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UK gun permits

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posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 09:06 PM
I think is ridiculous that Myself a hard working 30 year old tax paying family man with no criminal record, no desire to kill and have no gang affiliations have no right whatsoever to arm myself with a lethal weapon be it in my own in my car or on me person to protect my self or my family in a life threatening situation.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 11:19 PM
i love how middle englanders like to pretend that only crimials/police have guns the truth is lots of law abiding citizens can get thier hands on a gun i personally know of a lea enfield rifle ww2 9mm lugerww2 and even an old 10 bore single shot gun so old that its ammo is worth more than the gun itself!
there are guns here usually well kept/cleaned the words you are looking for are underground which is exactly where they will stay till TSHTF!


posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 02:48 AM
Get an education in software, apply to Microsoft, and move to Washington state. We sell guns to foreign nationals as long as they have 30 days here and proof of residence. (electric bill or other bill)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 02:49 AM
Get an education in software, apply to Microsoft, and move to Washington state. We sell guns to foreign nationals as long as they have 30 days here and proof of residence. (electric bill or other bill)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by Starwise

idiots do slip through the net and end up using hand cannons on innocents (see woogles' post). within the evaluation for any permit there is, i am led to understand, consideration given to 'hear-say' on individuals. i myself have been involved in siting gun cabinets and programming combinations to satisfy the authorities. the regulations will imo become more rigid especially on mental health within the assessment.
last year a teenager walking on the other side of the street outside my home pointed a replica glock at me and did the gangster thing. i immediately dropped my kit and ran towards him. what a picture, the guy crapped himself. he does avoid walking past now and if it happens again i will personally pummel him then call the aru. he now understands what is at stake.

i agree with the authorities on the mental health aspect of the assessment. weed out the idiots i say.
regards fakedirt.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by 42dragonfly

Thanks Dragonfly i must have had 18-20 in my head as i typed adults. Anyway with airguns you might still get away with it by pretending you didn't know how powerful it was. It can go far over the limit, powerful enough to go through car doors. This will usually result in a confiscation of your gun though.

Having your own land to shoot on makes most of the difference.
edit on 12-12-2011 by Parksie because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by Soldier81
I think is ridiculous that Myself a hard working 30 year old tax paying family man with no criminal record, no desire to kill and have no gang affiliations have no right whatsoever to arm myself with a lethal weapon be it in my own in my car or on me person to protect my self or my family in a life threatening situation.

The thing is about this statement is if we allowed yourself to have a handgun in your car we would have to allow everyone the same chance to have a handgun. That means everyone would get one because they would see it as a must to defend yourself against everyone else with a gun.
We don't need guns's in our society we are British!!!!
Imagine the road rage murder's if we allowed hanguns in car's?
Does anyone remember Dunblane? this is why we tightened the gun Laws.
If you don't know about it read here

Oh and OP best thing to do is join a shooting club before you try and apply to get a shotgun.
They will train you how to shoot and look after your weapon and it's look's good when the inspectors interview you.

edit on 12-12-2011 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 06:32 AM
your avatar wont help any, you should be gently smiling, while holding a kitten! some shops I have seen advertising in Britain are selling 150 lbs draw eight crossbows for 50 English pounds (aproximatly $57.00) spell checker on the fritz

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by pikestaff

don't forget the teddies and soft furnishings laid carefully on grandmas' crochet-knitted throwover on a cream sofa.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74

Originally posted by Soldier81
I think is ridiculous that Myself a hard working 30 year old tax paying family man with no criminal record, no desire to kill and have no gang affiliations have no right whatsoever to arm myself with a lethal weapon be it in my own in my car or on me person to protect my self or my family in a life threatening situation.

The thing is about this statement is if we allowed yourself to have a handgun in your car we would have to allow everyone the same chance to have a handgun. That means everyone would get one because they would see it as a must to defend yourself against everyone else with a gun.
We don't need guns's in our society we are British!!!!
Imagine the road rage murder's if we allowed hanguns in car's?
Does anyone remember Dunblane? this is why we tightened the gun Laws.
If you don't know about it read here

Oh and OP best thing to do is join a shooting club before you try and apply to get a shotgun.
They will train you how to shoot and look after your weapon and it's look's good when the inspectors interview you.

edit on 12-12-2011 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

So everyone who applied for one would pass the strict background checks that would be in place such as mental health issues and enhanced criminal disclosures along with drug and alcohol dependency checks.

Criminals don't give a flying fck about the law and guns are readily available in the UK so if they want one they will get one, the only people put at a disadvantage are the people who do actually care about the Law

Criminals use the fact that the majority of people are unarmed to their advantage (opportunist street robberies for example) How many of these cowards would attempt to take a life if they thought for a second that the person they are going to rob might actually be licensed to carry a firearm.

