posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 04:07 AM
Hi all, hope everyone's been having a good day/night/morning around the world.
I was wondering if anyone could give me some solid information about Yellowstone's supervolcano.
My main questions at the moment would be:
1. How many kilometers squared would be devastated (from ash, lava, or the like) if Yellowstone erupted.
2. What would be the maximum amount of magma that Yellowstone's magma-duct could hold.
3. What is the possibility that Yellowstone could erupt in our lifetime (say 70 years).
4. Will Yellowstone's future eruption be the largest eruption ever recorded.
5. Why is Yellowstone receiving so much attention from volcanologists at recent times.
I''ll be thankful for any information that anyone can give me, i feel that ATS is a good place to start gaining some "bedrock" for my project.
The information will be used in my next project comparing Yellowstone to one of the largest eruptions ever recorded.