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The pet-food industry conspiracy, and Candy’s tale

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posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by shimmeringsilver73

The least I can do is try and help my cat's skin problems with salmon oil or something. My vet was no help at all as to recommendations for ways to treat his flaky skin.

By the way, he's an absolutely gorgeous Abyssinian tabby named Garfield. One of the best cats I've ever known and I think he actually might have a bit of brain damage but not 100% sure because he was born in a toolshed where there was a gasoline can stored.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by SpeDeZo

I'm sorry for your cat. I feel your vet's are kinda indoctrinated to think that dry food is best. Our veterinarian's (we know few of them) tell exactly opposite, avoid dry food and give ti from time to time to keep cat's teeth in good condition.

It would seem that your country is ages ahead in thinking than my country. Here in SA I have not heard any other story than "dry food is best" continuously dished up by all the veterinarians that I know.

Perhaps developing countries are receiving the brunt of the "indoctrination" regime...

Your cats seem to enjoy a fantastic diet - made me very happy when I read your post. Thanks for sharing!

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by Amanda5
reply to post by shimmeringsilver73

Water in their bowl disappears so I know they are getting enough moisture. I am still not sure about the vaccines because if I ever need to take them to the pet motel they will not be accepted. Another government rort. Please share any information on cat vaccines as I am interested in learning about the subject.

Have to run out in a mo. Will get together what I have learnt on the vaccine issue and send you a U2U later.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Henley
Regarding canned foods, research where the food is canned. In 2007 Menu Foods the largest canner of wet pet foods recalled over 60 million containers of food as aminopterin, melamine and/or cyanuric acid was identified in the food.

These chemicals were also identified in several dry foods.

Many companies purchase the vitamin/mineral premix contained in pet food from China. Melamine and cyanuric acid adulterants can be used to inflate the apparent protein content of products, so that inexpensive ingredients can pass for more expensive, concentrated proteins.

Good gracious me Henley!

You have touched on an issue that I knew nothing about. It is an absolute disgrace that these additives are used in order to inflate the apparent protein content of the products - and I am absolutely disgusted!

Great - now I have yet ANOTHER thing to keep in mind when researching my pets food.

Thank you for the information - much appreciated.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by FissionSurplus
We live 1/2 mile off the road and the nearest neighbor is a mile away. We let our cats out in the morning and collect them as the sun is going down to save them from the coyotes. Our kitties eat a mixture of wet and dry food, but all of them hunt outside and usually catch rats, mice, moles, birds and lizards. I notice they are a great deal healthier since we moved out here. I know that cats need fresh, raw kill, and I think the warnings about cats getting worms from fresh kill are somewhat overblown.

Oh man - that sounds like cat-heaven to me!

I do have one rescue that has feline AIDS. I had two, but the with the other one, I constantly took her to a vet, who shot her up with steroids every time. That kitty died quickly from a tumor in her mouth which spread into her skull. With the remaining AIDS kitty, I never take her to the vet. I use liquid samento (a derivative of cat's claw, no pun intended), which I put in her water when she slows down. It perks her right up. I have had her for almost 5 years and she shows no signs of the disease progressing. Samento cranks up their immune system, which is the opposite of steroids, which dampens it.

Sounds interesting. First time that I hear about Samento. Would you recommend it as helpful as something that I can add to Candy's water from time to time when she needs a pick-me-up? I had her on Moducare in the past, which has been exceptionally good in assisting her immune system during her flu-bouts.

If I were to start a cat company, I would make cat trees that actually look like trees, and mouse cat food

Ha ha - perhaps you should! I know I would be one of your clients!

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:27 AM
This thread is an eye opener. Like most pet guardians (I believe that is the politically correct term) I do my best and listen to the vet and try to be aware that my cats will demonstrate their illnesses - as opposed to a Child who can tell you my tummy hurts or my head hurts...

My Milly is sitting next to me - supervising as she often does - and I am thinking could I have done better. I went grocery shopping today and with this thread in mind I was checking out the labels on the pet food. Then I thought some more and decided there are sooooo many lies and deceptions in advertising. I was reading the labels and wondering whether the ingredients were based on facts or disguised or omitted.

It is becoming very difficult to make choices about any food or vitamin whether you are human or animal. I guess all we can do is keep learning and make the best choices with what is available.

Much Peace...

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by ZacharyW
Vet recommended food: trash,I heard the main reason science diet is recommended is because they donate a lot to Vet schools.

