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The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Finanical Tyranny

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posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by smallpeeps

gold has been massively SUPRESSED for decades and the proof is out there

this small 10 year bull run we are in is nothing IMO

again as I type these words to your arrogant reply to me...95% of the people i know own no gold or gld etf

in fact, i can imagine a time where elites RUN UP gold so high that 95% of the people can never afford it at a lll...ever again

let alone silver which they mock daily so they can continue to buy so cheap

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by SuperTripps
reply to post by smallpeeps

gold has been massively SUPRESSED for decades and the proof is out there

this small 10 year bull run we are in is nothing IMO

Surpressed? Please tell me: Does that mean also "manipulated"? Because I think the truth is that "supressed" means downward force, to keep the price low. This word also applies to combat tactics where a commander will say "supress that area!" and his heavy gunner will direct a stream of bullets at the area, thereby keeping the enemy's head down. To surpress means "to keep from rising".

The question is, what's the opposite of that, and does it exist?

I know gold is valued for many reasons. But not the least of the reasons it is valued, is because: It is actually a monetary weapon of destruction. That is to say, gold is one of the chief ways historically, that currency and money are debauched. Money, means specie, meaning metal coins. And this ties directly to a city wanting commerce/trade/markets where their people can buy/sell/transact. Now you may ask, "how is gold a weapon???" and the answer is this: Only the smelter and the minter know what content and purity is gold. It's a known tactic of Mammonists to use the circulating gold coins (say in a 'Ron Paul' type future) and to take these gold and silver coins and shave, sweat, clip, drill and otherwise lessen the gold content of the coin. In this way, the public is lured into using gold at first, then they are ruined by adhering to that modality, as time moves forward. Therefore did a Spartan King of old, disallow all gold and silver in his kingdom. He ruled that only iron, could be used for money (specie) in his kingdom. In this way, he disallowed the gold bugs from inesrting their mosquito-proboscity called gold coins, into his kingdom.

Historically gold coins are used to siphon/crash/debauch the wealth/money of nations. debts and gold coins and war are the ways nations (and the poorest of those nations, the plebes) are diminished and destroyed.

again as I type these words to your arrogant reply to me...95% of the people i know own no gold or gld etf

in fact, i can imagine a time where elites RUN UP gold so high that 95% of the people can never afford it at a lll...ever again

let alone silver which they mock daily so they can continue to buy so cheap

You said: "lots of idiots on the web and falling for these new age website and videos." ...So I say that when either you or I call people on the web "idiots", well yes, either of us may appear to be arrogant.

You say above that the elites can "RUN UP" the gold of price, so you do admit that it's not unlike the handlebars of a bicycle if we say left means deflation and right means inflation. You do agree they can 'waggle' or 'steer' the handlebars of the bicycle left or right? If you do agree that they can jerk the thing left or right (price of gold goes up or down), then the only question to ever ask here in this forum is: To what degree can they steer the price down, and to what degree can they steer the price up? That is the only question.

There is this term out there which I hear people use. "price discovery" ...This is an interesting term. What does it mean? It's almost a fnord, this term. Really now: How do we accomplish this thing called price discovery, when you agree the "elites" (which would be nations I guess since they own the tonnage of gold?) or let's say the central banks, can run up or down, the price of gold, then the only question to ask at this point is, "How low can they steer it if they want" meaning what is the extreme low price to which they could crash the price of gold and how would they do it? And the corollary would be "How high can they steer the price of gold, and how would they do it?"

All I am saying is this: If we take the handlebars of a bicycle as a control-type analogue like I described, and assume that left means down, well, I would say that historically, the bicycle of gold price wants to steer left. If wants to crash. I guess it would be fair to say that you and all gold dealers around the world, believe the bicycle of gold price wants to steer right, naturally? That's my question. If you ride this bicycle with no hands, and just sit back and pedal (price discovery analogy here), then what would be the natural and real price of an ounce of gold, and to which direction, left or right, down or up, does the thing want to go?

