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Sometimes the proof is right in front of us. Confessions from a chemtrail moron.

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posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 12:22 AM
I'm gonna start this off by admitting I have been a closed minded IDIOT. There. I said it.
But sometimes the proof is right in front of us.
Did I believe in weather modification attempts? Yes.
Did I believe in mass spraying of the world to accomplish some goal? Whether weather modification or something else? No.

And why? Well....If this were a criminal trial, and I were on the jury I would have voted for acquittal due to lack of evidence, as well as motivation and means, or opportunity. I also thought the defense in the OJ Simpson murder trial put on a way better case than the prosecution. The problem wasn't really with the evidence. It was in how it was presented. But that's another story....

OK....back to chemical spraying. You wanna prove to me there is widespread chemical spraying going on, then don't show me a picture of the sky on a cloudy day and call it chemtrails. I need proof it is done, and I need to see the ability to do it.

Now....don't get me wrong here, but I still DO NOT believe in spraying from commercial aviation. I still don't believe most of what we see in the sky are chemicals. BUT...the proof has been right in front of me for years. And I didn't think about it that way.

I was just reviewing a video I made near the end of May of 2010 on the Gulf Oil Spill. And what did I see?

I saw a plane that was KNOWN for a fact, to be spraying Corexit across the Gulf. I took it at face value for a year and a half..and never thought twice about it. Until tonight. Where did this plane come from? And what was it doing before the spill? Now..I live in a small rural town, near a small airport. there are crop dusters flying in and out all spring and summer long. This plane is not a crop duster. So where did it come from?

But wait. There's more.
I was in Charleston, SC in 1999. That year, hurricane Floyd came up the coast right at us. But it turned north just before hitting us directly and hit the Outer Banks in NC. We still took a pretty good glancing blow. Several days later, there was a HUGE, widespread mosquito infestation from all the water. I actually have joked about this...and again never thought about it....but, there was actually a C-130 that flew overhead where I was near the small fishing village in northern Charleston County called McClellanville. It was spraying malathion. It looked something like this:

Now that last pic was of a C-130 spraying Corexit, but I think you get the point.

When most people think of chemtrails, they are thinking of looking UP at a plane flying overhead. But does this look familiar?

Again..another plane KNOWN for an absolute fact to be spraying chemicals. So..we are indeed seeing chemtrails here.

Then I got to thinking....WHY are they spraying? Known weather modification planes doing cloud seeding need...well...clouds. And they drop pellets. SO what are they spraying? Well...I still don't know. But I am now way more open to this.

Wait....remember Vietnam? Agent Orange?

Yep....more chemtrails. are 2 pictures of an old DC-4. It's from Canada, and was moved to Florida to be....well..a spray plane.

and inside:

So where did all these planes come from? They weren't converted in a matter of a couple of days just for spraying Corexit in the gulf. And surely there weren't this many already used just for spraying oil spills. If there were..then they're even bigger problems.

They were already there. They have been spraying. What? Who knows?
But I now believe it is being done on a wide scale. And not just over oil polluted waters. I had the pics and memories all along to prove it...I just didn't "see" it. And now I do....

edit on 11-12-2011 by webpirate because: spelling

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 12:29 AM
Military chemtrails are a fact. been admitted by ppl who have made the product and told on hidden cam about what they use it for and why.. ill link ya if i find it

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 12:39 AM
There's definitely a chemtrail conspiracy. But I don't think it is what most people are seeing. I think the problem is we are being sprayed, but we really aren't seeing it. Not for what it really is.
A lot of the spraying in the gulf was done at night. To try to hide or obfuscate the activity to most. Things like Agent Orange were done in the daylight. They were denied..then admitted finally.

My last image shows just how much room the tanks inside that plane take up. And it doesn't begin to demonstrate the added weight. That's why I don't believe it is done by commercial airlines..whether knowingly or not. They add pollution...yes. But I don't think they are really extra chemicals.