Agreed. Apparently some big brands visit the vet schools for a couple of days during training - which is oftentimes the only real contact / introduction that the vets-in-training receive relating to the nutritional aspect of their course.

Unfortunately, many of my colleagues do, indeed, recommend products made by Hill’s (and Purina) and this is a testament to the fact that most veterinarians are not well-versed in proper feline nutrition and simply defer to companies like Hill’s and Purina - companies with huge marketing budgets. These large budgets include substantial sums of money dedicated to sponsoring - including very heavy advertising - our professional meetings and infiltrating veterinary schools to get students ‘married’ to their products.

Raw food= Your best option for cats and dogs. Right now I am in a position where I can't feed my dog raw food due to financial issues but whenever I can afford it I do. She has just about refused dry food on a few occasions after being fed raw it really bothers me that I can't afford raw right now but I am working on it. I go to the butcher daily and ask if he has meat that he doesn't need...I get a little something here and there.

Kudos to you for doing your best in this regard. Interesting that your dog refused the dry food after being fed raw. Your doggy is obviously very intelligent.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by The Sword

Grains are a really cheap filler. Extends the food and makes it appear more. A nice money-making racket.

I found Norwegian salmon oil to be the best for flaky skin. Apparantly the Norwegian salmon is found in very deep ocean waters, and have as such not been exposed to the wealth of pollutants that most fish absorb.

And my kitties love the taste. I basically puncture a softgel capsule and squeeze a couple of drops over their food. They are then like "om nom nom nom"...

Ha ha - Garfield sounds like he is an absolute sweetheart.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by shimmeringsilver73

Our last dog lived 18-20 years of age on Iams dry dog food (green bag).

Do you realise that Iams is made by Proctor & Gamble that use lethal and cruel animal testing when researching their pet food?

If they wanted to test how a dog with kidney failure would react to their food, they remove a whole or part of a kidney from a dog to see what would happen. The dogs they use in testing are 'de-barked' by removing their voice boxes.

P&G is also well known for using animal testing in their cosmetics and hoisehold cleaning products development.

I've not bought anything made by P&G since finding this out.

DO NOT GIVE YOUR DOG OR CAT IAMS! You are supporting animal testing if you do.
edit on 12-12-2011 by Nammu because: spelling

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by Nammu

Thank you for this information - I will not go to the link because there are days when I cannot bare the pain of watching what humans can do to animals - let alone each other.

Much Peace...

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by Nammu
Do you realise that Iams is made by Proctor & Gamble that use lethal and cruel animal testing when researching their pet food?

I saw some footage in this regard a while back (but related to Hills if I remember correctly). I do not support Hills in any case due to the fact that they support cruel animal-testing.

The footage I saw related to them removing the skin off dogs' legs, whilst the dogs (about 20 to 30 of them) were laying paralyzed (but fully alert and cognizant) on the floor.

All I can say is that it was truly horrifying and nightmare-inducing imagery. What I could not believe was the absolute lack of empathy that the "scientists, doctors and assistents" were employing whilst conducting these tests. They all seemed to be pretty standard people - the kind of person that I might see on the street and think of as being "good and nice". Hah! - come again...?

Makes me wanna "throw up" with anger...

edit on 12/12/2011 by shimmeringsilver73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by shimmeringsilver73

He's the sweetest kitty I've known so far.

I'll look for those capsules. I have to brush him more often as well.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by Nammu

I would never buy Iams anyway. There's something dubious about them.

Though if a cat or dog can live to 18-20 years, then that's amazing regardless of what they've eaten.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by shimmeringsilver73

The lack of empathy gets me too. How can these people got home to their families and sleep at night? I bet the ones with families probably have pets as well. It's sickening.

This video really brings tears to me eyes:

We need to boycott all companies that deal with animal testing.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by Nammu

We need to boycott all companies that deal with animal testing.


And agrees some more.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 02:20 PM
I've had cats all my life, sometimes 10 at a time (not on purpose I assure you lol).

Cats are a little like people in this regard. SOME cats seem to be ok eating commercial food just like some people eat the standard diet and as they are relatively thin and haven't developed cancer or diabetes yet, they're assumed to be fine. Some genetic lines will get fat but not ill until somewhere down of the road of that. Some will get psychological disorders or cancer or whatever. For cats, just like people most of the initial symptoms are obvious, it's just that people don't know to look for it. That includes skin conditions in particular, from cystic acne to rashes, and common allergy-style issues such as chronically recurring rhinitis or bronchitis. Some cats, like people, will die of other things before disease kills them so you never know.

