posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by ThrowCatsAtCacti
It is very very easy and not really that expensive. First you become ordained. You can do that
here. Then you
get the paper work from the site to show you are ordained.
Then you must find at least six people to join your church. These six people take positions in your church like treasurer. Each state has specific
requirements as to the positions held and minimum amount of "Parishioners". Without knowing your State I can not help you locate the paperwork but
it is as simple as looking it up. Request your info. While waiting for your paperwork to arrive, you go
here and file your EIN(Tax ID number) with the Federal
Government(they have specific times and days for online applications, don't forget to click non profit.) When your paperwork shows up fill it out
completely, attach the fee(varies by State), attach your ordination paperwork and mail it in. Poof you are done. Registered and recognized.