I know we are being sprayed. I have finally seen and admitted to myself the proof. But it's worse than people think I feel. It's being done either at most of the gulf spraying was done, and/or the releases dissipate way faster than most think. Maybe not. Either way...I have seen these planes for myself, and found additional pictures of them, and there are just too many to all be for spraying oil slicks or mosquitoes after a hurricane.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 12:41 AM
I have 2 theory's as to why and what it is they, whom ever they are spraying,the first one is: In the sun it is much hotter than it was say 20 30 years ago what better way of reflecting sun light then by using tin foil or aluminum, I heard on the radio Coast to Coast that the aluminum content is on the rise and that forest fires are hotter then they used to be because of this aluminum content %age is up now how did that happen if there is now spaying of tin foil or aluminum? the Second one is:HARRP could be using the foil or tin as over the Horizon reflector, think of it as a antenna (or aerial) reflector in the sky.
edit on 11-12-2011 by bekod because: editting

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by webpirate

I haven't taken the time to research chemtrails, although based on what I've heard, there are government documents and statements that explicitly refer to weather modification, geo-engineering, and stuff like that basically through the use of chemtrails.

Let's say that's true. What could they be spraying? Something to affect the health of people, whether mental or physical. For example, in DC recently, occupy protesters from all around the country gathered to protest corrupt government and politicians and lobbying and all of that stuff. It rained the whole time, and most people got sick. Based on what a friend told me, when she got there, the skies were "filled with chemtrails".

Making people sick in certain areas could be one desired effect, as well as making people lazier or stupider using certain chemicals.
edit on 11-12-2011 by TupacShakur because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by TupacShakur

Being in medicine, I have joked for years advocating aerial spraying of haldol...basically an anti-psychotic to keep people in line. Especially during full moon's. I was only joking though...about the use, but now I really am starting to wonder...Maybe not that drug...but;s actually a pretty scarey thought.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 12:59 AM
Chemtrails may be a possibility, but with a background in meteorology and a basic understanding of science I must say, most chemtrail conspiracy theories are just crazy. Contrails are a naturally occurring phenomenon and I would say at least 99.9% of them you see in the air are just that. In my life I've never seen anything in the sky that doesn't look like an ordinary contrail from a plane.

Does the military and government do spraying? Do farmers do spraying? Yes and yes. But i've NEVER seen them do it, and where I live in the summer time there's a LOT of air traffic overhead.

+3 more 
posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 01:02 AM
So your whole post can be summed up in "We have the technology to spray stuff from planes and occasionally we do." Well, thats not a conspiracy. We sometime dust crops. Spray for mosquitoes. Dump water on forest fires. Etc...

What we do NOT have the resources or manpower to do is spay the whole dam world with chemicals that remain completely undetected even by the people spraying them. The government is incompetent, do you really think that they could pull off something like this for as long as they "have"?

Or, do you really think the military would go along with it?
edit on 11-12-2011 by TsukiLunar because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by WP4YT

Yeah..I totally agree... Most all of what we are seeing are indeed contrails. But I have seen some up close spraying from that C-130 I mentioned above. It never occurred to me though until just tonight....WHY was that plane outfitted for spraying?

These planes spraying the gulf...where did they come from? These are bigger than crop dusters. They can hold more spray. So can cover wider areas.
My biggest issue is where did they all come from? And why are they here? It almost has to be some large scale spraying project.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 01:14 AM
Fuel dumps over the water...
Sun reflecting off another fuel dump operation.
Low level contrails...
Even more low level contrails (was very humid that day).

Just kidding. Nice presentation. Really looking forward to responses from a certain specific four or so members who shall not be named, but like the sun sets every day, will arrive and comment to enlighten us on what's what regarding what is shown here, and explain how they are anything but chemtrails. Because they don't exist.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by webpirate

Incredibly cool thread, webpirate, and those pixs are great. I've been the laughing stock of my family about chemtrails for years but even they are starting to come around to the fact that all those "trails" in the sky can't possibly be from commercial planes (especially when you can watch the spray being dispersed without seeing the actual plane).

Personally, I think they probably use it for a myriad of purposes. It probably started out as an experiment in weather modification. I remember about six or seven years ago, there was a day in early October that started out with typical blue skies and by mid-day, the skies were gray and criss-crossed with chemtrails. The very next day, we had these mutant snowflakes in NYC (for lack of a better description) that I have never before nor ever since seen again. They lasted a short time but man, we're they a strangely beautiful sight. Of course there's a chance that it was just coincidence but even my skeptical family's shell started to crack over that one.