But grains don't generally help anybody. Food is probably the biggest genuine conspiracy on the planet, in part because it so profoundly affects everything else. And grains for cats are just nasty. So, feed them what you can afford, for some people that is ordinary cat food. (Some brands like kitten chow have more protein than others.) But feed them good stuff everywhere you can. Save a few bites of all the meat you eat to give them. They like milk, half&half and most shredded cheese. These aren't ideal foods you understand but they're better than crapfood from the store.

If you have any doubt about food as the source of most ills, go to petfood sites like for evo or canidae and you will find endless testimonials, which I believe to be real, about the results.

My cats are dramatically affected by food, in psychology and in energy as well as in skin disorders, constant barfing, etc. I once took a cat to the vet and he told me that her liver etc. was sluggish and he could give her some medication. I said, would that cure her? No, he says, but it will deal with some of the symptoms... for awhile. Might cause others. I ask, so what causes sluggish liver? He says, all the organs get sluggish when the health is poor. I say, what makes the health poor? He says, generally the food. I said you know... you could have started the conversation on that point. :-)

My friend fed her cat with serious urine crystals this very expensive vet food and it's been TWO YEARS and he is still not fully rid of the problem, and they won't neuter him until he is, and it's a nightmare for both of them. I can't get her to say "if it's not working, to do something else." To her the vet knows best! She is poor as a church mouse so it's pathetic. I told her for that money she should go buy mice at the pet store and feed the cat that! The vet has convinced her that only the magically expensive ingredients will help. Now, go over to a site like earthclinic dot com and find another 8 zillion testimonials and stories by people and how they cured their pets of nearly everything under the sun, many of them with the pet near the point of death.

It's really quite eye opening. The OP is correct. Pets are fed even worse than people (if that's possible) and treated with as much ignorance by the medical profession regarding diet's effect on health -- and what matters -- as people often are. Pets eat the same grain-based high-carb nutrient- and animal-protein-deficient junk humans do, so now, pets get the same diseases we do in the same kind of massively increasing numbers.

I might add that I have two cats with feline HIV. When I took the first one to the vet he wanted me to put it down, and had the cat showed the slightest sign of misery (and had I not spent 20 minutes assuring him it was just a shots visit and he'd be fine), I would have. I vaccinated my other cats and brought him into the house or porch so he wouldn't be hanging out with others peoples' cats of course. It's been EIGHT YEARS since then (and he was 7 or 8 when I got him--and very beat up from living wild though he was a tame cat, having been abandoned by his family from birth a block down, who simply moved away without him. May they rot in hell). The cat is still with me! He's so old he's got vampire vangs sticking out. And he suffers more than the others if we go through poverty periods where we all eat crappy food. But he is still ok. We don't shoot people for having a disease, why animals? I mention this solely because someone killing their best friend who is in good health despite this would be tragic. He's lived longer than tons of my outdoor cats who disappeared (probably not living) or had dog or car accidents.


edit on 12-12-2011 by RedCairo because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-12-2011 by RedCairo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 03:45 PM
My cat's love whiscats purple cans and are healthy with that

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by shimmeringsilver73

Shimmering, samento has been a miracle not only for my feline with AIDS, but also myself, as I have rheumatoid arthritis. Samento keeps me from needing any sort of medication for RA. The fact that the half-siamese I adopted 5 years ago, who was not expected to survive beyond a few years, is still alive and playful and hungry all the time speaks volumes about samento. The fact that I take no medications for an autoimmune disease that I have had for 12 years says a lot more.

Here is a link for the veterinary use of it:

I do not use it all the time, as it is similar to the antibiotic Levaquin, and like all antibiotics, you must use it with a light touch. If you feel yourself coming down with the flu, a drop of Samento in water, with vitamins and rest, will eliminate the flu virus in your system within 8 hours. No lie. I haven't come down with the flu since I found this amazing extract. I think TPTB know about this and keep the info about it suppressed as much as possible. It IS a flu cure, how crazy is that??

I buy mine from Amazon and use it on the cats as well as myself from time to time:

With my kitty, I put one drop in their water dish (amount of water approx. 4 - 5 oz.). All the cats like it and will drink the dish dry, so I have to make sure that my AIDS kitty gets the first drink.

