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The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Finanical Tyranny

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posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:30 AM
In listening to the anonymous caller I stumbled upon various things:

1 The caller is relaxed
2 but ready to strike up to the 1000. generation
3 he is in an undisclosed off world location that no one could guess
4 he often refers to mankinds struggle as trifles
5 the language he uses is a jumble mumble of american, irish, russian and asian make
6 his analogies are a bit off track, but one caught me profoundly, when he said: "The daughters of the phoenixes will arise." (had to think of the EMV s around our sun)

Is it my understanding alone or did I come across the first interview with an outerworldly personality from SPACE COMMAND.... ?

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:30 AM
oops - double post
edit on 15/12/11 by expelliamousse because: double post

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by RandalFlagg
Was the anonymous caller a lepricorn?

His Irish accent, all this talk about gold, him stating he was calling from an off world location and just before he left he said in the end we will all be living in happiness and under rainbows!

Watch out Illumanati if you touch Wilcock the lepricorns are going to get you!

edit on 15-12-2011 by RandalFlagg because: (no reason given)

I know, what sort of dodgy accent was that.
Some sort of Irish, South African, Australian combination. Sounded full of bull whatever it was.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by smallpeeps
Its strange the start of this story was really good, learning about the 2 Japanese men who were caught with the US bonds was something I had not heard before and something interesting to report on.

By the end of the overall story so far I was thinking to myself, after spending all after noon looking deeper into this I have reached the point were Im listening to Wilcock crying on Kerry Cassidy's radio show with an anonymous insider claiming to be so far away we couldn't even comprehend!

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by RandalFlagg


Star for the Picard facepalm.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by RandalFlagg
reply to post by smallpeeps
Its strange the start of this story was really good, learning about the 2 Japanese men who were caught with the US bonds was something I had not heard before and something interesting to report on.

By the end of the overall story so far I was thinking to myself, after spending all after noon looking deeper into this I have reached the point were Im listening to Wilcock crying on Kerry Cassidy's radio show with an anonymous insider claiming to be so far away we couldn't even comprehend!

Well, you have to keep your eye on the ball. And this ball was pitched around the year 1601 with the supra-national entity called the Dutch East India Company which was essentially a pitch thrown right at the head of humanity. I have explained this on some other thread somewhere.

Yeah I'm just now listening to the mp3, haven't gotten to the leprecahuns yet.

I think I recall from my viewing of the Tolkien books that the "Orcs" are actually the befouled-ancestors of the righteous elves?

Therefore musn't there also be "Keebler Orcs" as well as "Keebler Elves"?

Furthermore, can we not say that "Darby O-Gill" would represent the light leprechauns and that the little leprecahun from the movies of the same name, would be the anti-thesis to that? Good and bad humans, good and bad elves, and good and bad leprechauns? As they say "the proof is in the cookie".

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 10:56 AM

More electronic ciphers found! I mean cookies!

Wait, not cookies, "dollars"!

Found: $840 billion in municipal bonds
Dec 9, 2011
14:07 EST


How many 100 million dollar pennies is this? At least a thousand. What's that in cookies?

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 11:17 AM
Is there really a thing called "beancounting" on Earth anymore?

Haha, hey, what if the "seven layer burrito" was carefully made but they only ever spoke to the one layer, as if it was just a one layer burrito? If you don't have good beancounters, you don't have a good burrito.

Existing home sales to be revised down from 2007: NAR
Found: $840 billion in municipal bonds

WASHINGTON | Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:30pm EST

(Reuters) - Data on sales of previously owned homes from 2007 through October this year will be revised down next week because of double counting, indicating a much weaker housing market than previously thought.

The National Association of Realtors said a benchmarking exercise had revealed that some properties were listed more than once and in some instances new home sales were also captured.

"All the sales and inventory data that has been reported since January 2007 is being downwardly revised. Sales were weaker than people thought," NAR spokesman Walter Malony told Reuters.