I also believe that the poster's theory about protection from the heat of the sun, which has weakened as our natural protections have eroded, is valid. I've come to believe this because of the worldwide reports of vitamin D deficiency that's been prevalent over the last year or two. I realize that our lifestyles have changed and perhaps our youth don't spend as much time outdoors as my generation did, but there is still such an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency, you have to put 2 and 2 together and realize that those beneficial sun rays are somehow being blocked (strangely enough, those same "healthy" sun rays that give us our vitamin D are the same ones that seem to cause sun cancer and other sun-exposure related illnesses).

Anyway, great visual proof. Thanks for sharing.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by timidgal

I hadn't heard of the widespread vit-D deficiency thing until recently....and.....just for the record... Mine was incredibly low 2 years ago when it was first noticed....
And I mean very very low. Normal is 35-70.
Mine was 5.4 initially.

edit on 11-12-2011 by webpirate because: spelling

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by webpirate
reply to post by WP4YT

Yeah..I totally agree... Most all of what we are seeing are indeed contrails. But I have seen some up close spraying from that C-130 I mentioned above. It never occurred to me though until just tonight....WHY was that plane outfitted for spraying?

These planes spraying the gulf...where did they come from? These are bigger than crop dusters. They can hold more spray. So can cover wider areas.
My biggest issue is where did they all come from? And why are they here? It almost has to be some large scale spraying project.

They are part of the US Airforce Reserve, and their stated aim is to maintain hte ability to react quickly to anything that needs spraying - 757th Airlift Squadron - they have 8 aircraft total, of which 4 are fitted with the spray system - FOUR.

Their main job is to b the Federal Govt's pest control aviation force.

And, as has been pointed out already, these are not the "chemtrails" at high altitude from commercial airliners that everyone thinks are a problem - these are not secret (except during the Vietnam war of course), are coming from spray apparatus and not engines, and do not have a gap from hte aircraft to the start of the trail.

In short these are indeed chemical trails, but not "Chemtrails"

Edit to add link to Google image search - C-130 Spray - lots of photos of these
edit on 11-12-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by webpirate
Believe it or not, mine was two (2) a few months ago. Doc had to call lab to verify that they had double tested my blood. Have since taken mega supplements and though it made me feel better for a while, I feel back to being sluggish and tired now most of the time.

EDIT: By the way, I loved the self-deprecating title of your thread (she said with a wink and a smile). It was most appealing in it's honesty and a refreshing change from the "know it alls".
edit on 12/11/2011 by timidgal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by webpirate

Last night I turned around in bed just to find my hubby still not home from work. This about 1:30 in the morning. He runs a prestigious restaurant. Then I noticed the lounge light is on, so I went through and found him where he fell asleep on the couch, woke him and tucked him into bed.

About half an hour later I was still awake. Suddenly I heard the sound of a big plane flying over us. I woke hubby and we were both shocked by this. There are no flights at that time of the night from our airports!!!

What business did that plane have being up so late, or actually, early in the morning?

WE are having winter during what is supposed to be summer here in Pretoria, South Africa.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by UnlimitedSky

I woke hubby and we were both shocked by this.

How shocked? On a scale of 1 to 10. One being finding cat poop on the floor. Ten being listening to the president give a somber speech about a black hole closing in on our solar system.

There are no flights at that time of the night from our airports!!!

Ah yes, I too keep track of all flight times to and from my local airport.

What business did that plane have being up so late, or actually, early in the morning?

I dont know ma'am. By default, I assume they were executing a plan to carry out mass murder. I know that's what I would do if I were up so late.

WE are having winter during what is supposed to be summer here in Pretoria, South Africa.

And the evidence keeps piling on for chemtrails. First the late flying plane and now this! They must be conected. I know it!

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by UnlimitedSky

I presume this is at Wonderboom?

Is there a curfew there? If not, then any aircraft that can use the airport can us it at any time of day or night - you should ring them up to find out where it came from.

