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Corporate-Owned Media Blames Women for Getting Cancer

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posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Thanks for the tip dear but sadly is hard to find doctors this days that will be willing to work for you best interest and not those of their pockets.

According to you.

I have been around long enough to remember when doctors used to come to our homes and be friends first and doctors second, when alternative medicine was mixed with modern medicine

Those were also the days when children routinely died of common infections, cancers would kill you before they could even be diagnosed, and doctors weren't held to standard practices (hence why they sold unproven alternative therapies).

and I have seen the transition from what used to be a family doctor that knew you from birth

Most family practitioners still do this. In fact, you are required to train in continuity care, childbirth, and C-sections in ALL American family practice residency programs.

to the type of doctor today that their priority is to prescribe drugs and ask for symptoms later.

Again, according to you.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Aren't you the prickly accusatory god-like authority. Not hard to believe you really might be an actual doctor.

Prions aren't inherited. Prion DISORDERS are inherited

Please explain exactly how prion disorders are inherited, with references of course.

and these are not environmental.

In science, one can refer to cellular environment as well as external environment - and infectious diseases are considered to be of environmental origin.

For example, Mad Cow Disease (Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease) is a prion disease. It has never, and will never, show inheritance.

Not sure where you get your information. This rather basic and sanitized info comes from the USA's National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center:

Prion diseases ....can be sporadic (spontaneous), familial (genetic/inherited) or acquired (transmitted by infection).

FYI - sporadic refers to the prions that arise spontaneously in response to environmental "perturbations"; familial accommodates both genetic and epigenetic inheritance; and acquired includes foodborne and airborne infections, but usually refers to infections that are medically acquired, for example in surgery, blood, or transplanted body parts.

edit on 10/12/11 by soficrow because: forgot link

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Please explain exactly how prion disorders are inherited, with references of course.

No problem.

One of the most common (though still rare, as all prion diseases are) inherited prion diseases is simply called "inherited prion disease" (IPD), caused by a mutation in the PRNP (PRioN Protein), which is also known a PrP (prion protein). The mutation is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, meaning only one copy is needed for the disease to be inherited. So, if one of your parents has it, you have at lease a 50%.

I'll explain this a bit further: in basic genetics, we look at allele inheritance with Punnett Squares, denoting a dominant allele with a capital letters (P in this example) and a recessive allele with a lower case letter (p in this example). If your father has IPD, but only one of his two alleles is dominant (A-a) and your mother doesn't have the disease (a-a), that means the onlypossible genetic make-ups their children can have are A-a and aa, with 50% being A-a (having the disease) and 50% being a-a (not having the disease).

Source for much of the above information:

IPD and Prion Source
Older prion paper with some good info on the genetics
Punnett Square info, in case my explanation is lacking

[quote[In science, one can refer to cellular environment

We really don't, actually. The cellular "environment" has little bearing on the organism. You don't see pathology until it is on the tissue level.

Not sure where you get your information. This rather basic and sanitized info comes from the USA's National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center:

Can you prove Mad Cow isn't a prion disease and isn't transmissible?

FYI - sporadic refers to the prions that arise spontaneously in response to environmental "perturbations"
; familial accommodates both genetic and epigenetic inheritance; and acquired includes foodborne and airborne infections, .

These are all spectrums of CJD, not Mad Cow (BSE). Mad Cow is a specific, transmissible, form of CJD, which I pointed out.

Again, please read posts before responding.

but usually refers to infections that are medically acquired, for example in surgery, blood, or transplanted body parts

This is, in no way, shape, or form, part of the definition of "acquired infections".

edit on 12/10/2011 by VneZonyDostupa because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 05:38 PM
Maybe its all the BPA and other estrogen mimicking chemicals that are used in plastics/preservatives as well in ALL canned foods.
edit on 12/10/2011 by mnmcandiez because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

You misrepresent my statements, contradict yourself, and just generally make a really rude twisted mess of things. Is that part of your putative medical training? Just a run-of-the-mill personality problem? Or am I stepping on someone's corporate toes?

You said, Mutations in the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 increase a woman's risk for both breast and ovarian cancer. …It is not epigenetic.

I responded, Firstly, not all breast and ovarian cancer involves these mutations. Secondly, the so-called "it's genetic" "diagnosis" is most often made based on the gene product (mutant misfolded protein), NOT the gene - and the "it's genetic" diagnosis is actually an assumption. (Meaning some cases are epigenetic - at least in terms of cellular 'inheritance' if not familial.)