In this thread I have mentioned Martin Armstrong, Princeton alum who is ostensibly enemy of Goldman Sachs. He has some article out there "Will gold reach 30,000 dollars an ounce??" This Armstrong guy say gold will go up because of "cycles". Keenan complaint here seems to be the opposite of that, asking: What if somebody dumped 20k tons of gold onto the global market?

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by smallpeeps

your whole post makes no sense to me. sorry. can't even follow what you are saying

i thought my posts were very simple and rational and you are taking it somewhere that makes no sense


posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by SuperTripps
reply to post by smallpeeps

your whole post makes no sense to me. sorry. can't even follow what you are saying

i thought my posts were very simple and rational and you are taking it somewhere that makes no sense


Sad that a single post escapes you, I thought it was simple: You are saying gold is manipulated downward, and should explode upward. Then you say the elites will "run it up" so they manipulate it both upward and downward. My question to you (simply) is which force, the downward or the upward, is the stronger controlling force? That is a very very very simple question to grasp. Is the upward manipulation stronger, or the downward manipulation stronger?

Then I explained some history about how a King from Sparta long ago, forbade gold and silver from his cities. I assume you don't know his name, or care. Let me know if I'm wrong and I'll look up his name. The point of him, and history, is that gold is used to debauch entire nations, through manipulation of bullion content.

Here's hoping you can post some questions that will help me untangle your confusion. As it is, you're just a gold bug yapping for everyone that gold is the thing to run toward. All I'm saying is that people who are gold bugs really seem ignorant of history in regards to how gold is manipulated. Try typing more and we will see if we can draw you out since reading comprehension isn't everyone's strong suit.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 12:28 AM
You will soon see gold action, most likely sharpely upward, as the "Pan Asian Gold Exchange" (PAGE) comes online fully in June of 2012. They'll be offering a way for Chinese people, at first, and then others later to buy/sell gold online. And this won't be like the leveraged gold and silver offered by the COMEX ETF's (electronically traded funds GLD & SLV) where you buy gold but cannot get your gold because it is leveraged. Meaning if every COMEX customer wants their gold/silver or wants it cashed in at near the same time it isn't all there. The PAGE is a 1:1 buy. You buy the gold, you get it and can sell it or take delivery. Also note that while the USA is the world's 2nd largest gold producer, China is the 1st largest. China has positioned themselves well against the fall of Fiat money and the worldwide leveraged debt explosion.

The main attraction of the exchange is that it will allow average Chinese to buy physical gold or set up an account with a brokerage firm and trade futures, to sell and buy in yuan.

Average Chinese has been able to buy and own physical gold since the opening of the Shanghi Gold Exchange in 2002. With the new Pan Asian Gold Exchange, the Chinese peoples’ ability to own gold and Silver has been expanded by enabling them to buy it online, analysts added

Source Article Link - "Beware of China’s Pan Asia Gold Exchange"

Expect this powerful move by China to shake the gold and financial markets and upset some very big top tier financial people in the USA and the UK. There is a reason that Andrew Maguire (precious metals london trader), the whistleblower on silver manipulation in the markets, is featured in the promotional video to the Pan Asian Gold Exchange. It's a big middle finger to the top tier financial people who have tried to keep the precious metals markets manipulated for their own gain.

Here's the Pan Asian Gold Exchange promotional video:

This is big and could quite possibly spawn proxy wars against Chinese interests by the USA and UK.
edit on 10-1-2012 by thepixelpusher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 03:26 PM
Part 3 is now up for those still interested.
FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time

Part 3

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 11:24 PM
I just found this thread.

I wish all the information would have stay in one thread, it's easy to follow that way.

Both threads have good information. Keep your eye on the ball and less on the sensationalism that is going with it.
edit on 14-1-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth
I just found this thread.

I wish all the information would have stay in one thread, it's easy to follow that way.

Both threads have good information. Keep your eye on the ball and less on the sensationalism that is going with it.

Yes but "moar threads" is the nature of Clickles(tm) meaning domain-based ad-selling sites like this, do not benefit from one thread, the info needs to be dilluted/shunted into a dozen threads to make more Clickles(tm).

But yes, let's try to keep it to at least two threads.

