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Anarchy Would Be Good

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posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

Text We would break into small groups that would form larger groups that might create States and then those States might get together and form a Union...wouldn't that be different...

Would we? Is that an opinion or are you god? Can you see the future?

It would be nice if you self-hating defeatists gave your opinion as opinion instead of fact.

Your condescending, patronizing, superior, all knowing ,close minded attitude is telling.

If you have an opinion give it as opinion.....wouldnt that be different....

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Text Anarchy summed up: "And here I am like a sucker trying to romance a girl into giving me her goodies."

You must not be too good with romance. Girls do give you their 'goodies' when you romance them.
What are you talking about?

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Rezwar
Anarchy would be good? Yes because the average person is so law abiding and decent. Because people would behave even without laws. We don't need laws no one would ever do anything wrong right? If the world continues on it's present course, you just might get your anarchy, but I guarantee it will not be as you had envisioned.

Why not just weed these people out and kill them? What is the point of a jail?

Why wouldnt people behave without laws? Is that the only reason you behave? Because of laws? If that is the case then anarchy would weed you out.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by theovermensch

The problem with that is you're putting too much faith in humanity.

I agree the government should probably get off our nutsacks, but to dream for an anarchy is just irresponsible. Most people don't have the skill set necessary to live in an anarchic world. And people who think they do probably still don't.

And hell I rarely go to the doctor either. Broken toes, broken ribs, broken ankles, I've just waited that stuff out. But it was nice to have an eye doctor around earlier today because I've been really losing my vision.

And my aunt had leukemia as a kid growing up and she sure as s*** wouldn't be here today were it not for modern medicine.

One could argue "oh it's survival of the fittest" but i'd bet my life savings lots of the folks who said that would be gone in an instant if it were truly survival of the fittest.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by StopFearMongering
reply to post by theovermensch

The problem with that is you're putting too much faith in humanity.

I agree the government should probably get off our nutsacks, but to dream for an anarchy is just irresponsible. Most people don't have the skill set necessary to live in an anarchic world. And people who think they do probably still don't.

And hell I rarely go to the doctor either. Broken toes, broken ribs, broken ankles, I've just waited that stuff out. But it was nice to have an eye doctor around earlier today because I've been really losing my vision.

And my aunt had leukemia as a kid growing up and she sure as s*** wouldn't be here today were it not for modern medicine.

One could argue "oh it's survival of the fittest" but i'd bet my life savings lots of the folks who said that would be gone in an instant if it were truly survival of the fittest.

I say good. I am not sentimental about life and I think we need to look at solutions as equations. I think that we have devolved.

But I think we could improve medicine if it were not for profit.

But I do know this sounds kninda crazy. And if I am not the fittest I am good being weeded out. But more than weeding out the weakest I think it would weed out the selfish.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

If you want that type of lifestyle, there are plenty of areas in the world that has shunned technological and social development and instead live in a near anar-topia. Try Somolia, and if the roving gangs and local warlords are too girly for you, surely there are some primitive tribes in the jungles you can find.

Until then, your just some dude on a comfy chair chatting on the internet about how your alter-ego is captain caveman.

Sorry if you can't just punch anyone who annoys you.

Nonsense. You people are confused. I said cavemen had something we are missing. That does not mean I want to destroy technology. What the heck are you talking about? And why would anarchy result in the destruction of technology? Read the thread there is alot of argument against that happening and it is not the objective of anarchy to go backwards. I talk of liberty not going backwards.

#sorry if you are a smart ass jerk with nothing to add. Sorry if the opening thread is too hard for you to follow. Maybe if you read it a couple times you will understand

edit on 15-12-2011 by theovermensch because: typo

And are Samurai cavemen? No. But they woul;d remove your head.
edit on 15-12-2011 by theovermensch because: typo

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by theovermensch
reply to post by SaturnFX

Text Anarchy summed up: "And here I am like a sucker trying to romance a girl into giving me her goodies."

You must not be too good with romance. Girls do give you their 'goodies' when you romance them.
What are you talking about?

If you have to ask, or if it went over your head, then chances are your too young to discuss in detail the concept behind that little sentence.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by theovermensch
reply to post by SaturnFX

Text Anarchy summed up: "And here I am like a sucker trying to romance a girl into giving me her goodies."

You must not be too good with romance. Girls do give you their 'goodies' when you romance them.
What are you talking about?

If you have to ask, or if it went over your head, then chances are your too young to discuss in detail the concept behind that little sentence.

Sounds to me that you dont get much action. I am not surprised.