I would not fear honest decent responsible folk who are legally armed be it a firearm or another potentially lethal weapon however I do fear some drugged up cardboard gangster that thinks he's the man because him and his mates decide to go about mugging people who will most probably be unarmed and if the mugging does not go to plan they will use whatever weapon they have without a 2nd thought.

I don't know if you are familiar with the case of 19 year old student Reamonn Gormley who was walking home with his friend David McFall, they were approached by two men who had come out of a flat after deciding to 'go and rob someone'.

Reamonn was murdered because he was not a coward and refused to let these vermin do whatever they wanted and he proudly stood up for himself and his friend, he was stabbed three times to the neck and body.

Both of the scum involved were out on bail at the time of the attack.

So why did these two young men have to face two animals armed with a knife and a chisel without the option to protect themselves using a lethal weapon?

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by Soldier81

a three strikes rule, i am led to understand is snailing its' way through the halls of parliament as we/i rant. the criteria for a life sentence would be violent actions towards others, rape, robbery and the like, however i am not too clued up where the parameters will be set. one thing is for sure, any joint enterprise or individual action must be dealt with with the full weight of the law. there is no place for these type of opportunist idiots roaming around assuming ownership of the streets and other peoples rightfully earned property. there will always be weapons carrying idiots, the trick here is the intel and the action to counter it.
regards fakedirt.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by fakedirt
reply to post by Soldier81

a three strikes rule, i am led to understand is snailing its' way through the halls of parliament as we/i rant. the criteria for a life sentence would be violent actions towards others, rape, robbery and the like, however i am not too clued up where the parameters will be set. one thing is for sure, any joint enterprise or individual action must be dealt with with the full weight of the law. there is no place for these type of opportunist idiots roaming around assuming ownership of the streets and other peoples rightfully earned property. there will always be weapons carrying idiots, the trick here is the intel and the action to counter it.
regards fakedirt.

And this is why every decent responsible human being should have the right to arm himself in a regulated manner.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Soldier81

So what's your answer? let us all arm ourselves? Nah we would have more accidental killing's and murder's because it is so easy to aim and shoot.
Iam proud that our police don't carry guns and feel safer because of that.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Soldier81

If you want to live in a society with free and easy access to guns then you can move to one. The US springs to mind, but there are many others, including those where order is so poorly maintained that guns are rife regardless of the law.

Most Britons are happy to live in a society where guns are generally out of the picture. The result is very low gun related crimes and a generally low murder rate.

Regardless of the pros and cons, the facts are that there is a corrolation between the guns in circulation and the murder rate. Although there are exceptions, if you want a higher murder rate then have guns in circualtion.


posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Soldier81

the right to defend. to walk out on the streets with a tool is asking for it. it would be better to learn how to defend oneself and allow the hostile party to understand this. tragedies occur daily, i don't think we need an increase there.

enough fights occur in pubs and clubs where glasses are used to disfigure and kill people simply by someone taking offence to the way someone looks at them or accidently bumped their pint. seen it a few times and it's nasty. are you for people possessing weapons in that context or would you require the club bouncers have a weapons deposit policy to be collected on the way out, whatever the state the individual is in?
allowing everyone to carry weapons will end in tragedy for hundreds if not thousands.

regards fakedirt.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 06:53 PM
I think most people are missing the point about proper strict regulated laws.

Chances are these cretins that glass people would have a history of offences as I can't see any right minded person glassing someone for bumping in to them.

These people would not pass the application process.

Ask yourself this, would you trust yourself with a legal lethal weapon if it was properly sanctioned and would you pass a strict application process that would see you fail the application for such things as drunk and disorderly charge.

The people who would pose a threat are the ones that should fail the application process.

Would it not make criminals think twice before attempting to rob someone's house if the home owner legally had the right to defend his home with reasonable force using a firearm.

Someone breaks in to my family home and they have a knife, I manage to secure a means of defence (golf club cricket bat etc.) I am going to try and smash this guy with whatever I have to hand as hard as I can across the head until I feel I have the situation under control however if I had a legal firearm I would feel almost instantly in control and could take charge of the situation with minimal damage.

Just because I have a firearm it does not mean I will be producing it at the first person who decides to cut through my back garden or throws stones at my window or even set about me in an old fashioned punch up.

Criminals have the upper hand here I am afraid and it is about time introduced some deterrent.

Before anyone mentions the Law as a deterrent believe me it is not, some of these people will happily take the gamble when the consequences are usually a few months in a jail, guaranteed accommodation the chance to pick up some sort of education.

For me jail would seem like hell but for someone who has been brought up with nothing maybe going hungry through no fault of their own will happily turn to crime to survive

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 07:13 PM
legitimate gun owners stop crimes

It has been estimated by the FBI that yearly three crimes are stopped by guns, and sadly, millions of people needlessly die by accidental shootings by untrained owners.
The above answer is so unbelievably wrong, I can't believe it is allowed to be on this site. Call your local FBI and ask the questions.

