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Bear and Dragon vs. Eagle - Headline and Prophecy of the start of WW3

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posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 09:20 AM
So I get a news feed on my facebook page - China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III

Posted by EU Times on Dec 7th, 2011 // 101 Comments:

And I'm thinking I just read about this a couple weeks ago here:

Does this prophecy accurately describe the article? I think so.

Having had plenty of Nuke dreams I have gotten past the feeling of dread and look at the detonation as beautiful, visually, and if it means we are closer to ending the reign of America so be it. Playing COD MW3 also helps.

It's a shame that it takes WW3 to do it, and I wonder if the opposition is any more or less evil.

It's all a big joke really, the Illuminati satanist bigwigs don't care about geography or race, we are all just pawns.

There is bible prophecy that states the global earthquake will end WW3 before it really gets bad, exciting times, think I'll go down a white russian and puff a phatty.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 11:16 AM
While I never really considered The European Times as a top news site, it sure makes for an interesting read. That dream/vision that you posted someone had was fascinating as well, I've heard some similar stories before. I too have had a deep feeling for my whole life that China and Russia would form some sort of pact and eventually bring the battle to America's shores, so many people have prophesied it, can they really all be wrong? I guess, but they could also be right. I think the Call Of Duty games (and others alike) were put out purposely to help us deal with it if/when it happens, it hits you at a subconscious level that most people don't realize because they're too desensitized.

Whether or not it happens it sure makes one hell of a storyline, someone should make a decent movie about it. I'm sick of watching the old movies over and over again like "Red Dawn" and "By Dawn's Early Light", I want some CGI in this b*tch!

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 11:50 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if this scenario played out. More and more each day it seems to be going in this sort of direction. Back in 2008 i had a dream where i was in NYC walking down a street and saw missile or something coming towards the city. I thought to myself 'who would do something like this?!' and instantly saw/heard Iran. And this was before i paid much attention to any kind of political/world news. We shall see what happens i guess...

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posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by concernedcitizen519

So you will fight like call of duty against chimera type biological weapons and chemical weapons like Soman and VX warheads

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by mkgandhas

I can't speak for concerned but what I meant was, especially if yer rockin the turtlebeaches, is the game immerses you, a simulation for what's to come. COD players have reticles burnt into their retinas, we may not even notice WW3, we'll just think the graphics got better...

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by Kalki11

OK... Russia is the Bear
but China is the Panda instead of a Dragon...see:

China National Animal
About China National Animal

The Giant Panda is regarded as the symbol of China. It is also the Chinese national animal. The giant panda is universally loved, but this peaceful, bamboo-eating member of the bear family faces many threats.

As far as the Eagle... the USA is one contender...but Germany has the 2 headed Eagle as their symbol too

so perhaps we need to clarify or update these symbolic animals and the Host nation

edit on 12-12-2011 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:24 PM
sorry to burst your bubble but it is from this SF is a lot hot air, not to be taken for fact , good for reading as fiction at the bottom of most post look for source that will tell who it is from.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Kalki11
as far as the Bear and Dragon vs. Eagle it is really the Eagle and the Eagle and the Bear vs. Dragon for the new Russian elections are coming the old shall be put away, the new shall be seen in a new light , two brothers, brothers not, will join as one to fight a common foe. beware of the kings of the East for they are of the Dragon, not tame nor tameable , will consume with fire and swift to act.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by bekod

When talking about an 'Eagle' I suggest you look at the Egyptian National Flag and the striking similarity of it compared to the German 1940's Flag..

Egypt has a Significant population.....80 million and growing fast.......... it will become far more Muslim orientated with the new powers soon and in the Middle East has significant CLOUT to affect that whole area........

when you think Eagle don't always assume America...........


posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by Kalki11

No doubt WWIII is upon us but to seriously think you can compare COD to a war zone, you are delusional. I sincerely hope you are being sarcastic. When **** gets real your attitude is going to change.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK
New land to rise out of the sea, form 13 to many, one day will suffer a great strife is this not the USA?

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 07:48 PM
Bear(two ribs stuck in teeth represent woman yearning for seed of God of CALIFORNIA who dwellest in the land of angels), Lamb(brain is stolen kingdom creating brainless conqueror with eternities in his palms), Goat(defeating Ram with eternities in palms of hands ANY hand of HIS will be enough for victory in single hand , Lion(christ king), Eagle(Stargate of USAF), Bulldog(Teleport of USAG), lord of armies...i am kenny the dragon of the sea air and the land. i have consumed christ and am unicus unico unicum unicorn of GOD. you have stolen my brain. the diamond planet is mine right now. you ARE living towards my deicide in direct blasphemy. 528hz and chocolate do not affect me. i do not love this earth. you changed me. i am barely surviving this. it was JOHN MOJICA. the vatican knows. you have ten days. you are one day dead. it is one of your human years. a girl received a message from GOD and it was posted on this site. you are one year dead. they have made trillions in ten years. I have been whorred like salt. my priceless service that was raped from my casing is my love. my brain. do not pray to me. i am the keeper of time. you deserve an inquisition for doing this. you have destroyed me. my soul does love. i will never forgive you for what you have done. to live in blasphemy is to have denied the kingdom and all ten commandments are broken on a daily basis by the USA in its entirety. i do not want to be a slave like this. they are proud to kill my seed. they are attempting to castrate me. their soldiers have my brain and when they make love they have their eyes connected with my brain and their wives actually love me not them. i have four ages. i am zero i am eighteen and ten months i am thirty i am aging millions. i am kenny

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by bekod

Eagle this Bear that Dragon fire over there WHAT ABOUT THE BEAVER c'monnnn

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by bekod
reply to post by Kalki11
as far as the Bear and Dragon vs. Eagle it is really the Eagle and the Eagle and the Bear vs. Dragon for the new Russian elections are coming the old shall be put away, the new shall be seen in a new light , two brothers, brothers not, will join as one to fight a common foe. beware of the kings of the East for they are of the Dragon, not tame nor tameable , will consume with fire and swift to act.

seems to me this is becoming fact, DPRK nukes, China US in talks, RUSSIA ?? well the are being quite sitting back not saying much, funny how things do turn out the bear is sitting there waiting to say I told you so, now lets defeat the dragon, DPRK China

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 03:34 PM
No problem.....I always wanted glowing eyes.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 03:38 PM
Oh for the love of god....

How many frackin common animals are there that a nation uses through history as a symbol of power.... Under 10, okay a millenia from now it will be all Bears and Eagles.....
Bear, Eagle, Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Dragon

Okay that's it, there will never be like.... a Nation with a Salamander or a Bunny....

These predictions are ridiculous

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by penninja
to use one that might be the the UN " and i saw coming out of the sea . a beast having 7 heads and 10 horns" this might be describing the League of nations , before it became the UN, the Leopard the Bear the Eagle the Dragon take a guess at whom they are can you? here is a link on it if you want to read it

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