Anyway, big update from David Wilcock:

He now has a site at link below where pics and much info can be seen. Maklumat for the win!

But then David says this dude and his son were killed a week ago. Very sad if true, things should get rolling...

[at his site David says:]


Ben had David direct me to the "Unwanted Publicity Intelligence" website, which contains extremely sensitive documents. I was astonished when I reviewed this website, considering that I was told it is very dangerous to publish pictures of the Federal Reserve bonds.

A week later, on January 6th, David and his eight-year-old son Mackie burned to death in their home. Hardly anything recognizable was left. Accelerants were found outside and arson has not been ruled out.

News at 9:30 a.m.: Glengary fire victims identified as man, child
Fire claims David Cole Hutlzer, 56, and James Hutlzer, 8
January 7, 2012
By Samantha Cronk - Journal Staff Writer

MARTINSBURG - West Virginia State Police have identified the two victims of Friday's fatal fire in Glengary as David Cole Hutlzer, 56 and James Hutlzer, 8.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 08:45 AM
More about the victims which DW theorizes were killed in retaliation for the website above which shows many US currency instruments.

Haha, 'instruments'. I meant paper money, but they call it an 'instrument' though you really can't strum it and it's more of a painful tool. Actual and real instruments are fun and bring joy through music. Paper crap isn't the same thing as a lovely tune on a mandolin, for example. Or the playing of "taps" on a trumpet. Those are legit uses of instruments. It is hard to defraud or destroy a nation, family or a man, using just a trumpet or a harp.

We need to clarify the English language. As an instrument, it's been wrongly tuned.

BERKELEY COUNTY, WV - Investigators have not yet determined what caused a fire that killed a man and his son on Friday.

The family talked about the tragedy for the first time on Sunday.

"There's nothing left of what he had. It's gone," says Cole McCulloch, his uncle David Hutlzer and eight-year-old cousin, James Hutlzer, were killed.

Sifting through the rubble of his uncle's mobile home, McCulloch says there isn't much that can be saved.

"Everything's just completely ruined," he said. "The heat and smoke damage. Nothing is recognizable."

Only a few days before the fire McCulloch had visited his uncle.

"He was happy that day. That's how I'll remember him."

On Friday, a fire destroyed the home, trapping David and his son inside.


posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 09:21 AM
Welp looks like we all get to see the DFFI now...

Ben and Chang, life long comrades?

$500 Million Dollar USA Federal Reserve Note seals picturing on the left, former President of the United States of America Benjamin Franklin facing former Premier Chang Kai Shek of the Republic of China.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 12:51 PM
This link is from testimony in the arrest of people trying to pass the DFFI billions dollar certs at the FRB in Dallas.

What would make this group of men think they could pass a "fake" billion dollar bond in this way? Also, why Dallas? Anyway page three of testimony (third above) mentions "Tom Buckley".

Tom Buckley, for those informed on "NESARA" type threads, was the dude on whom a Federal Jury levied 14 counts of mail fraud and which man then killed himself last year.

Weird how these men in the court case above, were made to think some instrument was real when it wasn't. They went right into a bank in Dallas around 1991 and tried to use them. But then that is mentioned in the Keenan complaint, that the bonds/DFFI would be lethal for anyone not entitled to use them. They were designed to look "fake" and have a password, but that wasn't enough.

Well, I guess that useless tool Anderson Cooper won't be reporting on any of this. But in spite of his absence from these alleyways of conspiracy, I'm glad we at least have hi res pictures of these documents.

The Chiasso Incident of 2009 appears to have had a lot of events preceding it but that was where I first saw some tiny little lo-res images of these bonds. Now it takes years of course to fight the stream of bull#.

I am looking forward to the next season of Jesse Ventura Mui Conspiraciocho which I heard is scheduled to be filmed live in Mexico but which will be syndicated by TruTV aka CourtTV here in the US. I am hoping that the FCC will agree to pump CourtTV/TruTV into all prisons in the future, else how will Americans know when justice has been obtained for them? It would suck to be in prison and to not be able to watch CourtTV or Mui Conspiraciocho el Jesse Ventura. How will Americans of the future be able to process all this info without Jesse and Telemundo? Seriously, only Ron Paul can save us by completely ending all Federal programs and having the US rendered into hog fat. Well anyway, that's how it's looking.