I'm not certain you understand how genetics works. Every mutation in a coding gene causes a change in the protein it produces.

BINGO! But ALL mutant proteins do NOT result from mutant genes. I would say many, if not most, result from environmental perturbations, eg., chemical or toxin exposure. …In any event, the presence of a mutant protein does NOT ipso facto denote the presence of a mutant gene. AND ...mutations in these genes account for only 2 to 3 percent of all breast cancers. But somehow the big focus is on "genetics." If not "bad diet and irresponsible lifestyle." Pah.

Environmental toxins wouldn't produce enough misfolded protein in this instance.

Then why push the misperception that most cancer is "genetic"?

Not sure what you think my definition of epigenetic is

I'm basing it purely on what you called "epigenetic" several posts back. If your own words aren't what you meant, you should change them.

Enough of your blanket charges and accusations. Quotes with links please. And fyi - clarifying terms is standard civilized academic protocol, something with which you clearly have little experience.

however, far more frequently, common chemical exposures cause proteins to misfold and become infectious

Source please.

Common knowledge but here's a quick pick for your edification:

environmental insults, either physical (heat, pressure, radiation) or chemical (heavy metals, arsenate, toxins), also cause proteins to misfold into toxic shapes.

….conditions that are likely to put stress on proteins and cause them to misfold - such as preexisting misfolded proteins, oxidation, or heat

btw - you can tell that a protein is infectious when a) it causes disease, but b) does not result from a genetic mutation.

For example, Mad Cow Disease (Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease) is a prion disease. It has never, and will never, show inheritance.

Wrong again. From US Prion Pathology and Surveillance:

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is the most common of the human prion diseases. There are three types of CJD: 1) sporadic, also called spontaneous, for which the cause is not known; 2) familial, also called genetic or inherited, which is due to a defect in the prion protein gene; 3) and acquired, which is transmitted by infection due to exposure to the infectious prion from contaminated meat, or from transplant of contaminated tissues or use of contaminated instruments during surgical procedures.[/url]

Can you prove Mad Cow isn't a prion disease and isn't transmissible?

FYI - sporadic refers to the prions that arise spontaneously in response to environmental "perturbations"
; familial accommodates both genetic and epigenetic inheritance; and acquired includes foodborne and airborne infections, .

These are all spectrums of CJD, not Mad Cow (BSE). Mad Cow is a specific, transmissible, form of CJD, which I pointed out.

Again, please read posts before responding.

Duh. Prion diseases ALL have the ability to be sporadic, familial or acquired.


posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

..............cont'd from above........

….As I said - "epigenetically inherited traits resulting from environmental causes, without any changes to the DNA."

Again, you are incorrect. Epigenetic changes DO affect the DNA.

The DNA itself is not altered - only its products are changed. That's what epigenetic means.

….epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene expression or cellular phenotype caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence – hence the name epi- (Greek: επί- over, above, outer) -genetics. It refers to functionally relevant modifications to the genome that do not involve a change in the nucleotide sequence. Examples of such changes are DNA methylation and histone deacetylation, both of which serving to suppress gene expression without altering the sequence of the silenced genes.

……there is no change in the underlying DNA sequence of the organism;[2] instead, non-genetic factors cause the organism's genes to behave (or "express themselves") differently.

In science, one can refer to cellular environment

We really don't, actually. The cellular "environment" has little bearing on the organism. You don't see pathology until it is on the tissue level.

I was talking about scientists - Science news articles about 'cellular environment'. ….You know, the kind of scientists that look at really tiny things like proteins and other molecules way before they affect cells and then tissues, organs and organisms. Boring I know.

but usually refers to infections that are medically acquired, for example in surgery, blood, or transplanted body parts

This is, in no way, shape, or form, part of the definition of "acquired infections".

Wrong again.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is the most common of the human prion diseases. There are three types of CJD: 1) sporadic, also called spontaneous, for which the cause is not known; 2) familial, also called genetic or inherited, which is due to a defect in the prion protein gene; 3) and acquired, which is transmitted by infection due to exposure to the infectious prion from contaminated meat, or from transplant of contaminated tissues or use of contaminated instruments during surgical procedures.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Are you still in pre-med school? By your posts I can tell you are definitely NOT a doctor.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

....and this is why I defer to you when genetics becomes the topic.

I'll be silently watching as this debate rolls on...

