posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 01:26 AM
It's so hard to lose a dog. They are more loyal and trustworthy than people sometimes.
And for us dog owners, they become so much a part of our life that losing a dog is really like losing a close family member.
Reading your poem/anecdote... all I could do was look over at 2 of my dogs, who are currently taking up my bed, and feel thankful for their presence.
Years ago, my dog Graham died in my arms. I remember crying for weeks. And like usual, my reaction was to get another dog after the grieving process.
I ended up getting a different breed (so as not to tarnish the memory) and I named the new dog Duncan Graham. And interestingly enough, it turned out
that the new dog was almost exactly like the one I had lost. They have the same leg problems, the same weird attitude, the same quirks, and the same
favorite toys. It was unbelievable that, out of all the dogs in the world I could have gotten, I got one that might as well have been the
reincarnation of my deceased one. So now, in my dog Duncan, it's almost like I have two dogs in one.
I know I sound crazy. But I'm never going to dismiss the idea that perhaps Graham directed me to Duncan.