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I Had A Strange Experience Last Night..

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posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 08:57 AM
I would like to direct this question/message to all those who are in the spiritual transformation stage.

First of all I would just like to inform you that I have been practicing meditation over the past few weeks, and last night was the first time I felt as if I had a response of some sort from a higher power / spiritual entity.

This is how it went:

I got into bed quite late for a work night, around midnight time and recently I have been listening to relaxing audio tapes whilst going to sleep. Whilst these audio tapes play I like to consciously clear my mind of all thought. Once I feel I have done this, I start to meditate, now in order to keep my chakras close to and within me, I sit in the standard triangular position.

Once I have achieved this relaxing state of mind and physicality, I like to attempt to communicate with higher powers, and consciously receive the power that comes from the cosmos and everything around us. Usually I will make long, consistent low-key hums such as Ohm & Uhm.

I then started to say to myself that I would like to be given the opportunity so speak to a higher power, so I can assist with the transformation of our planet in the coming time.

I first began to feel tingling in my toes, and then I tried to push the energy from my toes, higher up my body, it traveled all the way up my legs, and then onto my chest area and finally into my brain. The only way I can describe this feeling is that I felt as if every muscle in the body was being constantly exercised, creating a pulsing wave of energy throughout my body. I felt that I had become much heavier, but this was a very warm and welcoming sensation.

Then, I opened my eyes, I did not have a light turned on, only the back-light of my laptop slightly illuminating the room - I began to focus on the back wall of my bedroom and seemingly out of nowhere I began to see purple stars, which then began to form a purple shape (I will sketch a small drawing of the shape shortly, however this is closest thing I can relate it to:

The shape began to grow, rapidly I might add, and it felt as if it was getting closer and closer to myself.. to the point where the pattern practically engulfed me, almost like an aura of some sort.

Whilst all this was happening I was now allowing myself to be frightened, but to embrace whatever form of energy this shape was taking. I sat very still, eyes wide open, and then the purple began to fade away.. ever so slowly. After this experience I felt as if something very special had just occurred that I should cherish the moment for what it was.

I would have to estimate that this experience lasted for around three to five minutes - until the purple faded anyway.

After all of this took place, for some reason.. I felt very vulnerable and apprehensive as to whether I want to try any of this again.. but also a great sense of knowing, I could

I'm not going to lie, I was scared. More scared than I have felt in a very very long time.

So here is my question brothers and sisters, have any of you attempted to contact a divine or higher power before? If so can you relate to my horribly written story (I find it quite difficult to create flow whilst I am writing and end up throwing everything in to one jumbled wall of text).

If not, can anybody shed some light on what may have happened last night?

I would really like to hear from others who have shared similar experiences and how it has affected them long and short term.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I welcome all positive responses

Peace, Love and Harmony to all that walk this beautiful planet Earth.

edit on 13/12/2011 by SativaDub because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 09:18 AM
Sounds like you cut off blood flow to your feet while sitting in that awkward position. Perhaps you cut off blood to your brain which then made you hallucinate.

In all seriousness...not sure what happened but I've always wanted to try the whole meditation thing out just to see if I too can get into a nice relaxed state of mind. Interesting story but no idea what it means.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 09:27 AM
Very interesting indeed,

I must first say that what you experienced is your very own personal experience, so how I see it does not mean it is the absolute truth because it is based on a personal view/perception of the event. You might see it differently from me.

With that being said, from what I can understand, it seems like a progression in your spiritual journey. I see it as the end of a cycle of progression and the beginning of a new one. What are the old and new cycles will you ask me? This is where you (and only you) need to analyze it in order to find your own inner truth.

We are all experiencing spiritual development in different ways, but I believe our goal, as a specie, is the same considering we are one big family entering gradually in a new phase.

The most precious hint I can give you is to understand my words for what they are and consider what "really" resonate within you. This is because what is good for me is not necessarily good for you but it can be to a certain extent, if you understand what I mean, you, as a human in a spiritual development.

Ask yourself questions and feel into your "inner being" what answers suits you the best. There is no good nor wrong, it is a matter of perception as you may know.

Let me tell you that you are not alone, we all had our own development and sooner or later we will understand further, when the time will be for these answers to be understood.

Keep up the inner work, I believe you are on the right path and remember that positive thinking is the best way to make sense about what happens brother

Hope it made some sense to you,


posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by thruthseek3r

Originally posted by thruthseek3r
Very interesting indeed,

Keep up the inner work, I believe you are on the right path and remember that positive thinking is the best way to make sense about what happens brother

Hope it made some sense to you,


It definitely makes sense.. thank you for your time and guidance

Thank you for the reply, looking forward to the dimensional shift and state of consciousness in 2012

edit on 14/12/2011 by SativaDub because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by SativaDub

Great to hear it made sense to you brother

I know what you are talking about and I wish you good luck on your path.


posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 06:28 PM
You really want to know what happened? You fell into a dream state of sleep paralysis which causes you to dream with your eyes open. I don't know why you have to explain everything that happens to yourself that you can't explain as a "spiritual experience" why not just explain it in a logical way? I can't wait until 2012 is done and over with and you either feel really dumb about the whole transformation thing or you make up excuses as to why it did not happen. Better yet you will probably say it did happen and convince yourself it did even though there are no real changes. Everyone that thinks we are going through a magical transformation for no apparent reason other than some ancient dudes said we would needs to get their facts straight.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by Mansley

All i can say is that i feel sorry for you.

