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If You Believe The Latest Death Of Osama Bin Laden YOU'RE STUPID!

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posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 01:55 PM

"If You Believe The Latest Death Of Osama Bin Laden YOU'RE STUPID!" Cindy Sheehan

This is quite a startling interview!

She must be an anarchist, or a socialist.

How dare she question our government's intentions.

I really like how well the reporter deals with her by calmly avoiding confrontation. Clearly, not taking our government's word on Osama's death is proof of her derangement.

It is people like her, questioning our government, who give the rest of us apathetic Americans a bad name.

Unlike her I intend to NEVER have over 7 days worth of food.


Because I am not a terrorist.
That simple.

edit on 10-12-2011 by ThinkingCap because: (no reason given)

(No sarcasm here!)

edit on 10-12-2011 by ThinkingCap because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 01:57 PM
If you unquestionable believe this just as the the people who unquestionably believes we killed bin laden then you are equally an idiot.

Trust no one
edit on 10-12-2011 by OmegaOwl because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 02:07 PM
Oh come on. I've got like 10 days of food stocked up.

Sarcasm doesn't translate?

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 02:18 PM
I do not need to stockpile food. I intend to eat my neighbors who do not own guns.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

Oh yes.

Maybe that's what it's always been about.

We've already been conditioned to eating the flesh of our neighbors. After all, what do you think is inside of Mcdonald's fries?

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

You should still probably stockpile barbeque sauce.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by ThinkingCap

Funny how Dr. Drew tries to insinuate her activist activity as being an anarchist. What a jerk. If I were Cindy I would have told Dr. Drew to respect me as a guest and let me speak the entire segment. It's a damn shame Cindy did not tear Dr. Drew a new one.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 02:40 PM
When and however Osama Bin Laden met his demise....the people involved did their jobs very well indeed...and what exactly really happened to eliminate Osama I don't think we are ever going to completely know.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by RightWingAvenger

I think she handled herself beautifully. Very respectful woman, my condolences go out to her loss. She has done this country a great justice once again by standing up against these zombie fascists.

She didn't have to lower herself to his idiocy. I think for people on the fence this may allow themselves to accept the "ridiculous" notion that our government has been screwing us over for years.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by caladonea
When and however Osama Bin Laden met his demise....the people involved did their jobs very well indeed...and what exactly really happened to eliminate Osama I don't think we are ever going to completely know.

What really happened, true.

When it really happened? I am insulted by the way the U.S dealt with this. It is very apparent that they used his death, which most likely happened years ago, as a political card.

I can't respect lies like this.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 02:54 PM
Good for her!! She held up very well in that interview.
So often do people with a cause crumble under pressure in those situations.
She managed to bring focus to her cause in each question. I actually found his questions reasonable until He threw out " so what are you,.Anarchist..libertarian Wha?"
that was killer!

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by ThinkingCap

"If You Believe The Latest Death Of Osama Bin Laden YOU'RE STUPID!" Cindy Sheehan

This is quite a startling interview!

She must be an anarchist, or a socialist.

LOL! I have just lost about 99% respect for this Dr. Drew character. I thought he was some sort of sex therapist? Or drug rehab doctor? When did he get into politics?

@ 3:32: "Are you an anarchist? Are you a socialist? A libertarian?"

Herp? Derp?

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 03:37 PM
When people's 15 minutes of fame is up...they become more and more extreme and sensationalist in an attempt to desperatly hold on to relevancy.

This lady is no different.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by ThinkingCap

The whole Bin Laden death thing is a sketchy area, but I definitely don't agree with the official word. Why? He was arguably the most knowledgable man in the world when it comes to the terrorist network or whatever it is that we're supposedly fighting overseas with the war on terror, and he was unarmed and could have easily been captured by a trained military group. What'd they do instead? Killed him, then dumped his body in the ocean before telling anybody. Yeah.....sure.

Wasn't he on dialysis for some kidney problems years before that? He could have died years before that for all we know. Maybe he's still alive somehow, I don't know, I'm not a doctor and I don't understand his medical condition and the health effects of it. However I'm sure of one thing, and that's that we weren't told the truth about his death. It was just a bone thrown at the American people who were becoming increasingly opposed to the wars and angry at the president and government for continuing to spend trillions of dollars on them, losing hundreds of soldiers lives and killing innocent civilians in the process.

All they had to do was say "The Al-CIAda operative who was responsible for the false-flag terror attack is dead! Hooray for America!", and people were cheering in the streets! That was just the wealthy elite throwing some crumbs at the American people to make the wasted lives and money that the wars has taken away seem justifiable.

I remember talking to somebody about how Obama was a terrible president who lied during his campaign, and you know what they said? "Yeah, well he got Osama! He's going to go down in history for that!". They said that as if they forgot he campaigned about bringing the troops home, not pledging to kill Bin Laden and expand the wars.

People will believe anything the government and media tells them. Absolutely anything.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by TupacShakur

Well I was reading this and watching the video, all the while coming up with a response. Then I got to the bottom, and you pretty much summed up exactly what I wanted to say. Star for you.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:18 PM
I think maybe someone in AQ would have spoken up by now or UBL would have humiliated the US with a video tape

yeah, I know you're just going to say he was a CIA operative or never existed in the first place or died in 2005 or whatever

simple fact is you have as much evidence to back your claims as someone who claims he was killed by seals

no, less actually, the photos were viewed by members of the US congress, republican and democratic

so now you have to argue the republicans didn't contest obama's greatest accomplishment after seeing the photo's, not even trump !

good luck with that one !

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

Yeah, sure... If my argument was that he never existed...

Like I said... He was probably killed years ago.

If you actually have an interest in the Occult world that is hardly ever displayed on public media, you would easily see how this "Osama death card" plays perfectly with the rest of this disgusting jigsaw puzzle.

It is not just about finding proof, it is about understanding HOW they benefit from such lies.

edit on 11-12-2011 by ThinkingCap because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 09:24 PM
It was obvious when they announced he was dumped in the ocean.

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