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posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:38 PM
Ladies and gentlemen alike, what are your thoughts on co-masonry both ladies and gentlemen together or just to have ladies as Masons? I would really like to her what anyone with true intrest?


[edit on 8-9-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:40 PM
I'd like to see not only Women join, but also the Handicapped. At least the physically handicapped that is, and I guess there is a line with mental. But, I am not a Mason after all, so I'm not sure if my statements will have any credence.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:45 PM
why did you haveto make your posts in all caps? I thought it was something important. not like everyone is interested in masonory whatnot.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by s13guy
why did you haveto make your posts in all caps? I thought it was something important. not like everyone is interested in masonory whatnot.

i agree

posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 12:54 AM
Only if the lady masons can lay the brick.

posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 02:19 AM
I thought that women were allowed to be Freemasons, in some Lodges anyway. Besides women have the Eastern Star.

I have nothing against a woman being a Freemason, I think some women already are Freemasons but have just not joined a Lodge yet, this is a great idea.

posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 11:00 AM
Well, I see women's masonry and comasonry as clandestine and prohibited by the masonic code. Masonry is a fraternity, not a sorority, though I have nothing against women forming lodges and calling themselves masons, the plain fact is that masonry is for men.

Though I am not going to go out and campaign against women's lodges nor do anything actively against them, I will not do anything to support them, either. If, however, they came to my lodge and wante dto rent our facilities for their meetings, I WOULD campaign against that in the lodge...

posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by AFAMfounder
Ladies and gentlemen alike, what are your thoughts on co-masonry both ladies and gentlemen together or just to have ladies as Masons? I would really like to her what anyone with true intrest?

This would depend upon one's interpretation of Masonry. If one viewed Masonry as simply a club, there would be no real reason to exclude the fairer sex, except possibly to retain some sort of "gentlemen's club" for male bonding, or whatever.

But I interpret Masonry from an esoteric viewpoint, and see it as a modern form of the Mysteries of Osiris and those of Adam Kadmon in the Qabalah, which are male mysteries.

I do, however, believe that the Mysteries of Isis should be available to females; the Order of the Eastern Star, Amaranth, etc. are woefully inadequate in this regard. Pike attempted to introduce the Rite of Adoption for females in the USA, but met with no success; he coferred the degrees of the Rite on his two daughters and Vinnie Reams, a friend of his daughter's who worked as a secretary for the Supreme Council. I think these three were all.

The Rite of Adoption is a Masonic Rite of French origin that celebrate the female mysteries and, like the Scottish Rite, is an intellectual challenge as well as a spiritual journey. I would completely support the re-formation of such a Rite.

Fiat Lvx.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 02:14 AM
Talk about treading on others-

Where is the thread about joining the Girl Scouts or Lions club or U.S. Navy?

Masonry doesn't recruit on public boards unless it has absolutely no regard whatever for the rights of others.

This is a sham and a shame.

But, while you're at recruiting-
did you see the thread about masonry and murder and child abuse?

It will go good with lady masons, don't ya thing?

Free willing men and women- wow!

The opportunities for little masons are simply astounding!

What if the Whorshipful Master wanted - - - oh yeah, he gets to do that now anyway doesn't he?

co-ed lodges! wow

Where's Ol Albert Pike when we need him?

Ahh, here he is:

I do, however, believe that the Mysteries of Isis should be available to females; the Order of the Eastern Star, Amaranth, etc. are woefully inadequate in this regard. Pike attempted to introduce the Rite of Adoption for females in the USA, but met with no success; he coferred the degrees of the Rite on his two daughters and Vinnie Reams, a friend of his daughter's who worked as a secretary for the Supreme Council. I think these three were all.

Father and daughter! Two daughters!

Wow, so he kept things in the family, like really close and you know, that kind of thing, am I right?

Will the women disrobe like the men? Hmmm, that could get a little strange-

Where do the - -

Never mind, it's probably out in the back somewhere.

What does AFMA mean anyway?

What does this mean?

To Gove Anything Less Than Your Best, Is To Sacrafice The Gift

-Steve Prefontaine

And what does "I would really like to her" mean?

Is this some kind of arcane code or something?

I am confused.

*I have yet to knowingly find a pro-mason herein that I would trust to defend me in masonry if the same were needed.

I have been wrong-

[edit on 9/9/2004 by PublicGadfly]

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by PublicGadfly
I am confused.

Really? We haven't noticed.


posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
I'd like to see not only Women join, but also the Handicapped. At least the physically handicapped that is, and I guess there is a line with mental. But, I am not a Mason after all, so I'm not sure if my statements will have any credence.

You are free to start your own society, "Jamuhn's Free And Accepted Masonry For Women And The Physically Handicapped". Feel free to borrow your ritual from "Morals And Dogma".

Just a thought.


posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 12:30 PM

Ahh, man . . . it's all good.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by df1

Originally posted by Jamuhn
I'd like to see not only Women join, but also the Handicapped. At least the physically handicapped that is, and I guess there is a line with mental. But, I am not a Mason after all, so I'm not sure if my statements will have any credence.

You are free to start your own society, "Jamuhn's Free And Accepted Masonry For Women And The Physically Handicapped". Feel free to borrow your ritual from "Morals And Dogma".

Just a thought.


Is this possible?

So I could start like-

"Bodads Freemasonry for retards and"- nope, lots of those, let me see-

Got it-

"Freemasonry of semi-free and non-accepted embezzelers"

Now that has a certain "ring" to it, don't ya think?

Hey, did you see this thread about
masonry murder, abuse and masonry theft from other masons
it's an ATS thread expose' on a little tiny bit of the masonic cover-ups-

Lots of newspaper stories there.

