posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Glargod
what is his take on 9/11
He thinks it was our own fault via bad foreign policy.
I've heard him called a truther, but I've never heard him say anything about our own government's direct involvement.
As President, if he had any reason to believe a crime was committed, he would be open about it.
Does he believe in ETs?
Have no idea, but even Stephen Hawking believes in ETs. Statistically, they surely exist somewhere. The real question is do they pose any
risk/reward for Earthlings, and the likely answer is, NO. Paul is a realist, I suppose that would be his answer as well.
Does he speak of or know about Free Energy?
Would he open up on government secrets and conspiracies?
Only a president knows what a president knows. Obama campaigned on open government and then pulled a 180. RP is a champion of transparency for the
Fed, so hopefully he holds those same principles for all of government. He isn't campaigning on that platform, but he is an honest and steadfast
person, so I believe he would disclose anything he considered to be paramount for public knowledge.
would he reveal secret areas and research?
No, that would be treason. If there are things that could fix our economy, help our military, or justify his policies, he might release it, but he
isn't going to just open up all the trade secrets of the US. I wouldn't want him to.