posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 09:22 PM
Back about a year ago I noticed a few odd happenings at A 51 and first mentioned it when the FEMA thing about buying body bags was going around . Then
the tsunami happened in Japan which added to the mystery over the body bags and all them being to do with water issues . Then the ELE event theory
that followed , yet I still come back to these images of A 51 .
Yeah yeah yeah , a lot of odd things go on there , this how ever stuck out like a sore thumb . Why would it be necessary to cover vehicles then bury
them with ground material ? Same thing with cargo containers , why ? First perhaps they may be radioactive ? Nah , they would be buried down deeper
than the images shown right ?
Stock piling for a rainy day perhaps ? Possible since they are putting a roof over the vehicles . Then WTH can it all be about ? I've said my piece
on the matter and will leave the rest up to you peeps . Good luck all , it has me stumped .
Not going to be able to get there to really find out but if a person could would you take along a geiger counter ?