The main runway is big enough to land Boeing 737's.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 03:23 AM
ok answer this why does one Jet plane have a long lasting trail and an other jet plane ie 767 727 does not , some times the make X's in the sky then in in hour or two the whole sky is... cloudy.
Some times they pass the direction other time pass by each other, and the temp drops by 3 to 4 degs the next time the sky is clear take your therm out there and place it in the sun , it will not take long for it to get to the top , then when the trails come and linger see what the temp is then and how long it takes to max out. chem trails linger and spread forming a mass, contrails just dissipate, has a line the does not last nor lingers is white in color. Chem trails are gray or light blue gray if seen at the right angle have colors of the rain bow like soap bubbles, are closer to the plane and lot denser thicker than Contrails types of possible planes used note not based on fact just theory Aircraft

No. of Aircraft
(CJT list)[9] No. of Aircraft
(TC list)[10] Variants Notes
Boeing 727 11 10 727-200AF C-FCJF, C-FCJI (stored at Hamilton), C-FCJU, C-GCJB, C-GCJD, C-GCJN, C-GCJQ, C-GCJY, C-GCJZ, C-GUJC. Max payload : 60 000 lbs. Active B727-200F fleet per Sep 2011: 9 aircraft
Boeing 757 1 1 757-200F C-FKCJ. Max payload : 80 000 lbs.
Boeing 767 2 2 767-200ERF C-FMCJ, C-FGAJ. Max payload : 100 000 lbs.

C-FCJP, a Boeing 727, is still listed with Transport Canada but with its certificate cancelled.
think of this if 100,000 lbs. of an aerosol is put out at the rate of 500 parts per billion 1000 parts eq an oz how long would that trail be?
edit on 11-12-2011 by bekod because: editting

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by bekod
ok answer this why does one Jet plane have a long lasting trail and an other jet plane ie 767 727 does not ,

Different altitudes can easily mean different atmospheric conditions enough to mean one makes contrails & the other doesn't.

It doesn't take much difference - have a look at clouds next time you're outside & you see some - usually thy are in a layer - above and below the layer there's no clouds - 100 feet either way makes all the difference.

Also horizontally - next time you see a layer of scattered cloud that is what you are seeing - some parts of the atmosphere have the right conditions for clouds, other parts at the same altitude do not.

Lastly, but I think probably least importantly IMO, engine efficiency can make a difference at what altitude contrails are formed - this paper on propulsive efficiency and contrails has the photo of 2 a/c side by side - 1 making contrails, the other not, and all because of different engines -

On the left is a newer Airbus, on the right an older Boeing

some times the make X's in the sky then in in hour or two the whole sky is... cloudy.
Some times they pass the direction other time pass by each other, and the temp drops by 3 to 4 degs

The sort of conditions that favour contrails at high altitude are often those that come in front of an approaching front - that is why Cirrus cloud often presages a front, and why contrails are often associated with high level cloud too - the conditions for cirrus cloud are exactly what contrails need to form.

Often you can see photos of contrails starting and ending right on the edge of cirrus.

[quot]contrails just dissipate, has a line the does not last nor lingers is white in color.

the persistence of a contrail depends solely upon atmospheric conditions - exactly like the persistence of a cloud does - since a contrail is just water ice crystals just like cirrus cloud.

Colour depends on lighting - contrails are water - so sometimes you get a rainbow effect if the lighting i right, or they can be grey if they are in shadow just like any cloud can be grey in shadow. Or orange/red/yellow at sunrise or sunset for the same reasons other clouds are - rayliegh scattering

C-FCJP, a Boeing 727, is still listed with Transport Canada but with its certificate cancelled.
think of this if 100,000 lbs. of an aerosol is put out at the rate of 500 parts per billion 1000 parts eq an oz how long would that trail be?

And there would be some sort of paper trail - it would have to be loaded on board somehow, the plane would have to be modified with tanks instead of general cargo apparatus, there would have to be some sort of spray apparatus, or the engines modified to "inject" whatever it was - along with associated extra plumbing - pumps, pipes, valves.

The aircraft performance documents would have to be modified to account for the weight and balance changing throughout flight by more than just the normal fuel burn - either because the "fuel" is coming from the fuselage "Cargo" capacity instead of the wings, or it is in addition to the normal fuel being burned from wing tanks, etc (normal performance documents account for weight changes from fuel burned from the a/c normal tanks - but they don't usually burn anything in the cargo/passenger area!!)

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 05:25 AM
Pssst. Hey, you guys, a plane just passed over. After wards I felt a little deader. I think they are doing it again.

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