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

Despite VneZonyDostupa's much ado about "genetics", and his emphasis on the idea that "mutations in the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 increase a woman's risk for both breast and ovarian cancer," AND his insistence that cancer …"is not epigenetic"…

The FACT is, mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes account for only 2 to 3 percent of all breast cancers.


I'd say the "it's genetic" gambit does not play well here. …Needless to say - my money is on infectious misfolded proteins.

edit on 10/12/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 07:36 PM
Sofi, do you think that the propaganda to blame women about contracting cancer because lifestyles could be linked to the big health insurance con business due to the health care reform and that if becoming into effect supposedly no one can be turn down due to pre existing conditions.

Perhaps to open the door for legislation on certain type of chronic diseases, after all when you know that is whores in congress sleeping with big corporate money any laws are done to benefit profiteers while screwing the people.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Originally posted by VneZonyDostupa

FACT: Very little is "genetic," and based solely on the genetic code or DNA. Most "dispositions" result from "epigenetics" - including epigenetically inherited traits resulting from environmental causes, without any changes to the DNA.

You are misunderstanding the difference between genetics and epigenetics - not surprising given the HUGE amount of money corporate industry has spent to promote this "misunderstanding."

You're incorrect. Mutations in the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 increase a woman's risk for both breast and ovarian cancer. ..... It is not epigenetic.

You are SO dead wrong here. Once upon a time, true, cancer was considered to be a "genetic" disease; this viewpoint was especially promoted by corporate hacks protecting industry's right to pollute, and by closet Eugenicists waiting for Hitler's return. But things have changed - and now, epigenetics is recognized to involve epigenetic abnormalities along with genetic alterations.

Epigenetics in cancer

Epigenetic mechanisms are essential for normal development and maintenance of tissue-specific gene expression patterns in mammals. Disruption of epigenetic processes can lead to altered gene function and malignant cellular transformation. Global changes in the epigenetic landscape are a hallmark of cancer. The initiation and progression of cancer, traditionally seen as a genetic disease, is now realized to involve epigenetic abnormalities along with genetic alterations. Recent advancements in the rapidly evolving field of cancer epigenetics have shown extensive reprogramming of every component of the epigenetic machinery in cancer including DNA methylation, histone modifications, nucleosome positioning and non-coding RNAs, specifically microRNA expression. The reversible nature of epigenetic aberrations has led to the emergence of the promising field of epigenetic therapy, which is already making progress with the recent FDA approval of three epigenetic drugs for cancer treatment. In this review, we discuss the current understanding of alterations in the epigenetic landscape that occur in cancer compared with normal cells, the roles of these changes in cancer initiation and progression, including the cancer stem cell model, and the potential use of this knowledge in designing more effective treatment strategies.

Cancer Genetics & Epigenetics

Cancer initiation and progression are driven by a series of genetic and epigenetic alterations that cause either activation (gain-of-function) of oncogenes, or inactivation (loss-of-function) of tumor suppressor genes, - both accompanied by broad alterations in genome utilization and gene expression programs. ….The field has seen a dramatic shift in the past decade from a pure genetic to a mixed genetic/epigenetic explanation of cancer.

Epigenetics in Cancer

Classic genetics alone cannot explain the diversity of phenotypes within a population. Nor does classic genetics explain how, despite their identical DNA sequences, monozygotic twins1 or cloned animals2 can have different phenotypes and different susceptibilities to a disease. The concept of epigenetics offers a partial explanation of these phenomena. First introduced by C.H. Waddington in 1939 to name “the causal interactions between genes and their products, which bring the phenotype into being,”3 epigenetics was later defined as heritable changes in gene expression that are not due to any alteration in the DNA sequence.4
The best-known epigenetic marker is DNA methylation. . . .

edit on 10/12/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Sofi, do you think that the propaganda to blame women about contracting cancer because lifestyles could be linked to the big health insurance con business due to the health care reform and that if becoming into effect supposedly no one can be turn down due to pre existing conditions.

Perhaps to open the door for legislation on certain type of chronic diseases, after all when you know that is whores in congress sleeping with big corporate money any laws are done to benefit profiteers while screwing the people.

Yes - it's all about money, and the fact that there are NO cures for chronic disease, and the fact that chronic disease is pandemic, AND the fact that kids and young adults are being knocked down and disabled in their prime. As the World Economic Forum (WEF) pointed out - the chronic disease NCD Pandemic will cost $47 Trillion by 2020. That's gonna suck up a whole a lot of tax rebates, write-offs and bailouts - which the corporations do NOT want to happen. So they have another plan.

