posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 09:41 PM
My sort of out there theories that I enjoy would be the following:
People can evolve as many years in advance as they choose. We all have this ability and many have tried to teach us these things, and have been
demonized, and quieted, which has forced us to remain ignorant to many truths.
That our differences are not just on this planet, but because of this planet. Our ancestry changed with the arriving and departing of others from
different planets.
Our his-tories have been altered with the times, and has never been the same twice. We are lied to that everything on this planet has happened because
of our faults, when more then once it was out of pure necessity.
Love, emotions, feelings, etc,. are all man made ideas, and most even myself do not realize that our control of our destinies, happiness, and
companionship is more mental then anything else. When that is found in "different" relationships that work quite well, they are misunderstood, which
leads many to remain on the "normal" track.
If men and women can create life, then we are all gods on Earth. Our records of history in most spiritual books are bibliographies of others, but
should be considered to be "How To Books".
Every single person on this Earth is a story of importance, and in someones eyes, we are stories whether good or bad that will live on in the minds
and storytelling of others for ages.
Peace, NRE.