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Famous Toy Shop Accused of 'Gender Apartheid': Why Equality Can Go To Far!

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posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:03 AM

Toy signs changed after Hamleys accused of sexism

The Telegraph

As we all know, it is extremely important that men and women, boys and girls and those in between have the right to be treated as equals. But when does equality start to get out of control? The above article is a prime example. Laura Nelson, a feminist on a mission accused Hamley's of 'Gender Apartheid'. If you are not familiar with the Apartheid regime in South Africa, click here Does she really feel she has to fight for this when there are so many more real inequality issues around the globe?

I have nothing wrong with women fighting for their rights, after all, it has changed society greatly in the past 100 years. However, feminist groups are taking this whole concept too far and it seems won't stop until the whole country (at least) is reduced to a genderless nation where boys don't know what it is to be a man and girls grow up feeling as though they have to exercise every right they can to prove they are equal to men.

What is wrong with men taking on the macho, manual roles while women build the family nest and look after the home? After all, this is what humans have been doing for thousands of years.

In my opinion, it is this social blending that is causing the break-up of families in the UK and the social unrest that ensues. Yes, give women rights but DON'T force them to feel as though they have to fulfil certain male roles.

Most girl's will prefer playing with dolls and play kitchens etc. and boys will prefer cars and action figures. It's a part of their development, take away these differences and children grow up confused.

That's my opinion, I would be interested to know if you guy's felt the same (particularly UK members). Is this equality gone to far?
edit on 13-12-2011 by fiftyfifty because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-12-2011 by fiftyfifty because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by fiftyfifty

Toy signs changed after Hamleys accused of sexism

Most girl's will prefer playing with dolls and play kitchens etc. and boys will prefer cars and action figures. It's a part of their development, take away these differences and children grow up confused.

oh your generalising.

I used to nick all my Brother's cars and trucks and we used to fight until one day I found my barbie doll hidden under his pillow. I know what he was doing with my barbie doll!

I am female and when I was a kid I would rather play in the dirt making roads for all the brum brums than play kitchen or baby sexist bs like girls like dolls and boys like cars isn't true but forced upon us by soce.

oh how extravegant...soce trains us girls to play kitchen and babies with our dolls...well I resent that and would prefer being stimulated with electronic sets like my Brother used to have.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:22 AM
Your right, many girls will do 'boyish' things and vice versa but I personally don't think it's a bad thing to generalise with something like this. Dolls are girls toys and cars are boys toys (generally speaking). There is nothing wrong with either gender playing with either toys but I also don't think there is anything wrong with labelling them as such either. Why is it even an issue?

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:31 AM
Hey OP,

I agree with you completely!

I feel like I have to work equally as hard as a man does in a work environment as well as keep a home running, do laundry, cook meals, etc. Women are not equal now in any case- we have just loaded our plate with more crap.

I know that I can tell my bf to help with laundry and cooking, etc. But I just feel bad when he does. He works really hard and I just feel sorry for him. I suppose that is just part of being a woman.

But I don't find anything wrong with a woman being a home maker and raising children, if that's what she wants to do. The sad thing is that home makers and mothers almost get 'looked down on' by business women these days.

I just know it's bloody exhausting having to work, and clean, and cook, and worry about everyone happiness and not my own!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I do it because I want to.

By the way, I'm 24, no kids- yet. Don't know if I would cope with being a mom too.
edit on 13-12-2011 by Tripple_Helix because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

Why is it an issue?

Your obviously a man who wants a mother-wife to mend your clothes, change the nappies and cook your dinner?
And if the social engineering changes, then perhaps you will have to take care of yourself?

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz
reply to post by fiftyfifty

Why is it an issue?

Your obviously a man who wants a mother-wife to mend your clothes, change the nappies and cook your dinner?
And if the social engineering changes, then perhaps you will have to take care of yourself?

Who's generalising now? Please do not jump to conclusions. I am married and do equally as much around the house (cooking, cleaning etc.) as my wife and don't 'expect' anything from her. Before I was married I was quite self sufficient and could mend my own clothes and cook my own meals. Nappies weren't and still aren't an issue (see how that appears sexist against men, assuming they can't look after themselves?) However, I do know that many women (as the above poster replied) feel as though they HAVE to perform many of the 'male' roles, work full time and look after the family sanctuary at home. This leads to a massive increase in stress and tension within families.
edit on 13-12-2011 by fiftyfifty because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-12-2011 by fiftyfifty because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:44 AM

feel as though they HAVE to do many of the 'male' roles, work full time and look after the family sanctuary at home. This leads to a massive increase in stress and tension within families.

That reminds me. When I get from work tonight...