Lots and lots of strange stuff- don't know if I buy it all though!

Kind of a stretch on some of those claims!

You know, the ones from the mason sites trying to spin the truth into something it isn't-

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by PublicGadfly

So I could start like-

"Bodads Freemasonry for retards

We thought you already did, and just assumed you were pemanent Grand Poohbah.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by PublicGadfly
Kind of a stretch on some of those claims!

You know, the ones from the mason sites trying to spin the truth into something it isn't-

How about one ounce of truth from you? And by that I mean non-Masons in general, but used your quote PG to make a point. You have people here that are Masons & people that are not. What I don't understand is how many of the non-Masons could come here and conduct themselves in such a baseless manner.

All I ever see is accusations that Masons want to control the world, worship demons, drink blood, commict crimes, etc, etc and yet in HOW MANY hundreds (plus) years has there ever been a single undisputed shred of truth?

How come some of you don't look at the Boyscouts or the Church with their secret names "rectory" and "semenary" and their rituals of Alter-boy abuse that has been proven? I am being extreme to make a point of course.

Why not ask questions of Masons and learn instead of attack, accuse, and make up fantasy about things that you are afraid MIGHT be true. First Law - People fear what the want to be true or believe to be true. What if I started to ask some of you...what is your real name? What is your social security number? Why is there so much pornography on your computer?

Everyone has secrets. Does that make someone guilty of all the fantasy things I can dream up in my head? No.

And for the record, I am a NON-MASON. I will say, that in private (u2u) and in public I have been treated with respect by members of both sides of this issue. But in public, I just do not see the Masons given much respect yet they endure attack after attack, and still remain dignified. Not to mention they all try and answer questions here as openly as they can. Things they can't tell? Sure. Everyone in the world has those.

Just THINK about that.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 02:15 PM

All is not lost. The Masons DO have some allies here. Probably more who don't post than those who do, unfortunately.

It's interesting to note how many non-Masons will eventually . . . . become Masons.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 03:08 PM
Thanks, Zed... impartiality is wonderous.

I appreciate your honest and fair approach.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 05:12 PM
Zed, as you posted in public, I will answer for me ONLY.

I disagree with what seems to be your conclusions. They may be conclusion or observations only.

As to myself posting as a non-mason the proof and many allegations remain.

I believe that you see the masons as trying to answer in good faith. I do not.

I started in a masonic thread purely by accident. I was absolutely appalled at the twisting and 'heh, heh ing' going on FROM the masons.

ATS is not a masonic recruiting board as far as I know. I believe that some masons have used the privileges and prestige of this board to stuff, yeas stuff masonism into cyberspace.

A search not too many years back would have yielded very little on either side. Now Google (the replacement) lists thousands of mason sites. It also dredges threads from forums.

Is it honest for the casual surfer, whether in cyberspace or on this board to only find pro-mason �what good guy� we are posts? There is an entire other side.

I am not nor do I portend to be an ATS-cop or a mason-basher. I am not of the mind to read things I disagree with with and just think 'oh well, someone else can deal with it.'

You are a MOD and as such have a different perspective. Maybe more clear.

What proof? Now that is a question in not only this subject but many others.

Masonry site- the ones claiming authority from somewhere do not agree on all aspects of masonry. This is well known.

I don't have polaroids � of masonic murders such as those cited in newspapers and history books- I do have more than a few URLs.

Look at masonic Pike posting- think about him historically. His writings and those that peal them apart on one side or the other are as important as the writings themselves.

What is masonry? Good question- it surely has not- after (I'll bet) thousands of posts been defined in the absolute.

�an ounce of truth�
I guess that got you-
Well, read the pro-mason sites. The difference in them and the non/anti mason sites is like the difference of where the head and the foot of a table are.

Masonic sites spin Pike and some of the murders and other deeds in such ways as to read as though something entirely different occurred. The masons (as a body) can't even agree regarding Pike!

Many of the masonic posters would have the reader believe that masonry is a unified whole- this is good P.R. The truth is somewhat different from their own sites!

Two of the largest anti-mason 'troves' are owned and operated by masonic organizations! Wow, that' odd, isn't it? Sure it is. After a visit to them the reader will be left to believe that no mason (or virtually no mason) has ever committed a crime. This is not truth, this is ignorance.

Enough of my ramble on this-
you are a MOD and have posted as such your perception and as I said before possible conclusions.

I am posting an answer to your first question �How about one ounce of truth from you?�

With a few observations of my own.

I have been wrong-

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 05:21 PM
"Oysters open completely when the moon is full; and when the crab sees one
it throws a piece of stone or seaweed into it and the oyster cannot close
again, so that it serves the crab for rmeat. Such is the fate of him who opens
his mouth too much and thereby puts himself at the mercy of the listener."

-Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by PublicGadfly
I don't have polaroids � of masonic murders such as those cited in newspapers and history books- I do have more than a few URLs.

How many URLs could we come up with for murders by non-masons, boyscouts, priests, dirty-cops, etc, etc... Do you even see the point I am making? By your logic...the non-masons are the worse of the two entities. No wonder they keep secrets from us.

I am posting an answer to your first question �How about one ounce of truth from you?�

With a few observations of my own.

Observations don't equal truth. Man once observed the sun and thought it must be a god driving a chariot of fire. Observation or Truth?

I could walk straight across a continent (up and down terrain of course) and see that the world is essentially flat. Observation or Truth?

I appreciate the response PD. I know I used your quote as an example, but I wanted to try and add some context...just as LTD just did with that great quote.

We could ALL learn something from that one.

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