I do.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by theovermensch
reply to post by SaturnFX

Text Anarchy summed up: "And here I am like a sucker trying to romance a girl into giving me her goodies."

You must not be too good with romance. Girls do give you their 'goodies' when you romance them.
What are you talking about?

If you have to ask, or if it went over your head, then chances are your too young to discuss in detail the concept behind that little sentence.

I could help you out with that if you like.

My target audience are university educated or studying. Betweem 18 and 30. 'Smart' girls are so easy to puppet its not funny. They are very predictable cliches for the most part. Even if you are not the best looking I am sure I could give you some tips.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by theovermensch
Nonsense. You people are confused. I said cavemen had something we are missing. That does not mean I want to destroy technology. What the heck are you talking about? And why would anarchy result in the destruction of technology?

Innovation is driven by commerce
Commerce is driven by well thought out patten laws
remove that and voila, you have no protection towards innovation, and therefore no investment towards have stagnation.

The rule of law allows for growth, the removal of law allows for corruption, piracy, monopoly, and ultimately total destruction of a civilization.

If there was no law against it, I would rip your idea off 100% and sell it as my own...I would pirate movies and give them out for free in mass, and games, and computer programs, etc..
What happens when a person whom has a job designing code for software stops getting paid? he stops developing..and therefore, this stops development

Why would tech stop? because thats simply how it works. Why work for 40 hours a week when you can just sell some drugs on ebay and make 10 times that amount in a half hour (assuming ebay still is around).

What your wishing for is a total destruction of civilization into people whom don't even know basic carpentry skills (after all, who wants to work their arse off for 10 bucks an hour when someone will just mug you without consequences at payday anyhow)

There is absolutely no viable model of an anarchy you can even pretend to come up have to use robots as an example...and not even with adaptive ai chips..has to be total toasters.

Human factor mate...your forgetting it.

Read the thread there is alot of argument against that happening and it is not the objective of anarchy to go backwards. I talk of liberty not going backwards.

Liberty is all fine. big fan of it personally, but your liberties stop where mine says the law.
No, you don't have the liberty to rape my sister, no you don't have the liberty to shoot at me because its fun, or punch me in the street because you don't like my shirt...I may not be as strong as you, I may be a small child, or a nun, or a pacifist...does this mean you can therefore rule over me? no...but what consequence should be put in place to protect the weaker, the children, the women, etc from brutes and thugs? yep..laws...and there goes the anarchy idea.

#sorry if you are a smart ass jerk with nothing to add. Sorry if the opening thread is too hard for you to follow. Maybe if you read it a couple times you will understand

edit on 15-12-2011 by theovermensch because: typo

Oh, I read it, and your not the first anarchist to visit ats. I am indeed a smart ass jerk, but I did add a bit of reason and logic.
You say sorry often, but I doubt the sincerity in your tone

--just a perfect anarchy, you wouldn't even have to talk to me..just come over and shoot me for disagreeing...ahh the dream--

cavemen don't do well in debate.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by theovermensch
reply to post by Xtrozero

Text We would break into small groups that would form larger groups that might create States and then those States might get together and form a Union...wouldn't that be different...

Would we? Is that an opinion or are you god? Can you see the future?

It would be nice if you self-hating defeatists gave your opinion as opinion instead of fact.

Your condescending, patronizing, superior, all knowing ,close minded attitude is telling.

If you have an opinion give it as opinion.....wouldnt that be different....

It was tongue and cheek.... relax....

But the basic facts of human nature does not change.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by theovermensch

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by theovermensch
reply to post by SaturnFX

Text Anarchy summed up: "And here I am like a sucker trying to romance a girl into giving me her goodies."

You must not be too good with romance. Girls do give you their 'goodies' when you romance them.
What are you talking about?

If you have to ask, or if it went over your head, then chances are your too young to discuss in detail the concept behind that little sentence.

Sounds to me that you dont get much action. I am not surprised.

I do.

I get enough..I don't feel the need to boast on the net about it..mostly because those that boast tend to erm..exaggerate.
But, you seem to be having difficulty understanding what I initially let me go super near retard blunt so you understand

Why would a person bother trying to chat girls up, go through the process of going out, etc..when they can simply overpower and rape them without fear of an anarchy, there is no law, so, so long as she isn't packing heat, or you can overcome her weapons and take her, then your fine...take what you want, discard what you don't need.