"We're capturing some new home data that should have been filtered out and we also discovered that some properties were being listed in more than one list."

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 11:22 AM
Here is a PDF concerning the trial:

Keenan complaint PDF

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 11:31 AM
This is the stuff:

Two-Hundred Forty-nine (249) United States 1934 Series Federal Reserve Notes which, according to a Federal Reserve System Inventory List (SC1226-71-DOO4-D45184101 A) prepared at the time of issuance, were contained in "Box No. D 45184101 A" bearing Bond Nos. "D 45184101 A- D 45184350 A" (one sheet No. D 45184349 A missing) each with a face value of $500 Million ($500,000,000.00) United States Dollars in the total amount of One Hundred Twenty-Four Billion Five-Hundred Million United States Dollars ($124,500,000,000.00);
Two (2) 57th Series Japanese Government Bearer Bonds, Nos. A 1306 and A 1310, which were issued on April 30, 1983 by the Ministry of Finance, Government of Japan, each having a face value of Japanese Yen Five Hundred (500) Billion, which is equivalent to an amount in excess of Nine and One-Half (9.5) Billion United States Dollars; and
(iii) One (1) United States Kennedy Bond with a face value of One (1) Billion United States Dollars, bearing registration number APII 024068 A.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by EartOccupant
Thanks for the link, been wanting to give this a read!

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 12:06 PM
Yo thanks for the mp3, I listened to it. As to the "irish sounding" caller 'anonymous':

I like him. I figured I'd just post some of his words here.

Good stuff, but I'd like to discuss it further. Maybe someone needs to start an "Anonymous Irish-sounded fellow" thread? He sounds cool, I like him.

[from the mp3 posted in this thread.]


1:13:00: "...torture in lives that go for thousands of generations." [...] "If you understand what I'm sayin, you understand the depths of what we're talkin about. And this phone call [is] coming from so far beyond the never-never, you could never appreciate it."

1:17:00: "it only takes one apple to spill the rest" [...] "its a problem."

1:25:00: "in 20 years time, we'll be in a better place."

So I was being funny about the leprachaun stuff. But actually, I do respect all the Celtic ways and I recpect all elves and leprechauns alike. I have walked into Limerick, I have felt and seen the ghosts of that magic land.

One knows the Celts/Druids are the center of Masonism, as Thomas Paine himself revealed.

Here is the link to T. Paine's writings vol 4 where Thomas Paine says that:

The writings of Thomas Paine, Volume 4
By Thomas Paine

[page 301]

[...] Though the Masons have taken many of their ceremonies and heiroglyphics from the ancient Egyptians, it is certain they did not take their chronology from thence. If they had, the church would not have sent them to the stake; as the chronology of the Egyptians, like that of the Chinese, goes many thousand years beyond the Bible chronology.

The religion of the Druids, as before said, was the same as the religion of the ancient Egyptians. The priests of Egypt were the professors and teachers of science, and were styled priests of Heliopolis, that is, of the City of the Sun. The Druids in Europe, who were the same order of men. [...]

[page 303]

There is a society of Masons in Dublin who take the name of Druids; these Masons must be supposed to have a reason for taking that name.

Good old Thomas Paine, the guy never goes out of style. I have heard that he was not a Mason? Well anyway, he was great anyway. I haven't read all his works but this one's a key one to know.

Let it be known that I think this "anonymous Irish caller" to be of this calibre of fine man. Yes, Irish anon man caller here, is the new Tom in town. His words here are legend.

Oh and I agree on the prime point here: Leave David W. alone he's doing good work.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by smallpeeps

I still haven't had time to listen to the whole thing..

But he does sound interesting to say the least.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 12:55 PM
Yeah, time.

Anyway, this is an interesting article written today I guess. It's about China and money."

Funny how the Internet works at light speed, but the courts work at a snail's pace?