Do not overuse, as this can make you or your cats feel incredibly hyper. Very little is needed, and less is more with this. For example, the first time I used samento, it was in pill form. I took the recommended dosage and didn't sleep for 35 hours straight, and I had a panic attack on it. I had so much energy I freaked out.

A light touch for your kitty, and you'll see that all those annoying infections will disappear! Best of luck!

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by shimmeringsilver73

I just want to say I admire your persistence. I had a cat with various health problems like that. I gave her shots and pills and ointments in her ears. She was a good sport. I never thought about changing her diet. She hated canned food just like your cat and the veterinarians always said it was better for her teeth.

Now I'm seriously thinking about switching my current cat off that dry food. I just opened a can of tuna and he seems to like it.

edit on 13-12-2011 by cloudyday because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 06:14 PM
I admire your patience and your kind heart. But dry food is not necessarily all evil.

It just depends on the brand you buy. It's all about big corporations, cost of the products, profit margin and etc.

Raw feed, "processed properly" (don't feed raw meat you buy from your local Vons/Ralphs/Albersons), is the best for your pets.

Wet food, most of the time are not recommended. I mean, if you understand the science of it, you will know why. It's not that every single brand of wet food is bad, it's just that wet food contains almost 60% of water.

Dry kibble, is generally recommended the most. But, the quality is largely dependent on the consumer, how much are you willing to spend?

For example, when you enter a pet store like PetSmart or PetCo., they basically have all the dry food split into 3 categories. The top category contains the least amount of filler, middle and last category contains the most.

What I found out, was that even the "Top of the line" dry food they sell at pet stores, is questionable in terms of quality ingredient used.

Also, beware of what the Vet's recommend in terms of food. They get a cut (commission) from the brand they promote, regardless if it's medication or food.

Let me give you another example, these are all from personal experience mind you. For instance, at the hospital we bring our dog to, their Vet highly recommends feeding Royal Canine as the brand of dry dog kibble. They almost swear by it's quality and make, they even go as far as tell you that's the only brand of dog food you should feed your pet. And they recommend "Science Diet" for Cats.

Like a fool, I trusted the Vet. I mean, who would of known right? My thoughts were, there is no way a Vet would lie to us right? Right....

After doing my own research on Royal Canine, I found out that the ingredients they use is crap. The quality is mediocre at best but the price is ridiculous. Same thing goes for "Science Diet" for Cats, it's all bs hype created by the Vets.

Another example would be, the hospital would push First Shield Trio as a flee/tick prevention, while almost everyone else knows that Frontline has been the popular/better brand. Instead they insist First Shield Trio is the same and will cost you less if you buy it from them directly. They charge you almost $15 for a single dose of First Shield Trio. Frontline on the other hand, a 3 dose pack, costs $30 at WalMart, we found this out later and literally almost went back to the hospital and give the Vets there our middle finger.

After research, First Shield Trio is # compared to Frontline. But again, I discovered that First Shield Trio was made by these f***ers just like Royal Canine or Science Diet. So again, they get commission for what they sell, screw your pet's health.

The more research I do on feeding my dog, the more hideous things I find out about the dry dog food industry. But the more positive things I learn from them.

I now feed my dog Orijen dry dog kibble. It is a "Grain Free" formula. Which means, there is no wheat, no rice, no brown rice, no grain of any kind. It is guaranteed 80% protein 20% fruits & vegies. My Golden Retriever's energy level is like Krypto the Super Dog on this diet.

But Orijen will cost you dearly and it cannot be found in regular pet stores like PetSmart or PetCo. Orijen is a Canadian brand dog food, you have to look for it online.

Again, grain free dry dog food will cost you an arm and a leg but over time, it is the best for your dog, saves you more in the long run when your dog is disease free.

Here's the link to Orijen's main web site, they are amongst the top 3 dry dog kibbles in the world and they get awarded every single year.

Orijen Food

Just to let you have a rough idea of the difference in cost.

A 29lbs. bag of dry kibble, under the brand of Purina, IAM, Pedigree or whatever Costco/Wholesale brand they offer to consumers... cost you anywhere between $8 ~ $30.

A 29lbs. bag of dry kibble, under the brand of Orijen, will cost you $75 ~ $90.

For a large breed dog, they go through 29lbs in about a month. So if you really love your pet, be prepared to spend $70 to $90 a month on "good healthy dry food".
edit on 12/14/2011 by truthseeker84 because: (no reason given)

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