Yes!!Wake Up People!
They've been telling people about this for years...But,what do you use???..Google gmail,Google Chrome,Google
Google Watch
This is why we use the secure GIBIRU as our homepage
Secure homepage
Don't have to see that 'leftwing' news 'crap' that (AP) Associalist Press puts on Yahoo,AOL,Ask (Myway), MSN, front page.
Want to see how many web sites are tracking your ass as you surf the web....go to the free service
Who Is
Tracking You?
But you still GOOGLE IT !?!
I guess it's the same people the subscribe to the 'leftwing' NY&LA Time,Huffington Post-AOL,TIME&Newsweek,Esquire,Rollingstone and watch
CNN,MSNBC-GE,ABC,CBS,NBC national news,HBO's-Maher, Oprah..even though they are destroying our nation and our freedoms.
The same people that are subscribed to AARP's lv for Obamacare.
The same people that go to the movies, even though they can't stand Obama 'lapdogs' loudmouths, Clooney,Hank,Cusack,Spielberg,Alec
Baldwin,Dicaprio,Andy & Fonzie & Howard,Freeman,Glover,and Matt Damon on and on!
Love the country music 'true' USA patriots...but still buy music by Democratic 'lefty's' ,Tim McGraw,Faith Hill, Sheryl Crow!!
Knows that socialist Harry Reids SEIU Las Vegas 'thugs' hijacked the election for him, but they still go to Las Vegas and help finance these
criminal's jobs.
And go on vacation to Hawaii, even though they know that Hawaii is hiding the 'truth' about this lying, foreign national that we have as
Hawaii The Treason State!
Will vote Democrat ,even though they hate socialism?
Give me a break people...You going to wait till your well runs dry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
edit on 15-12-2011 by truthRconsequences357 because: ms
edit on 15-12-2011 by truthRconsequences357 because: wtf