Now, what if you heard your mother got gang raped...and you lived in an anarchy.
Yes, you knew who did it...that bigarse gang down the street 50 strong that rape and rob everyone..and shoot anyone whom even dares to challenge them.
Is this a wonderful world you desire? no...but it is human nature. crack open a history book now and then and you will see what exactly happens in tribal rule

Anarchy is can't say some laws but not all. the thread discusses fight club, tear down the system, live wildly...but you then also admit that the outcome isn't even thought of...just to do it and enjoy.
Well tell you what...I also hear jumping off buildings is fun...the adreneline rush, the wind, the cool view, long as you don't think about the consequences, then that also might as well be recommended.

If you are a university student, then I would demand a full refund. They failed.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:24 PM
The more rules people have to live under, the more they feel like they are being repressed, so then they begin to hide their feelings.. .the more they hide Their feelings, the more neurotic they get, the more neurotic they get the more they break down....when entire societys are repressed they become perverted and deviant. They lose their moral compass, they degenerate.

Kids that have the strictest parents are often the ones that rebel the most. Kids that have really easygoing parents have nothing to rebel against.

Take away or lessen the rules, the more freedom people will have, the more freedom people have, the better they feel, the better they feel the better they treat others, the better people treat others the better the entire society functions.

I am not a anarchist, but I do believe that the best system is the one that allows for the maximum amount of freedom. all people really need are a few rules to function, the rest is just superfluous BS. We have way way too many rules in our western society, plus we have a ton of cultural "do's and don'ts" that people are supposed to embrace in order to be accepted in our society. Often these cultural "rules" can be more repressive than "legal" rules.....

Anarchy does not have to be a state of chaos, but it would be in my opinion a state of common sense....don't drive 60 in a pedestrian zone....unless you just want to be a murderer. The freedom to do anything does not mean you should do anything.....self control and self governance are neccessary.

and as far as pack mentality goes, I agree anarchy would never work as long as humans continue to have pack mentality....but once they embrace individualism and learn tolerance for others uniqueness and basic human respect.....anarchy could work.

I think the only question is, how long will it take for humans to evolve to that level? I encourage individualists to procreate as much as possible, and instill individualism in their own children....then we might have a chance! Lol

Seriously though....chances of anarchy working in my lifetime: 0% chances of anarchy working in 500 years..........maybe.......

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 10:45 PM
What the Joker said, Anarchy is the only answer at this point. Destroy and rebuild... everything in Washington is too tainted to reform. The corruption is a incurable cancer the only remedy is Chaos. There is no court that can touch these animals. . g If they can get away with 911 then i say the people have a right to respond equally in force.This is what we do best as a species "destroy each other" dog eat dog, do or die and survival of the fittest. These scoundrels homes should be raided by the people and them dragged in the streets. I have as much compassion for them "the elite" as they do for me i will leave it at that.

Yeah i said it

edit on 15-12-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 01:49 AM

Text Why would a person bother trying to chat girls up, go through the process of going out, etc..when they can simply overpower and rape them without fear of an anarchy, there is no law, so, so long as she isn't packing heat, or you can overcome her weapons and take her, then your fine...take what you want, discard what you don't need.
reply to post by SaturnFX

Thats what you meant? Good god,where is your brain at? See I thought you meant there is no need for romance because if a girl wants to [SNIP] you she wants to [SNIP] you. Like how if you ask a girl out and agree's the rest is a charade and a formaility. I dont think people are going to run around raping people just because there isnt a law against it. If that is what you first think about then I worry about you. If that is what you think then maybe that says something about you.

My mother being brutally raped seems to be a popular topic. I dont live in fear and I dont worry about horrible things happening. If a gang did that to my mother I think I would try to kill as many of them as I could. Now or under anarchy. I would not want the police involved.

I do have an anger problem and I dont care about being beaten or killed as much as I care about my honour. I have confronted groups of drunk guys on a number of occasions when I could have called the cops. I work out my own problems. I would feel shame if I called the cops like some coward. I hate that I live in a world full of cowards.

I would rather die than live with dishonour.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 02:06 AM

Text I get enough..I don't feel the need to boast on the net about it..mostly because those that boast tend to erm..exaggerate. But, you seem to be having difficulty understanding what I initially let me go super near retard blunt so you understand
reply to post by SaturnFX

I am not exaggerating.

And I am not boasting,when a guy is a smart ass straight of the bat and is rude to me I will come back harder. And better. See I know guys like you. You are a jealous person. You would love to be having sex with hot young girls. Lets face it,that the meaning of life. Whats better than sex with a hot young girl? Nothing.

So if you are going to antagonize me for no good reason I will come back at you. I know you envy guys like me. You wish.

And why would you think I exaggerate? I am a good looking guy and I think girls are easy. Im guessing they are hard for you. That doesnt give you the right to be a jerk. And if you are going to antagonize you should expect it back. You would crap your pants if you saw some of the girls I have gotten with.

