turns out.

crap failed already...

edit on 17-12-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-12-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by CaptainInstaban
Maybe the effort is not that great, but at least he´s willing to publically show his support for OWS.

There´s not much support for OWS comming from congress, is there?

And also, for me, not eating for 24 hours would be very unpleasant, I have a very fast metabolism and if I don´t eat something within an hour of waking up i get stomacheaches and feel sick.

edit, Or should I view the OP from an anti OWS point of view?
edit on 17-12-2011 by CaptainInstaban because: (no reason given)

Im with you on this one, i eat roughly 5 times a day (meal size) i weigh 75kg's and im 5,11. I love my food, nomnomnomnomnom!@!!@

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