Seriously though, CourtTV was renamed TruTV and then they had Jesse's show on it before he threatened to move to Mexico but wouldn't discuss the drug wars. No really, I am telling you the truth here: Jesse won't say anything about Ollie North or Mexican/Vatican drug trade.

The "drug war" was begun with Mexico as the main belligerent. It's always been complete horse# frankly that's the truth of all this hullaballoo from the genesis of prohibition and Mexican weed. The wonderful truth is that black markets are ending and everyone will be freed and these are some dragon-sized tears being cried for lost drug funds. Sorry Charlie but plants should be free and no plant on Earth is meant to be weaponized, not popies or coca or spinach. No plant wants to be made into a weapon. Therefore, there can be no legitimate war against plants, only against those who weaponize plants.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 01:25 PM
From page 26 of the court case mentioned above:

..."Objection sustained, all this is irrelevant, THE COURT needs to go pick up their kid at daycare. Could we hurry this along and speak clearly into the mic?"

Wow, no wonder they charge so much for PACER access, now up to .10 cents per page. Comedy like this does not come cheap!

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by thepixelpusher
You will soon see gold action, most likely sharpely upward, as the "Pan Asian Gold Exchange" (PAGE) comes online fully in June of 2012. They'll be offering a way for Chinese people, at first, and then others later to buy/sell gold online. And this won't be like the leveraged gold and silver offered by the COMEX ETF's (electronically traded funds GLD & SLV) where you buy gold but cannot get your gold because it is leveraged. Meaning if every COMEX customer wants their gold/silver or wants it cashed in at near the same time it isn't all there. The PAGE is a 1:1 buy. You buy the gold, you get it and can sell it or take delivery. Also note that while the USA is the world's 2nd largest gold producer, China is the 1st largest. China has positioned themselves well against the fall of Fiat money and the worldwide leveraged debt explosion.

The main attraction of the exchange is that it will allow average Chinese to buy physical gold or set up an account with a brokerage firm and trade futures, to sell and buy in yuan.

Average Chinese has been able to buy and own physical gold since the opening of the Shanghi Gold Exchange in 2002. With the new Pan Asian Gold Exchange, the Chinese peoples’ ability to own gold and Silver has been expanded by enabling them to buy it online, analysts added

Source Article Link - "Beware of China’s Pan Asia Gold Exchange"

Expect this powerful move by China to shake the gold and financial markets and upset some very big top tier financial people in the USA and the UK. There is a reason that Andrew Maguire (precious metals london trader), the whistleblower on silver manipulation in the markets, is featured in the promotional video to the Pan Asian Gold Exchange. It's a big middle finger to the top tier financial people who have tried to keep the precious metals markets manipulated for their own gain.

Here's the Pan Asian Gold Exchange promotional video:

This is big and could quite possibly spawn proxy wars against Chinese interests by the USA and UK.
edit on 10-1-2012 by thepixelpusher because: (no reason given)

fantastic post...and if you believe even 10% of the wilcox or fulford can see how its a big middle finger

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 03:33 PM
holy moly---i'm almost done with david wilcox's new thread..and he has done an amazing job here

i might have to revisit my whole opinion of him now

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 06:27 PM
David is a writing machine! I'm still not sure what to make of his final point, but he does nail some pretty dark secrets in his expose. There are some pretty malignant influences that can seem to shine light on the dark, but in reality it's to drown their enemies so they are free to control others. I hope those working with David have higher goals in mind. Our world history shows us that we've not matured enough to move the human race forward emotionally. We are still mired in wars and conflicts and people are easily mislead by a small group of people.

My question is how can David be sure he isn't being used in some way?

His articles are so dense with facts and info that I'll have to reread it all just to take it all in. The 3 parts are like reading a very long book. Amazing that he got this done so soon. But with danger over your head...well that's a strong motivation.
edit on 15-1-2012 by thepixelpusher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 01:55 AM
Here is the pdf file of the complete complaint in the case:

... It offers virtually no information on how/when/by whom the alleged theft took place. Frankly, it doesn't even offer evidence that all that money ever existed in Keenan's possession.