And keep your insults to yourself smart ass. I have not insulted you. I have pointed out that you are a smart ass for no good reason and explained to you that I have sex with hot young girls. If that is upsetting for you then I think you should think about that. Why are you such an angry jealous person? I think you should try to be happy for people and stop being so jealous and rude.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by theovermensch

LOL I like how you oversimplify the situation. Let's play your game for awhile. Let's say anarchy reigns supreme in the land. Some people simply decide they no longer want to work because they no longer have to pay taxes. The food supply dwindles as the drivers that transport food to markets show up only when they need money. Oops wait a minute..there goes another thing gone that is basically meaningless since money is built on rules.

You might counter by saying people could barter..Only if they have anything worth bartering for. What would a stock market analyst barter with? Or a bartender? A driver? How well would a barter system serve the whole population in our current numbers? So now you have a society with a collapsed food supply chain. This in itself would cause major problems since our whole society is built on fossil fuels which allow us to use stored solar energy to provide more than the earth by itself can. Basically running the battery out then running all the batteries stored up throughout history. This is what has allowed our population to reach numbers never seen in the history of earth.

Now you have a collapsed food chain, way way more people than the land can support. People start turning on one another over dwindling resources....wait a minute isn't that usually the root cause of most wars? I'm fairly positive all the decent people you think would help you kill all the bad people would be a minority. Humans are cruel vicious beings. Give them what they need to survive and they can play nice with others. Take that away and you weed out the herd as you say, but not the way you expect. Next time think it through. Things always sound nice when it is an idea, it's when you put it into practice you start seeing problems you could have never prepared for. You want Anarchy? New Orleans was a taste of what you want for the world. The looting and lawlessness is exactly what you would get. The thing is they did that when they knew the rest of the world was generally ok? What happens when everywhere is like that?
Survival of the fittest wins. And no I would not be one of the bad guys. I would be one of the fortunate ones who knew what to be prepared for. The naive(you) would perish fairly quickly. I'm all for less rules but no rules is an idiots dream. People are just too damn cruel for it to become a reality, unless you would like to start killing violent children to keep violence out of your utopian society. The list goes on with all the problems your idea would be faced with.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Text Oh, I read it, and your not the first anarchist to visit ats. I am indeed a smart ass jerk, but I did add a bit of reason and logic. You say sorry often, but I doubt the sincerity in your tone

You are right. That was sarcasm.

And I am glad that I am not the first anarchist to visit ats. We will only grow in numbers.

I think it is very debatable wether commerce drives innovation. We already have corruption and a system that has failed. It will only get worse. Your outdated capitalist thinking is a thing of the past.

We have the technology to meet our needs. If you think we dont then we disagree.

There are plenty of people that I have read about that I agree with. I like Oscar Wildes essay The soul of a Man. It influenced my thinking alot. Oscar Wilde would disagree with everything you are saying and so do I.

You seem to think you are more intelligent than I am. Are you more intelligent than Wilde? Chomsky? There are plenty of people that would think the stuff you say is stupid.

But Im not here to make up for my lack of sex with young girls by insulting people and trying to validate my bloated opinion of my iq. I am here to create ripples. In my opinion there is no hope for a person like you. But maybe some young guy read that emotive opening thread and it gave them another perspective. See I actually believe that people like you that defend the corrupt regimes system are traitors to the human race. You are worse than the politicians and we need to start calling you out for what you are. Traitors.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by Rezwar

We have robots that can run farms and do all our labour. If consumerism was not the most important thing in the world we would have direction. Technology would increase.

This essay talks about technology being used as our slaves.

edit on 16-12-2011 by theovermensch because: typo

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by theovermensch

Originally posted by TheFlash
reply to post by theovermensch

So what would you do if a couple guys break into your mother's house and brutally murder her when you are not around? Would you get a few of your smarter friends together and try to solve the crime and deal with the murderers? How are your fingerprinting skills and equipment? What about your criminal database and other resources? Good luck with that.

Dude,I actually almost got kicked of here because I went crazy on someone that used my mother as a similar example. I would punch you in the face for using that imagery if I was standing in front of you right now.

People get away with rape more than any other crime right now genius. Even those that end up in court.

That is a stupid argument.

I have been on sites such as this, debated and discussed enough to know that when someone dodges a question and fails to answer it as you did, it means that they have no rational or sensible response. That means that my point was valid but you just aren't man enough to admit it. Such non-sequitur responses are also frequently accompanied by insults and criticisms as you also clearly demonstrated.

You got nothin'. Me - 1. You - 0.

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