Those of us that are preparing ourselves for the shift will embrace it.

Where as people like yourselves will only try to deny it, however you will realize how wrong you were before the end. You will remember.. before the end.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by SativaDub
reply to post by Mansley

All i can say is that i feel sorry for you.

Those of us that are preparing ourselves for the shift will embrace it.

Where as people like yourselves will only try to deny it, however you will realize how wrong you were before the end. You will remember.. before the end.

Yes feel sorry for me even though my understanding of reality far surpasses yours because you limit yourself. All I can say is when 2012 is done and over with I think I'll be the one laughing, but we shall see.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by SativaDub

It is very possible that something will happen in 2012. Even if nothing happens, humanity is still going through an accelerated phase of spiritual evolution, and it might take only one generation, or it might take a few centuries. We are physically evolving; there is evidence that current generations are not developing wisdom teeth, due to modern eating methods, or so I learned in Cultural Anthropology.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 12:32 AM
I can give you my two cents.

First, I don't listen to anything when I meditate because I don't want anyone placing any ideas in my head while I am in a vulnerable state for such to happen. Meditation is a trance-like state. Why would anyone "in the know" listen to anyone or anything when trying to attain that state? If you want the spiritual, you need nothing but the spiritual - my two cents.

Many people are confused about what meditation is... I liken it to a man driving a nail into a board while a crowded city roars around him. Athletes and tradesmen are prime examples of people who naturally fall into a meditative state everyday because they trained themselves to concentrate on one task and empty their minds of everything else in order to complete that task. Even if your goal is spiritual connection, you still have one goal for your meditation, so an "empty mind" is truly a poor way to describe the state wished to be achieved; however, you do need to watch what enters your mind while you are in that state.

It is true that an athlete or a tradesman will listen to music to help maintain a rhythm, but the words and the vibrations of the music have an effect on the man or woman. Be careful of what you allow to enter your mind in that state- consciously screen it thoroughly first.

Lastly, I have attempted to contact higher beings in ritual. I don't try to contact them during meditation any more as they simply contact me. I can tell you though, that when I first contacted them during ritual I was scared out of my mind because I didn't know what I was doing. I asked them to come to me and they did, but I had no idea what I was supposed to do once they showed, so I got scared and asked them to leave.

I wasn't by myself either - there was one other person with me who experienced all the same stuff, so I know for a fact the very real experience I had was not in my head and was not a fairy tale as some would have me believe. I also know the potential coincidences are greatly reduced due to the location of the phenomena, as it was in the middle of nowhere, during an unscheduled last-minute idea for a ritual some 60 miles from anywhere or anyone I or the individual I was with knew personally (rules out someone screwing with us), and at least 9 miles from the nearest small town.

I have many reasons to believe what I experienced was very real. But anyway...I got scared, so it happens. It is no big deal. Learn from your experience and tell yourself you will be more brave the next time, if there is a next time.

If you believe you are on a spiritual journey and there are others on the other side to help you, then you should understand that they will understand you will have your ups and downs and get spooked by new and awesome things every now and then.

Next time stand your ground, and tell yourself you want to know! Tell yourself it is worth the risk, because if it isn't, then you are not ready. If you really feel threatened bring something with you to make you feel comfortable - "the other beings" will understand, so long as you are peaceful and you proclaim your intent. Believe me, they see nothing wrong with you being as weary of them as you would any stranger. Do you think ancient traditions included swords and daggers and wands in rituals for show? It was because they were "tools" to make the one communicating feel comfortable and safe! The same thing goes for communicating during meditation...

Whatever makes you feel safe - take it with you if it helps. That's my advice.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by HillbillyHippie1

I like your way of thinking.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by SativaDub

You were eye dosing.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 10:17 PM
I don't know if it's against the rules what I'm about to share. I hope this isn't viewed as me brainwashing people to take drugs or anything. Okey.. Two days ago a friend of mine asked if I wanted to join him to do some psycedelics, andI couldn't resist that opportunity since I've always been interesting in the subject. I wasn't actually interested in chemicals like lsd. I thought those were man made and the visions they produced wasn't real in a sense. I was clueless on these type of drugs. I came to his place where he had hung up lots of blue christmas lights in his apartment, which by the way looked really nice and chill.

