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Why The Belief in a God Is Dying

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posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 12:48 AM
First off, I was just writing a new rap I'm calling "Minority Report". The song discusses minority struggle in America and Global corruption being the cause of it, along with some other points. Here are the bars I wrote before I get into explaining my viewpoint:

Devilish mankind is the replacement/
Killing religion because our God is the basis/

I've experienced the fading belief in religion, but most of all God. Besides kids not being raised with much knowledge on religion, I feel the cause for the fading belief of people who were raised believing has to do with society and media. I'm born and raised in Brooklyn, New York as you may or may not know, the kids out here have no morals whatsoever. The life of a someone out here (as most non-rural areas) revolves around drinking, smoking, having sex, and fighting. A lot of the teens are highly influenced by the media, from music (the biggest influence on youth hands down) and movies/television shows. Whoever runs the media puts out this false image of what's fun, what's accepted by society, and what is just plain out "cool", the youth follow to fit in. It's sickening, but the Elite know what they are doing. These trends and images the youth follow are pulling them away from religion and God. For all of you ATS'ers who reply "it's not the media at all, it's the people seeing the truth", please STFU and come correct. People in our age feel religion and God are setbacks in this false reality fed to them by the media, which is run by higher powers wanting you to pull away from it .I wont even get into the media only featuring anything about religion if it includes radical Islam or some Christian church out in some small town no one on Earth knew existed shouting "Gays are going to hell!". I myself have pulled away from religion, but only because I know it has "become" a tool for control and has been sabotaged by higher powers. Despite me pulling away from Religion, my faith in God stays strong.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 12:54 AM
belief in god isn't dying per se. belief systems are dying

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by biggmoneyme
belief in god isn't dying per se. belief systems are dying

Agreed , just look at what the Bakers did to it . The so called structured system that conveys themselves as prophets make a mockery of religion . Cashing in on what they see as a cash cow . Sad days .

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:11 AM
it is natural tho . in hindsight we see how childish belief systems are. They are apart of humanity's infancy. Now it's time for us to grow up.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:20 AM
They're being bombarded with propaganda from marxists and humanists. A human made "utopia" can only come when man no longer believes in God or sin and believes in moral relativism.
edit on 15-12-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by biggmoneyme

It's not natural... It the product of youth being fed lies. It's like our school system being run by the Government, they feed us whatever they want us to believe and many of us grow up believing what the school system told us. Half of the stuff discussed here at ATS would be brushed off by the everyday person and viewed as absurd because of that. Just like the idea of God and the idea of no God is brushed off by non-believers and believers. It's all about what you're taught to believe... Whether or not you find basis of the Arbrahamic religions to be an existing entity, the fact is that these religions were altered for evil purposes, washed up, and given false images to the point they are viewed as a bunch of lies. Whether or not you want to accept that oddity is up to you, fact speaks for itself. Analyze.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by FidelityMusic

I also feel the same way, I really do not know what to believe in anymore, I do believe in a higher being but what bothers me the most is that people of different religions cannot tolerate one another, and pretty much puts us as the same category as mindless animals. Organized religion is a tool by which many people use to achieve their ends. Religion, in the end, is actually a private matter for every individual.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by FidelityMusic

no, it is natural. people are giving up their belief systems because their awareness is increasing.
edit on 15-12-2011 by biggmoneyme because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by biggmoneyme

Agreed, awareness in what regards though, organized religion or God in general?
edit on 15-12-2011 by Unvarnished because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:45 AM
The behavior of some are no less than snake oil sales men . Tell that to them and oh boy watch out for the fur to fly calling you a non believer . Testing them as to there beliefs in the real world away from the confines of their place of worship , I have found that makes them not see it is the same that they are asked from the minister / priest what have you . If they assume that I lie to them and try to deceive them just for the sake of asking , didn't the rest of the sheep do it also .

A bad seed or a wolf in sheep's clothing , I have seen their hypocritical responses for their actions . Cannot jump on their band wagon the way they operate it . The dog and pony show , running around in circles and jumping through hoops . Not .

