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I watched Loose Change 9/11 last night

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posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by blackrain17
You have over 3500 posts on 9/11, what's your motivation? Do you believe in any conspiracies to be true? What's your opinion on Ron Paul? Thanks in advance.

I have a much better question. What's Ron Paul's opinion on 9/11? Have you failed to notice the big knife he left in the back of the 9/11 Truth Movement? Heaven forbid anybody question the pope of free market capitalism. We all know the real enemy are the socialist NWO bankers.

edit on 19-12-2011 by snowcrash911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:19 PM
OATH KEEPER: Retired Iraq veteran exposing corporate fraud & state-sponsored terrorism MSM fails to even touch. houmadabrave on both MySpace & Facebook

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by snowcrash911
I beieve RP had play 9/11 the way he did, because he understands that to be heard is the most important hurdle he faced in the upcoming election. If he publicly took a 'truther' position on 9/11, his chances would diminish. Everyone, and I mean everyone in power in washington knows that the official story of the events that day is bs, but it's bigger than any one man, at least for right now. If we want the people responsible for 9/11 to be held responsible, it's more likely to happen under RP than any other candidate.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by dillweed
reply to post by GoodOlDave
Dave, how could a 30 second google search disprove 'loose change' ? I have the time, and would really like to know. You make snide remarks about ones gender, paste walls of text about things nobody has put forth, and make no attempt to further understand a very complex issue. So, please give me a list of things I can 'google', because I'm of the opinion that 'Loose Change' has raised dozens of questions that haven't been answered yet. Don't forget to slander Dylan Avery.


Screw Loose Change

It actually took me fifteen seconds to find this...don't forget to accuse them of being secret government agents!

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by blackrain17
I see where some people might think you and couple others are government shills. You have to admit, you are in a conspiracy forum and you only partake in subjects that deal with 9/11. What brought you here in the first place? You have over 3500 posts on 9/11, what's your motivation? Do you believe in any conspiracies to be true? What's your opinion on Ron Paul? Thanks in advance.

Of course I believe in conspiracies, it's just that you won't accept them because mine aren't sinister sounding enough.

I believe the gov't had the capability to stop (or at least respond more effectively to) the 9/11 attack but they fouled up due to sheer incompetence, and the incompetent parties responsible are covering up critical information because they don't want to admit they're responsible for 3000 innocent people getting killed. In the days after 9/11, if someone discovered a warning of an imminent attack lying forgotten underneath a pizza box in the corner of their office, what do you think the odds are they're going to come forward and admit it? The gov't can't even hand out bottles of water to hurricane victims in New Orleans without slipping on banana peels so I know full well there's more incompetence involved in the 9/11 attack than what they're admitting to.

All I'm doing is trying to point out to you conspiracy theorists that if you don't believe the "official story" fine, but that doesn't mean you have to mindlessly swallow the nonsense Dylan Avery and the rest of the con artists behind those damned fool conspriacy web sites are shovelling out like North Koreans drinking Kim Jong Il Kool-aid. Doesn't it bother you that even Dylan Avery indirectly admitted his accusations are rubbish, as he edited and released THREE VERSIONS of that thing? FOUR, if you count the sequel with the different name. All they're doing is placating your abject paranoia to make a fast buck off of you. I'm pointing this out because I do want further investigations, but these con artists and the conspiracy theorists they're suckering are turning all such efforts into a three ring circus. Even you conspiracy people are grudgingly admitting this, as your ranks are rife with outrageous crackpot accusations from "shape shifting alien lizards" to "the towers were fake buildings".

I haven't been following Ron Paul so I have no opinion on him one way or the other.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I never paid a dime to watch any of those 9/11 conspiracy films, or any others conspiracy films for that matter. They are all available for free for anyone to watch them online. Just sayin

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by blackrain17
I see where some people might think you and couple others are government shills. You have to admit, you are in a conspiracy forum and you only partake in subjects that deal with 9/11. What brought you here in the first place? You have over 3500 posts on 9/11, what's your motivation? Do you believe in any conspiracies to be true? What's your opinion on Ron Paul? Thanks in advance.

Of course I believe in conspiracies, it's just that you won't accept them because mine aren't sinister sounding enough.

I believe the gov't had the capability to stop (or at least respond more effectively to) the 9/11 attack but they fouled up due to sheer incompetence, and the incompetent parties responsible are covering up critical information because they don't want to admit they're responsible for 3000 innocent people getting killed.

Amazing!!! You got it all figured out. What's your comment on footnote 44? Incompetence, right?

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Merlin Lawndart
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I never paid a dime to watch any of those 9/11 conspiracy films, or any others conspiracy films for that matter. They are all available for free for anyone to watch them online. Just sayin

There's more junk being sold by these con artists than just videos. They're also peddling books, DVDs, T-shirts, decals, baseball caps, seminars, etc, etc etc and I've even seen trinkets for sale that don't even pretend they're not out to simply make a quick buck, like license plate frames advertising Prison Planet. Before you dismiss the seriousness of this, you should know this whole "cruise miissile hit the Pentagon" baloney was invented by a French guy by the name of Thierry Meyssan to sell a bunch of books. How many pointless "cruise missile hit the Pentagon" arguments did the myth he invented instigate here on ATS, exactly?

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by snowcrash911

Amazing!!! You got it all figured out. What's your comment on footnote 44? Incompetence, right?

Pretend I have no idea what "footnote 44" is. Because you'll be right.

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