Frankly, I think that if this Dragon Family existed as described, it would have enough influence and muscle that it could get back its wealth, and punish the thieves, without bothering with a court case, if you get my drift.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Shoonra
Here is the pdf file of the complete complaint in the case:

... It offers virtually no information on how/when/by whom the alleged theft took place. Frankly, it doesn't even offer evidence that all that money ever existed in Keenan's possession.

Frankly, I think that if this Dragon Family existed as described, it would have enough influence and muscle that it could get back its wealth, and punish the thieves, without bothering with a court case, if you get my drift.

exactly, it's presented as the dragon family has sat back and done nothing for 100 years and watches these folks steal gold and power from them.

and in the same breath dragon family wants you to believe gold is everywhere and easy to mine. lol

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Shoonra
Here is the pdf file of the complete complaint in the case:

... It offers virtually no information on how/when/by whom the alleged theft took place. Frankly, it doesn't even offer evidence that all that money ever existed in Keenan's possession.

Frankly, I think that if this Dragon Family existed as described, it would have enough influence and muscle that it could get back its wealth, and punish the thieves, without bothering with a court case, if you get my drift.

Read my post above, it's from early 1990s when the DFFI first surfaced in Dallas. Read the court testimony about how these men just entered the bank and left the certs and went back to their hotel. Does it sound like they're scamming someone? Nah, sounds like THEY got scammed.

Your short-shrift description above, does not describe the contents of the lawsuit. Does not add to the thread.

But the reason I wanted to comment was because you said "they would have enough influence and muscle that it could get back its wealth" ...You seem to be failing to understand that there were high level arrangements that seem to have gone bad. If party A is going to invade you and take your bullion, you might trust party B who says they'll protect it. But if 80 years and on, party B says kiss off, and party A after years of time, looks like just another patsy (Japan propped up by Vatican Jesuits from the git-go) then eventually you'd have to figure out how to engage with party B and force them to respect the deal.

So your idea that they'd "have enough muscle" is kinda silly, simply because how does one "show muscle" during a world war?? Did you notice that Japan had been raped for a decade before Hitler even got the ball up to start a war?? The Japanese ravaged the coastal cities of that area. What "muscle" did China have in WW2?

In the final analysis, we took their bullion and we assisted Stalin to win the war, a classic Vatican holocaust with Himmler (Jesuit) and Germans as the hammer, and Stalin (Jesuit) and Russians as the anvil and all the dead russian Jews and Germanic encamped jews and slavs in between as the offering to Moloch.

So what muscle would China use against the forces of WW2, aka the Vatican and the Jesuits and Israel (Rothschild coinchangers for Rome) and the United Nations?

There is an interesting angle which arises from what you said though, because it's been said that Rothschildian forces are scurrying to secretly hide in China when the heat gets to them. Ben Fulford himself says this in his recent interview, that North Korea is actually just a client state where Rothschild will hide, then use their money to try to float a reunification idea there when the time suits them. If it were to happen that way, you could easily then see the UN empowered by Chinese troops since Rockefeller/Rothschild are of the same cloth and they own the United Nations and the post-WW2 money presses.

So yes, what you are saying may come true and yes maybe they need to 'build up their muscle' a bit eh? But the muscle China would use, would be the muscle which is here being sued in the lawsuit, Ban Ki Moon, Bruno, etc, etc -- I heard the UN has an army and they can expand that army hugely at a whim. Perhaps the only question is how they will react to this suit. I wonder, how many lawsuits are out there which allege the UN has defrauded the poor of the world? I mean it's obvious that they have done so, but how often is it moved in court like this? Anyway, usually you do court first and then muscle second. Muscle first and court second is not the way these things work.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 10:38 AM
For those who might enjoy a rather enlightened viewpoint on Wilcock?

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by TheExopolitician
For those who might enjoy a rather enlightened viewpoint on Wilcock?

Very informative.

Thanks for the link.

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