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by biggmoneyme

When you say "people" I guarantee you those people you speak of are the minority, by a big shot. You're talking to someone who personally sees what's causing the decline in believers. You're speaking on behalf of yourself and the ATS'ers who have pulled from faith after their long "analyzes" on religion, that I respect. The people here, and I'm guessing yourself, have refrained or pulled from religion or God because you/they most likely studied and came to your own conclusion on the idea. Your perception on the subject is subject to your work to find an answer you perceived as correct. Don't speak for everyone else as if you knew what you were talking about, because you honestly don't. I'll believe awareness is increasing when the youth of our time learns how to read a book (overdone example).

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 03:02 AM
The belief in God is dying because people are learning and understanding more about reality. More and more people now are educated and literate. Our understanding of ourselves and our environment around us grows everyday. Universally speaking, we are a species in our infant stages.

We created God as our best attempt to explain and understand the world around us. For a time, it did some good, and gave people closure, meaning and purpose. The 'God of the gaps' no longer exists. Everything that was once used to justify Gods existence has now been discovered to have a natural cause, (volcanoes, disease, earthquakes etc).

God is always considered a male character because in our infant stages, we needed a protector to guard us from threats, predators, the dark etc, so we invented a sky God, an all knowing all powerful God, to which further characteristics vary by religion. Earth has always been called a female god (mother earth, Gaea) because she nourishes us and provides for us. The sky God spreads his seed (rains) on the mother so that the children of God can be nourished and flourished. More and more people are beginning to understand the origins of religious belief.

We have also created Governments, which have played the same role as the Gods we invented. Our governments protect and provide for our infantile species. We are now learning that we need to grow up, and we need to let go from our parents and imaginary friends. People are critically thinking, and are becoming more rational. We have a greater understanding today about how things actually are, and not how we hope or believe them to be.

The rise of Atheism and skepticism, as well as the global protests against governments and corporations are because people are waking and growing up.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 03:36 AM

These trends and images the youth follow are pulling them away from religion and God. For all of you ATS'ers who reply "it's not the media at all, it's the people seeing the truth", please STFU and come correct.

I am one of those raised in religion, who no longer believe. You're going to blame the media or anything else you can because it's almost second nature for christians to point the blame at everything but themselves. In some cases it may even be true, but a very small few.

You see, I was never the type to follow trends, never understood fashion, and always had a short attention span when it came to t.v. However, I spend most of my time reading. Unfortunately as a child, being the granddaughter of an evangelical pastor I didn't get to read to many "worldly" books, not that my family understood my love for reading, because they never picked up a book themselves. So , I read a lot of christian literature, and of course my once a year cover to cover bible reading.

It was through reading the bible that I began to question god. It was the guilt heaped upon my by so-called christians for questioning, that drove the nail in the coffin of my belief, solidify by the rejection of my family when I finally told them. That was around this time last year. after spending the first 12 years of my adulthood, trying to force myself into believing, but other christians made it so hard.

Most people who no longer believe, didn't come about it because it was "uncool" If someone truly believed, then they would have never been swayed that easy. Most stories you will hear, about why someone doesn't believe, is because, they read the bible, or due to christians themselves. Christians are so unwilling to try and see things from an unbelievers point of view,

The won't look at the fact that stories of a man getting his back ripped to shreds and then being nails to a cross or stories of demon possessions, can give a little girl nightmares for months on end, no it must be the devil giving that child nightmares, and of course there is no way that would scare the child any more. They can't see how constant contradictions, could confuse a young adult, because there are none right?

No, the church themselves is to blame for most of the cases of unbelief.
Yes, there is a large percent of kids these day's who don't spend much time reading, but I am consistently amazed by an almost as large percentage of young people I run into who are very awake and aware, who can inspire me to go back an read certain classics after hearing about it through there eyes. I run to 14-17 year olds like this all the time on-line.
I am sure if you you polled the former believers of ATS why they no longer believe, the majority will tell you it was ether due to the believers themselves or the bible it's self.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 03:54 AM
Whether a person has to go through a near death experience and see someone that says to them it's not your time , then try to relate it to what is taught . It does make a quiet believer out of them in some way . Something that they can hold onto forever because it was just for them and them alone . Because they do not attend a large gathering of perceived devout followers on specific days of the week , the ridicule can be seen overtly from the whispers and sneers on their faces .