The powers-that-be still don't want to advertise what's going on in China because that will give the proverbial game away. The idea is to pretend (via the mainstream media) that what is about to happen to the world is a "surprise." That it was not something that could be predicted.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:53 PM
At 16:40 or so of this video: Default versus something called "The voluntary loss of real money".

Hmm, how would that go in court?

"Well, your honor, I did hold the gun up, and I did imply that there was coersion, but in the end, the plaintiff agreed to a voluntary loss of real money. So I am therefoah innocent your honor, as this was a voluntary loss, on their part, in that they did hand over the cash, and were thereby agreeing to the loss of real money."

On a related note, how long before TruTV changes its name back to CourtTV? I heard Jesse the Body ain't even in the US anymore but his show on their network seems to have hit some nerves, at least judging from the tape.

Yes, from the current IP memespace I gather that Jesse and Paul will combine to form a third party ticket which will as their first act, turn TruTV back into CourtTV, and have court, become a more open and joyful thing, where true justice is dispensed. Jesse and Paul can judge it like Judge Judy does her show. Or that other judge lady on TV, the latin one who does divorces and stuff. I mean these people ain't Wapner, Jesse and Dr. Paul could rule the airwaves, if they combined to form a third party on the Court TV network, when it returns I mean.

CSPAN is not enough my friends, we need CourtTV to come back, and Jesse is perfectly positioned to become, the Heavyweight Champion he was always destined to be.
I think in the WWF he only rose to Intercontinental Champion, but that will do here so there's precedent in place. Also, don't forget that Mexicans love wrestlers big time.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:59 PM
The beginning of the audio is so hard to listen to with DW crying.

I'm only about 1/5th in and so far Kerry Cassidy is surprisingly normal. I stopped with Project Camelot about a year ago because of her.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 03:14 PM
This lawsuit is going "viral" I see it popping up on fora's more and more.

If this would get worldwide attention, we could get a real field-day!

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by EartOccupant

as said time and time again - any idiot can file a lawsuit - getting it heard is what counts

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

So the video above explains M. Strong to be part of this, yet he is not mentioned in the Keenan pleading. So Ban Ki Moon seems to be a front puppet like the dude in Casino who's running the Casino?

Anyway, Here's a link to the writings of some dude who's been pumping global warning aka "carbon bank credits" since 2000. Let's see them interview this guy below "Haartsgard" when they do the follow-up episode to the season one episode 3 epic Conspiracy Theory global warming episode linked above.

Really, 45 mins aint enough to analyze this, and I think all parties know that. It takes lawyers months to analyze the doings of courtrooms, how shall the people do it in one 45 minute go? I think we all know when a kangaroo court is in session.

A Global Green Deal
Posted on Apr 1, 2000

Thousands of environmental activists will converge on Washington to protest the World Bank this weekend, and with good reason. Instead of financing rainforest destruction and climate change, the Bank should support a Global Green Deal: a program to renovate human civilization environmentally from top to bottom while truly fighting poverty. Mark Hertsgaard explains how it could be done.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:07 PM

"We don't need to investigate. We have ways and means of knowing everyone's information, everyone's computer. We don't need a thing. We do it in a different way. We have no physical material requirements - at all. No machinery as you understand it."

"We're the sort of folk that don't follow you after the heart attack when you die son, we'll be there on the other side to bother you again. Be assured that we can bother them just as effectively after the deaths of their physical bodies. And don't talk about torture in this life, talk about torture in lives that go on for thousands of generations."

"Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you understand the depths of what we're talking about? And this phone call is coming from so far beyond you could could never appreciate it."

You've got a friend in a very high place David. An all knowing, all seeing friend in a very high place (off world). Continue to do what you have been called to do. He told you to put it all out there. All of it, as long as it was truth. So do it. You got a green light from the company of heaven. That's as good as it gets

Anyone else feel creeped out listening to Anonymous on that show last night? Then he tells David at the end in 7 days you will be contacted by one of my people, just tell them the truth David.

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