Soon the media will not be able to ignore ron paul after he wins or ties for first in iowa, then obama's base will see how arrogant and elitist obama
is when Ron Paul formally challenges him to a debate and obama completely ignores it and pretends ron paul doesn't exist. The lapdog media will bow
to their leader but not the average voter.
Well , after his comments on the Alledged Threat of Iran's persuit of a Nuclear Weapon last night , The MSM went into Full ATTACK MODE against him ,
especially FOX . Seems the Neo Con Hawks took Offense to Ron Pauls SANE Reasoning about that Alledged Threat being No More than HEARSAY at the Moment
. After Bushes False Reasoning for Attacking Iraq because he THOUGHT or was TOLD that they had WMD's , wouldn't you Think the American People are
Aware enough by now to Ask the Federal Goverment to Present to them the Absolute PROOF of their Claims about Iran's pocession of a Nuclear Weapon ? So
far , they Have Not.......
edit on 16-12-2011 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)
Yea it seems to me Ron Paul is the only honest candidate out of all of them, I think he has a real good chance at becoming president if the damn
biased media weren't censoring him so heavily. What a shame!
Here is a Link to Ron Pauls appearence on Leno last night . Kudos to Leno for Respecting Mr. Paul enought to let him Speak without interupting