I have to cook dinner- (been eating microwave food for a week- been working late, end of year, etc)

The bedding needs to be changed and washed.
We have no clean towels, so they too will need to be washed.
Boyfriend doesn't have any clean socks!
Vacuum and Mop floors...

The house needs to be fumigated- flea season and my dogs are going insane

The couch covers need to be washed before we have family guests for Christmass.
I still need to organize the food and what everyone needs to bring (what a mission, first time I'm thinking of that)
Still need to do the Christmass gift shopping!

....and I'm late for the garden services...

edit on 13-12-2011 by Tripple_Helix because: (no reason given)

Sorry for being off topic.

On topic-

The old sign was way better and easier to find things...
Colors help us to organize things and I think with the new sign, you would actually need to stop and read the whole thing to find what you are looking for. What if you were in a hurry.

Is the whole store re-organized as well as the sign?

I personally would be pissed of with these changes to the store.
edit on 13-12-2011 by Tripple_Helix because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:56 AM
Cunning movement these naughty women feminism gangs. Evil to the core and worthy of their final destination unless they repent.

Genesis 2:23
Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”

1st Corinthians 11:3
"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God."

Eve had convinced herself with Satan's help that disobeying God was going to be the greatest thing she ever did. It turned out to be the worst day of her life.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by killemall
Cunning movement these naughty women feminism gangs. Evil to the core and worthy of their final destination unless they repent.

Genesis 2:23
Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”

1st Corinthians 11:3
"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God."

Eve had convinced herself with Satan's help that disobeying God was going to be the greatest thing she ever did. It turned out to be the worst day of her life.

I'd rather keep God and religion out of it to be honest
I'm not big on all that and definitely don't agree that men are superior to women.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 04:02 AM
While I do dissagree with how feminists are approaching this, England is/was a far more equal society than it is today, as in my opinion women held a far more respected place in society.

Perhaps this is part of that cultural narrative? I'm not sure, but I do know it has taken the best part of 1000 years to overcome the damage caused by the imposition of Canon Law.

While I would agree some of trying to push the pendulum to far the other way, I certainly wouldn't call the men of the Anglo-Saxon nations sissy.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 04:33 AM
There is no such thing as a "boy toy" or a "girl toy". It's all cultural. There a several examples of matriarchal cultures in which the female holds the dominant role, and the male is relegated to second place. In these societies, men grow up playing with dolls and pretending to do the cooking. There is no such thing as human nature.

Playing is a way children use to get ready for their future role in society. If men culturaly do the cooking, washing and child raising, that's what little boys will be playing. The little girls will be playing at giving orders to the little boys, and solving disputes between her two husbands.

Try some cultural relativism folks...

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 04:55 AM

I'd rather keep God and religion out of it to be honest
I'm not big on all that and definitely don't agree that men are superior to women.

Men are not superior to women.
Keeping God out is why we have the problem in the first place.
Bless you

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 05:06 AM
I'm female and I seriously think that lady who petitioned to do this is slightly off her rocker.
People are sooooo ridiculous when it comes to being 'pc'. I was on this live journal about menstrual cups and the mods were freaking about because users wrote things like 'hey ladies!' (because what's the first thing you think of when you think of the time of the month? Yup. Females. Ladies. Women.) and it was 'horrible to those who consider themselves a gender besides female and male'.

Yeah, okay, I understand there is male to female, in the process, maybe have both, are male but identify as female etc etc but what the heck? Are we just to call everyone 'it' now?

Sorry for the tangent. This all just kinda reminded me of how nitpickey people are getting. I suppose we just need to toss out 'male' and 'female' and use 'it' from now on to remain politically correct at all times.

I respect everyone and love making people feel comfortable but enough is enough. When you have 20398523985 different ways to look at genders (and don't even start on sexuality identification), I'm not about to write 20398523985 different words to identify you all. Truly.


oh and guess what?

It's KIDS toys. I highly doubt this bothers KIDS if they have the pink or blue isle. For pete's sake. This is about the adults acting like babies. For real. Get over it. Please.
edit on 13-12-2011 by sarra1833 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by killemall

"I'd rather keep God and religion out of it to be honest
I'm not big on all that and definitely don't agree that men are superior to women. "

"Men are not superior to women.
Keeping God out is why we have the problem in the first place.
Bless you "

I disagree that keeping god out is the problem, I don't want to de-rail my own thread by starting on religion but I am agnostic, happy to accept God should the evidence of his existence become available. Some may say I lack faith but I can live without it. Happiness and righteousness can be born purely from the human heart without the need for a superior entity to rule over me. It seems that not everyone is so strong and has that self-belief.

right, back to the topic in hand...
edit on 13-12-2011 by fiftyfifty because: quotes not working

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