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HYPOCRACY ALERT: occupy Boston's homepage "Occupy Boston cleanup to cost Greenway $40K to $60K"

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posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 03:29 PM
This wonderful news from occupy Boston's homepage "Occupy Boston cleanup to cost Greenway $40K to $60K

So far, the Greenway has collected $10,000 in donations and Brennan hopes more contributions will be made to help offet the cost. “When we looked at the site in October, we estimated that the repair cost would be $15,000, a number we could have absorbed,” Brennan said. “But as people stayed longer and the soil was compacted further, the costs escalated and it’s something we never budgeted for.”

aka you skunks spent an average yearly salary in environment damage and you wonder why government funds are terribly misspent? You're getting bailed out just like the banks. You made a mess, and now, someone else is going to clean it up for you. It's like a child with spaghetti. Maybe 47 of you are going to face obstruction of justice, but will be bailed out of financial liability for the mess nonetheless. Protesting government bailouts and capitalist corruption? How about protesting your own bailout for a change!

edit on 12-12-2011 by DrNotforhire because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by DrNotforhire

They should clean it up themselves! They made the mess, they should clean it up.

They are costing the city money yet protesting at the same time? Makes no sense to me.

Honestly most of these OWS people are starting to get on my nerves. Next you are gonna see where they insist someone else clean up after them.

If you make the mess you clean it up, plain and simple.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by DrNotforhire
This wonderful news from occupy Boston's homepage "Occupy Boston cleanup to cost Greenway $40K to $60K

So far, the Greenway has collected $10,000 in donations and Brennan hopes more contributions will be made to help offet the cost. “When we looked at the site in October, we estimated that the repair cost would be $15,000, a number we could have absorbed,” Brennan said. “But as people stayed longer and the soil was compacted further, the costs escalated and it’s something we never budgeted for.”

aka you skunks spent an average yearly salary in environment damage and you wonder why government funds are terribly misspent? You're getting bailed out just like the banks. You made a mess, and now, someone else is going to clean it up for you. It's like a child with spaghetti. Maybe 47 of you are going to face obstruction of justice, but will be bailed out of financial liability for the mess nonetheless. Protesting government bailouts and capitalist corruption? How about protesting your own bailout for a change!

edit on 12-12-2011 by DrNotforhire because: (no reason given)

Keynesian Economics at its best.
What OWS lackey wouldn't love this.
They just created how many jobs?

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 03:38 PM
Did the protesters make the mess, or did the cops who probably went into their midst, destroying their property while strewing it about, make the mess?

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 03:39 PM
You're comparing a multi billion dollar bank bailout to a $60k cleanup? Grasping for straws much?

I recall hearing that some of the damage done to certain camp sites were done by police while evacuating the places as well.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 03:40 PM
Dr and Mblah- I agree with both of you 100%. I am all for the ideas behind the Occupy movement . . . but NOT the way they are going about it. Come on, the government has enough on their hands already! They definitely do not need a hungry protest/mob on top of it all!

If anything, I think that the Occupy movement has just provided an excuse for the government to shove some bills through Congress and begin to implement FEMA camps and martial law. Good job, Occupy!

Just my two cents,
edit on 12-12-2011 by seraphnb because: oops, by saying "both of you," I was not counting on more people to post in the meantime.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 03:46 PM
In SF the police tried to pin a huge mess on protesters too - then it was brought to light that the cops used knives to cut open tents, threw personal and communal belongings on the ground, basically trashed the place..

That's why there was so much mess to clear up. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same here.

And, no offense to anyone, but who REALLY believes it costs 60k to clean up a park?

I imagine many in OWS would be happy to clean up after themselves, but it's hard when you're prohibited from re-entering the property for fear of being arrested.

So when the cops evict protesters, destroy and scatter their belongings, then the city overcharges/overpays for the clean up, it's the protester's fault? I really, really don't understand how you guys can just ignore the police actions in the middle.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 03:53 PM
Funny I was going to write a thread on this too.

The estimated cost to re-sod the 1/4 acre of grass is 12K...the city is adding the costs that they had previously planned to make upgrades into the cost. Occupiers have offered to do the work but Mayor Menino rejected their offer and is choosing to use tax payer money instead. I have been to this location a few times, it was never dirty, never a mess and BPD says they had a good relationship and I saw this with my own eyes. When the eviction notice came the cops did nothing, most people packed up, cleaned up and left. Forty-six people chose to stay and two mornings later were told that they would be arrested if they didn't leave. They were calmly and respectfully arrested.

There's no hypocrisy here, wipe the drool of your chins.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by seraphnb

Wow really people should be thrown in fema camps for protesting a total economic injustice? That is the most absurd thing i have ever heard. You should really be ashamed of yourself for even saying that.....

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 04:02 PM
I was excited about the Occupy movement at first... after all, it seemed they were going out and actually doing something.

But then my boyfriend visited it (one of our friends was one of the more influential people there, so he got a comprehensive tour)... when he told me about it all I could do was shake my head. He visited the encampment in the second week of November and when he was there he noticed that the protesters spent most of their time trying to organize camp life rather than getting anything done with their political goals.

It started off as something noble and then turned into a gigantic camping trip.

Of course, I wasn't there, so I can only go off what I've heard. And plus, it's not like I made an effort with the movement, so I'm not going to verbally shut down those who did make the effort. Even though their effort didn't do much... at least they tried. It's more than I did.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by xFloggingMaryx

yeah... after seeing it... left a sour taste in my mouth

even the commentators (who were live streaming the event and on the OWS side)

said the encampment was a mess in FACT they created a wall to block out the police

WHAT is that about?

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 04:11 PM
The amount that they are going to end up paying for the clean up is literally insignificant in comparison to the mammoth sized economic damage done by the investment institutions. Do your research. The number that they have costed us is still incalcuable. Get your statistics straight before you go on with stuff like this. How do you expect people to express their constitutionally given freedom to assemble and not have some sort of clean up fee? Its not excessive, and I would guess it's around what you would expect.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by ItsSocietysFault

so what you are saying is OWS is LESS evil because they require LESS to clean up???

How is that relevant.. That's like choosing the lesser of two evils, and we all know OWS is against that


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