This turns persons away from the glitz and glamour of the big top , the way that they cannot fathom since it did not happen to them as being a divine intervention . When they use the pics or it didn't happen , omg how stupid they sound and the trust factor just got erased by the same people that wonder why their numbers are decreasing .

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:33 AM
Belief in gods maybe or in God in our Western societys that have flourished on the back of Christianitys freedom. Trace the reformation and its influence on society in the West as it traveled on from Germany and Luther.
The West is wealthy now and God is ignored.
Try researching the growth of Christianity in China and other countrys that Christians are being oppressed in.
Christianity is growing more now than ever. The West is in decline because they have become nations of idol worshipers. Money movie/sport stars, all the crap.

Africa and Asia are growing exponentially in Christianity.
The true Christianity where the people are the church, not the ministers and buildings who some people think are the church.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by boony
Belief in gods maybe or in God in our Western societys that have flourished on the back of Christianitys freedom. Trace the reformation and its influence on society in the West as it traveled on from Germany and Luther.
The West is wealthy now and God is ignored.
Try researching the growth of Christianity in China and other countrys that Christians are being oppressed in.
Christianity is growing more now than ever. The West is in decline because they have become nations of idol worshipers. Money movie/sport stars, all the crap.

Africa and Asia are growing exponentially in Christianity.
The true Christianity where the people are the church, not the ministers and buildings who some people think are the church.

Islam is growing even more.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by sHuRuLuNi

Originally posted by boony
Belief in gods maybe or in God in our Western societys that have flourished on the back of Christianitys freedom. Trace the reformation and its influence on society in the West as it traveled on from Germany and Luther.
The West is wealthy now and God is ignored.
Try researching the growth of Christianity in China and other countrys that Christians are being oppressed in.
Christianity is growing more now than ever. The West is in decline because they have become nations of idol worshipers. Money movie/sport stars, all the crap.

Africa and Asia are growing exponentially in Christianity.
The true Christianity where the people are the church, not the ministers and buildings who some people think are the church.

Islam is growing even more.

Possibly, still shows that the belief in gods or God isnt diminishing as suggested

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:52 AM
Because Sandusky is still alive and porn stars who engage in consensual sex are dead.

According to Mormonism and Catholicism, they burn forever.

Sandusky isn't. He's still alive. He should be so miserable that he winds up like them tomorrow. Unless he has been convicted falsely.

Pride within the legal limits of the law that doesn't violate someone else will is a death penalty offense worthy of depriving someone of joy and protection from the Holy Spirit, but Sandusky is still alive!!!

Jesus is a murderer!!!!

His baseball field isn't level!!!!!

Jesus basesball field slopes in favor of rapists!!!!

He's sheds innocent blood!!!

Let me run the show!!!! I send Sandusky to hell first before his victims that wind up in an industry very likely because many of them were abused.

Jesus steps down! I take over! It's that simple. I'll run it with the same kind of logic and fairness the Commandant of the Coast Guard runs the Guard. Jesus is an idiot. He's a janitor that kills people who don't violate someone's else sexual rights and preserves rapists.

He doesn't exist. He's worse than absentee landlord! He's Hitler!!!!!!

Sandusky wouldn't send his victims to hell!! He might molest them and feel no remorse about it, but he sure as heck wouldn't send to hell. Rapists are more merciful than Jesus.

Or Jesus doesn't exist. Or the Bible is false and is wrong about him operating with fairness.

Worship me! I'll take over. You won't have to kiss my feet or bow before me. Just simply wave and say high. I run it the same way the Commandant of the Coast Guard would run the show. The Admiral would send Sandusky there before fornicators. All of the porn stars get saved from fornication and all the rapists go to hell.

Burn the Bibles and raze the churches to the ground. The name Jesus gets forgotten forever!!! Until the name represents justice like Obama or the Admiral of the Coast Guard does.

Really! Enough of this!!!

It's a dead religion!

edit on 10-4-2013 by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2013 by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2013 by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2013 by Miracula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by biggmoneyme
belief in god isn't dying per se. belief systems are dying

Agree. I doubt any two christians see the bible the same way, to the point where one could ask, is there really a christian 'religion'?

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