Regarding accidental shooting deaths per year, that number is in the 14,000-17,000 range. A bit different that "millions"! Over 100,000,000 guns are owned in America. There were over 19,000 deaths by accidental drug overdose in 2004. The majority of these deaths were from prescription drugs, not illegal drugs. Banning prescription drugs makes as much sense as banning guns.

Crimes stopped by guns... according to Dr. Gary Kleck, criminologist at Florida State University in Tallahassee and author of "Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America," a book used by many in the gun debate, 800,000-2,500,000 crimes are stopped by guns each year. The numbers are from different studies. Whichever number you would like to use, it is clear the number 3 is idiotic!

Virginia Tech Shooting Leaves 33 Dead

She's on CNN, apparently shot a gunman who was just feet away from getting into an open rotunda where most of the congregation were accumulated.

of course haveing all the civvies guns taken away is a prerequisite to be turned into a tyrannical fascist or communist dictatorship - that is an inescapable truth just take a look at the 1969 gun control bill

The state used all of the above highly questionable events to propose and pass the 1968 Gun Control Act. The wording of this piece of legislation was taken almost word for word from the 1938 Nazi Gun Control Act. The 1968 GCA is not the state's only connection with Nazi programs. How many are familiar with the CIA's connection with Nazi war criminals?

Let me see now; The 1968 Gun Control Act is a re-do of the 1938 Nazi Gun Control Act; The CIA had a Nazi war criminal connection from its very inception; The CIA is alleged to have involvement in several high-profile assassinations in America; The CIA uses its rented mules (Operation Mockingbird) in the mainstream media (MSM) to demonize and marginalize anyone who seeks to investigate the irregularities in the state-issued reports of these assassinations and other possible covert actions; Our form of government has morphed from a republic to in-your-face fascism, and anyone who believes there is a connection between the state and mass shootings is a conspiracy nut

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

love a lot of your posts but please refer to the references
marksman ship is a very precise art and science

if britian had encountered equally armed countries in her expansionist empire aquisition days her expansionist aquisition days would have been few in number indeed...

there would likely be a lot more constitutional republics then imitation democracies with no real rights like the former common wealth (double sic) countries like Canada and Oz and most if not all of the Former (sic) colonies

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by Soldier81

my answer was in the context of 'out on the street'. it is unacceptable for anyone to carry a weapon 'on the street'. this includes any gathering places, pubs, clubs, coffee bars and post offices etc..
regarding your 'castle', that is a different matter. if you decide to banjo a tinker in your own grounds, good luck to you. within the interview the police will ascertain whether you used the minimum force to restrain that individual or if you went over the top and allowed uncalled-for harm on said individual. it is and always will be your call.

understand this, i am no stranger to violence. that being said, order must be maintained and although this system is not perfect, it is far better than an alternative where anyone and everyone is a potential target anywhere at anytime.
regards fakedirt.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by fakedirt
reply to post by Soldier81

my answer was in the context of 'out on the street'. it is unacceptable for anyone to carry a weapon 'on the street'. this includes any gathering places, pubs, clubs, coffee bars and post offices etc..
regarding your 'castle', that is a different matter. if you decide to banjo a tinker in your own grounds, good luck to you. within the interview the police will ascertain whether you used the minimum force to restrain that individual or if you went over the top and allowed uncalled-for harm on said individual. it is and always will be your call.

understand this, i am no stranger to violence. that being said, order must be maintained and although this system is not perfect, it is far better than an alternative where anyone and everyone is a potential target anywhere at anytime.
regards fakedirt.

I do understand what you are saying mate and not for one second was I suggesting people should be allowed to carry weapons to the pub (licensed or not)

The reason I don't like violence is the simple fact my animal instincts kick in and I find it hard to control myself.

About 9 years ago I had a drunk guy come to my door with 2 knifes for the simple fact that I split an argument and told the 2 offenders to go their own way, 10 minutes later one of the guys involved came to my door like a maniac armed with two knifes.

I saw red and everything went kind of hazy, my partner was screaming at me to stay inside and she threatened to leave me if I went out she even attacked me at one point to try and keep me in but I armed myself with a machete and went out. The guy was still standing acting the big man waving these things about but when he saw he was I was armed he took to his heels.

Now the above story is 100% fact and I know I was 100% in the wrong and should have phoned the police and waited for him to attempt to enter my house before reacting but I was young and uneducated (at the point I reacted although there was a threat,my life was not in danger) it did prove to me when these clowns are unexpectedly challenged with someone who is evenly armed they will most likely back down.

Your last statement has me confused slightly though.
At the moment everyone is a target and that would not increase by arming educated honest people.

The reason I had a machete in the house was because a guy broke in to our house armed with a hammer, just thought i would clear that part up.

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