posted on Apr, 12 2003 @ 10:44 AM
Yes, most people have now moved from the topic of iraq...but that is what usually happens..war starts, people die for no apparent cause but the
govt..and they lie and say it has ended..but it hasnt, because people are still dying and they will continue to die, even when it has really ended,
the casualties of war continue for long time.
WHAT about this curfew "marines" have set for the iraqi people in their own country? Thats like saying..british a-holes have come and set curfews
for the american people...and what does this curfew remind us of, ??? WW2 yet marine was quoted on saying we came, we saw, and we
Even though many iraqi are happy it is "over" ...saddam s finally gone...they are still not happy they are being controlled by someone
else...because it has happened before when we put our CIA trained man in the iraqi regime...saddam..and than we realized our mistake..??
Why not let the people loot when their govt has been looting from them for soo many years...why not le them make their own that we have
made baghdad a pile of rubble!
this is just all very disturbing...
just thought i would you guys posted with the latest news in iraq.
One iraqi was quoted on saying "�You are here to rape our women and give drugs to our children.� to the marines.
In times of war...this is always the outcome..reminds me of the vietnam war.