My friend showed me the bag with some white powder in it, I didn't know a # what that was.The only stuff i'd heard about was dmt, lsd, mescaline and shrooms. So when heard the name was 4-aco-mipt with MDMA, i couldn't understand what 4-aco-mipt was. I knew mdma was like a form of ecstacy but not much else. I didn't know there were so many different kinds of psychedelics. I was getting a little nervous when the name sounded so chemicalish.. But I didn't want to turn now, it was time! He poured some of it on a piece of rolling paper and rolled it up like a ball and swallowed it like a pill. It was no stress to swallow it. After I swallowed it, I was expecting the visuals to come at very short period of time, but that didn't happen. It took maybe to hours before began. My friend got the effect very early so i was wondering he was joking, or had some kind of placebo effects or something, because i couldn't feel a thing. Just relaxed and slightly buzzed. I felt kinda disappointed at that point.
Another dude came over and started to roll a joint and we smoked it. Still, the only effect I was feeling was the weed. So I started to play my 3ds while high since that's pretty cool. And then it suddenly hit me, I couldn't make sense of what was happening on the screen so i closed it and tried to stay cool. Then I watched the tv, the only thing that was on was the "dvd"-logo that kept popping in different places. I couldn't look away for a few seconds and then i felt a little sea sick. At that point i felt like I was really drunk + high. The guy who brought the weed didn't take any psychedelics so i was getting a feeling of anxiety like he was looking at me like I was stupid and couldn't controll the # like a man. I began to get really freaked out and was getting panic. I said i needed to home, I felt I couldn't be with others at that point. And my friend who was tripping said that i couldn't go home like that. I thought BS, and felt i could do it. I calmed myself down by laying down, 10 seconds later, i began do drift away.

The music we were listening to was some kind of tribe music, and HOLY #. I was the music. The music was me, and i felt like I was drifting on beats like waves. When my friend and the other guy said something it became like a part of the music. Like it was added to the song and it fit perfectly. I asked if there really was music on, or if I was imagining it. It was music on they said. I got more and more sucked in, and saw incredible patterns when i closed my eyes. It didn't feel like I was listening to the music with my ears, it was like my normal senses was gone. I was listening to music through other senses that are normally closed for us to use. The weed guy suddenly went home, and that was good in my opinion because I didn't feel him at all, like he was on a different frequency. I was explaining my feelings to my friend and everything he said or i said made sense to both of us. Like we're experiencing the same trip, as if our brains were linked.

It started to get crazy, the normal me was gone. Usually when I'm sober i think about many stupid things like if i look right, is the chair more comfortable with a pillow, and not caring about certain aspects when people are talking. Like being a human. But when i was tripping I was away from me. I thought, that guy(me) was just random person from a random sperm-cell and the enviroments had created that personality. I was thinking this about myself, but not like it was me thinking, but the inner me. The soul.I suddenly realised that human beings are a product of the environment but inside all of us exist the same kind energy, a energy that is filled with love. I was thinking about the human race as being stupid. All we care about is money, looks etc and not focusing enough of our inside. What we're really capable of. I felt the human race was researching in the wrong area, and should rather be looking into ourself our brain and our souls. Suddenly I didn't know what a cellphone was, or the point of television and other media. I couldn't understand the point and what it was. I was far away the life on
earth, and all I was feeling was harmony and love floating in the lap of God or the universe.

edit on 27-12-2011 by Headeraser because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 10:17 PM
At some point I could hear his voice inside my head like we're communicating telepathically. When i was talking to him physically I felt like I was getting closer to human world. Because language felt primitive, words didn't work any longer. They didn't cover the experience at all. It was impossible. But when I stopped talking I floated away again. After some minutes or hours(time was completely gone) I could be myself again, but the cool thing was that i could change the frequency in a way. I could decide when I would drift away and when i would stay in the real world. We began looking at the christmas lights, and the blue lights calmed us down and i could see every color that the blue light contained. We kept tripping like gods for a while till the god-part was over. And then it became just chill with mildly visions.

It's really weird that I can't completely remember the trip i had. I remember it, but at the same time it feels like was a dream. It's like my brain is closed for that type of information. I think I understand why some people are meditating and reaching nirvana because they are reaching the closed part of the brain with just themselves. I feel spoiled being able to walk to the other side by just taking som stuff in my mouth, crazy! My thoughts of psychedelics have completely changed. I no longer fear death because I really believe I have a soul. I don't think that's just a drug-creation. I think the drug is key open our closed brain and our other senses. Psychedelics are something i feel every person should experience once during their life time. I'm not kidding, i think a lot of wars and conflicts could be prevented that way. My view of myself, the world, religion, how we live etc is completely changed.

I recommend you keep meditating, there's must be a reason why so many does it in a religious matter. It's because our brains works like a radio station that needs need to be tuned to the right signal.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by Headeraser

Fantastic story my friend. I've dabbled in a broad spectrum of drugs in my lifetime, and MDMA was definitely the one that really brought out the inner me. Haven't tried shrooms yet!

Thanks for sharing your insight.

Peace brother

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