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Atheists Die First

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posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:09 PM
Atheists die first?

Not in a holy war they don't.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

By saying that you do not believe in God or Jesus Christ you in effect are saying that you should just go ahead and kill yourself, because youre going to be a banquet for worms anyways so why prolong your misery? Get it over and go kill yourself. Unless ofcourse youre afraid to die? Why the fear of death? Why cling so hard to a life you cannot keep anyway?

People fear death because they fear it will be their ultimate end and in many cases it will be. You can choose to believe in nothing. As for me? I choose to believe in Jesus Christ and to believe in the elders who saw him work his miracles and who also believed he was who he claimed to be. So, you can go ahead and die, but i choose to live.

Well, that was a whole passel of assumptions right there

Of all the things Christ taught - and all the things he asks of those that seek salvation - does he also ask that they be smug and self satisfied?

Has he ever once suggested that anyone should just go kill themselves?

edit on 12/19/2011 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by Spiramirabilis

Of all the things Christ taught - and all the things he asks of those that seek salvation - does he also ask that they be smug and self satisfied? Has he ever once suggested that anyone should just go kill themselves?

Christianity ain’t what it used to be, that’s for sure.

‘Born-again’ Christianity, the cult of the Saved, is a selfish and self-serving doctrine whose purpose is to calm the inner fears and justify the prejudices and anti-social behaviour of its adherents. It has nothing to do with the message of Christ or with the socially useful and personally comforting faith that is historical Christianity.

True, Christianity has always had its horrible side – pogroms, witch-hunts, inquisitions, spiritual imperialism – but this was always offset by the acts of kindness, charity and self-sacrifice undertaken by so many in the name of Christ. Even an atheist like myself must admit that Christianity has been the source of much good in this world.

Modern Christian fundamentalism admits none of that. It is all about creating self-congratulatory divisions between the self-identified ‘saved’ and those damned for their sin and unbelief. There is no kindness in it, only condemnation; no charity beyond the charity that ‘begins at home’ (incidentally a most unchristian precept) and of spreading its own twisted gospel; and self-sacrifice is so far from its ethos that it actually preaches that wealth and prosperity are signs of God’s love. It is a creation of modern society and shares all its creator’s vanities, weaknesses and wickednesses.

It does not surprise me that a Christian fundamentalist should react with such distress to a topic like this. Fundamentalism is always engendered by fear – fear of change, fear of losing one’s place in the world or of being obliged to give up cherished certainties. Above all, it is driven by fear of death and what might or might not come after. Any reminder of death, any speculation that the end of life might simply be just that, is enough to drive the desperate fundamentalist into a panic. Then you see off-topic rants like this one, which contribute nothing to the discussion but do something (so we may presume) to calm the ranter’s fears.

One feels sorry for these people, but they really can be very annoying at times. These days, I’m trying to be Christian about it and feel their pain.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 01:30 AM
Gotta say, not true, unfortunately.

A very old man I know, in his late 80's, just loves putting believers down.

And that is what keeps him going - the argument.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by Cinquain

The concept of religeon is wrong this is why people have grown from it. Man is now aware that after thousands of years of being abused by its kings, that abuse is exactly what "religeon"was created for. No where in the bible did christ say to believe in me is to be christain thats bc true god beings dont live within the realm of the physical to the extent that its manifests concepts of reality. The physical world is created by man, man is created through the cellular reality, cells manifested through true concepts of creation which in some aspects science can define(science a tool of god beings to understand physically why we are and how things come to be, truley an ability god beings are ment to weild.) What this infromation should draw out for you is the sense that through the true essence of god reality will be pulled into the physical realm, but we have a choice we can ignore the concept of being one with with the universe and its energies or we can embrace where all life no matter what its physical stature, truley stems from and start to become spiritually intuned with the aspects that define all life. Just as gravity is forever holding us in place we hold ourselves to sanity, which is either directly connected to the concept of satan (where we are now) or we can do as the christ and others have tried to show us before and tear down our physical barriers and become open to the fact that we all need one and other to exist peacfully riding the universal wave that is god.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Astyanax

True, Christianity has always had its horrible side – pogroms, witch-hunts, inquisitions, spiritual imperialism – but this was always offset by the acts of kindness, charity and self-sacrifice undertaken by so many in the name of Christ. Even an atheist like myself must admit that Christianity has been the source of much good in this world.

Compassion will out. It belongs to humanity - and maybe a few critters too :-)

I've known both kinds - the gracious, warm, loving and Christlike - and the lean, mean, cold, ruthless machines

Now, more on topic - and also to the OP - this is an interesting subject

I really don't know about the statistics - but I knew one atheist personally that refused to die and put it off two years longer than any one of his doctors expected

some said it was a miracle - but, if you had known him you'd have to admit that it was possible it was nothing but pure will
edit on 12/20/2011 by Spiramirabilis because: trying to fix something I couldn't fix

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