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Fathers Murder Families in UK.

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posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 06:42 PM
Melton Mowbray: policeman who killed family had been sacked for misconduct

Dad murders perfect family then commits suicide

Geez , is this the start of a trend regarding the economic downturn , hope not .
edit on 12-12-2011 by Droidinvoid because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Droidinvoid

He also ran the London Marathon to raise money for a female colleague who was stabbed to death by her partner.

does anyone else see this as weird?

love and harmony

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by Droidinvoid

Geez , is this the start of a trend regarding the economic downturn , hope not .

What has this got to do with the "economic downturn"?

This is the story of a copper who's wife was having an affair (Allegedly) he used the police data base to trace his wife's caught, and got sacked......the nutter then murdered his family.

I fail to see what it has to do with economics

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 07:31 PM
Well day's after the police man killed his family apart from a teenage daughter and younger brother who survived,
the guy from Leeds goes and kills his family , my first thought, was the first one acting like a trigger in the second.
I have no doubt the second man had major problems , be it money , job , wife .....who knows ,but all very sad, soooo sad.

Not to sound morbid but there must be statistics regarding the 30s great depression and suicide / murder.
The fact this is in the UK , small island compared to say the USA , this is alarming , and disturbing, the crazy thing at this time of year, people will go into debt to pay for christmas , then worry how to pay it all back .

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Droidinvoid

Not to sound morbid but there must be statistics regarding the 30s great depression and suicide / murder. The fact this is in the UK , small island compared to say the USA , this is alarming , and disturbing, the crazy thing at this time of year, people will go into debt to pay for christmas , then worry how to pay it all back


Did you even read your own links?

This tragic event has nothing to do with the economy, debt or Christmas!

It's to do with a husband scorned, sacked, and sick!

You'll be linking this tragedy to bloody aliens next!

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Argyll

If the affair the "word on the street" kinda information? Because if your employee is doing that about his family, maybe it should raise an alarm.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by Aeons

If the affair the "word on the street" kinda information? Because if your employee is doing that about his family, maybe it should raise an alarm.

I'm assuming "if" should be "is"

The coppers wife had an affair, he used police data base to trace him, he was caught......he was sacked....these are facts.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 09:02 PM
Family Annihilators - I don't get why they don't just leave.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by Argyll

The fact the copper was using the police computer regarding his wifes extra marital business is not the point of my post , the fact that he was sacked , knowing full well that in this economic downturn , he stood little chance of getting another job , that would cover the mortgage etc , that In my opinion was maybe the reason he tried to take the whole family out .
Regarding the other tragic family in Leeds , who knows the reason , but ,sure the downturn has some part to play.
You don't just murder your family because your having a bad day at work etc, or the wife is playing away , you resort to that type of motive in a state of panic , thinking there is no future , for lots of people ,the coming years ,there will be no future , of this I am sure.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:22 AM
So your saying that it’s alright if someone screws up in their job, its ok they shouldn’t be sacked because the economy is going downhill, and they won’t be able to pay their bills.

i say sack them and give the job to someone who will respect it.

love and harmony

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Whateva69

Hey , no I'm with you 100% , the guy broke the rules/ law , he deserved to be sacked , especially in a position like being a policeman , trust is paramount in a position like that , what I was implying was that , he must have known he stood no chance in getting a job position of the same financial equivalent to pay the bills etc. He was in a bad place mentally to do what he did , and what I am saying is the economic situation must have played a large part in his final act of taking out the family.

Job loss , affairs , mortgage , you name it , any of them can serve as the trigger to what took place , BUT the economic situation would be a final deciding reason in my opinion , to take your whole family out , the divorce rate in the UK at this time is the highest it has been for years , asked why , they factored in the recession as a big reason for couples splitting due to finance problems .

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Droidinvoid
Well day's after the police man killed his family apart from a teenage daughter and younger brother who survived,
the guy from Leeds goes and kills his family , my first thought, was the first one acting like a trigger in the second.
I have no doubt the second man had major problems , be it money , job , wife .....who knows ,but all very sad, soooo sad.

Not to sound morbid but there must be statistics regarding the 30s great depression and suicide / murder.
The fact this is in the UK , small island compared to say the USA , this is alarming , and disturbing, the crazy thing at this time of year, people will go into debt to pay for christmas , then worry how to pay it all back .

I wouldn't be surprised if the High Paternity fraud rates(as high as 50%+ in some parts of the UK) have as much to do with it as anything else.

Paternity fraud: The only crime where a man is 100% a victim and a woman is 100% a perpetrator(hence why it is illegal in some territories to test paternity without the mothers consent).

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by korathin

There is no reason why politicians can't be forced into current technology.

You aren't women's victims. You can control your urge to have sex if you are this afraid. There are still other issues, because parenthood isn't solely tied to genetics and some people will game the system

I think you'd find that the vast majority of people would support laws being updated that allow for people challenge paternity before accepting it.

If you stop putting this issue as women beating men up, and instead approach it from a logical stand point that can be supported by modern technology you'd probably find a much larger base of support.

Children have fathers. You can't have it all ways. Get in, or get out. You either want children to have fathers, or you want to argue that being a father is a form of oppression. Pick one.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 09:02 AM
Mystery Over Bodies Of Couple Found On Farm

Same thing again , people are factoring in the economic downturn , rightly or wrongly , check some of the replies,

Why are some people assuming that this tragedy was caused by financial reasons - It could well be that one of them was suffering a terminal illness and the other decided he/she could not live without the other, so they decided on a suicide pact. It sounds from the report that there was no signs of violence and they lay down beside their car and died. If they were so financially stressed, wht had they not sold the car?

We don't know how this came about, possibly too early to come to conclusions I agree.
But it is a fact that personal debt: payday loans, mortgages, bank loans, even outstanding rent, have dramatically increased this year.
How can the Law allow anyone to charge 38% or more interest A MONTH on a loan? Is this not demanding a pound of flesh from debtors?

Likewise unemployment, home evictions and inflation go up... and the Government has only recently told us all blunto to the face: "13 years of misery to come".

Folks, let's NOT despair, let's NOT give up, let's not be disactivated by the cynical comments and cynical spending cuts coming from Parliament, but ask Parliament to put an end to loan-shark lending and to freeze home-evictions. A petition could help.

Let's ask parliament to activate a wealth distribution. What are the super-rich doing with tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of pounds worth of private assets?

The way we are allowing this government to treat the majority of our people is obscene. They and their business cronies are ripping us off big time, and have no time for compassion or human understanding of the way their policies and greed are ruining a once proud nation. People are becoming more stressed and worried because they may or have lost their job, their home possessed, the cost of living.
Christ, some of our citizens cant even afford to keep warm, and we allow this uncaring selfish party to remain in power.
What may have been a solvable problem to a depressed person is now compounded 1000 times by the added stress of government policies.


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