Big Business and the WEF are leaning on our governments just like the IMF squeezes 3rd world countries, and they're demanding that we cut our healthcare costs, and social support programs like retirement and disability. The uptake is too high they say. Better people should be euthanized, aka put down like dogs.

Governments say they can't sell euthanasia, and they can't abandon the widows and orphans, so Big Biz is helping by telling everyone sick people make themselves sick. That way, when TSHTF and all the elderly and sick are starving and ready for euthanasia and/or the FEMA camps, no one will blame Big Biz OR the government - they'll just blame sick people for making themselves sick. The added bonus for industry is that the heat is off pollution, and contaminants in our food, air, water, medications and everything else.

Big Pharma is pushing for their end, but the other Big Boyz say the drug costs are already too high, so they're playing hard ball with the pharmaceutical industry. Which means Big Pharma will stop growing by such huge leaps and bounds. So dump your stock if you have any.

...and fyi - the real problem with flu pandemics is that people do NOT die - they live debilitated and then disabled, and start costing big money. [Hate to keep repeating myself, but it's true.] It's really all about money, and how much it costs to keep people alive when they can't contribute productively to the corporate system.

edit on 10/12/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Just like blaming people for been diabetic or having hart conditions due to obesity or obesity been a also blamed on peoples choices.

But then again, you look back and link the increasing raise of all this problems to the food industry and environmental issues.

But as long as profits are to be made we are getting poison by the same corporate groups and government agencies that are there to make life better for us and protect us.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by Night Star

I am so sorry I missed you post, I will keep you in my mind and send all the positive energy for your well being while in your last treatment, just check for the many ways that you can enhance the benefits of treatment and to avoid unnecessary side effects from radiation, is many ways to do that with natural medicine, you can used both, conventional and natural medicine to get the best benefits and avoid side effects.

My father and father in law are both fighting cancer right now, my father for the last 15 years, my father in law just recently.

They both are following conventional medicine but my father is doing also natural medicine his cancer is very slow growing, so far he enjoy an active and fulfilling life at 76.

edit on 10-12-2011 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

Do you know of any ways to avoid unnecessary side affects from radiaition?
My prayers are with your father and father in law. It is sad that so many of us have to suffer through such things.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Can I blame them for having diarrhea of the mouth?
What a retarded news report. But that is why I stopped watching. :/

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by soficrow
[I responded, Firstly, not all breast and ovarian cancer involves these mutations

I never claimed that all of these cancers involve these mutations. STOP USING STRAWMAN ARGUMENTS

Secondly, the so-called "it's genetic" "diagnosis" is most often made based on the gene product (mutant misfolded protein), NOT the gene - and the "it's genetic" diagnosis is actually an assumption. (Meaning some cases are epigenetic - at least in terms of cellular 'inheritance' if not familial.)


The "it's genetic" diagnosis is made through genetic testing, which shows the mutated gene NOT THE PRODUCT in the patient. This genetic test is routine and carried out in gynecologic, oncologic, and family practice clinics every day.

I would say many, if not most, result from environmental perturbations, eg., chemical or toxin exposure.


Your body contains HUNDREDS (or even THOUSANDS) of mutations. It's what makes you "you" and me "me". These mutations ALL alter the structure of a protein, for better or worse, to some degree. Thus, logically, the most common source of altered proteins is GENETIC CHANGE.

AND ...mutations in these genes account for only 2 to 3 percent of all breast cancers.


Instead of a 12 percent lifetime risk of breast cancer, women with one of these genes have a risk of approximately 60 percent.

SIXTY PERCENT. That's a pretty major risk in my book. If someone told you that you had a sixty percent chance of winning the lottery, wouldn't you buy a lottery ticket?

Common knowledge but here's a quick pick for your edification:

Your original quote stated that "far more frequently, common chemical exposures cause proteins to misfold and become infectious".

I challenged you to prove that chemical exposure is a more common cause of misfolded proteins than genetics. Neither of your references did this. Instead, they simply showed that such exposure CAN cause misfolding (which no one is debating). At no point do they validate your claim that environmental toxins are the most frequent cause of misfolding.

Wrong again. From US Prion Pathology and Surveillance:

PLEASE BE SURE TO READ POSTS BEFORE RESPONDING TO THEM. I specifically pointed out that Mad Cow Disease is a non-inherited form of CJD. This is a fact, which you yourself supoprted in your citation (that there are variant forms of CJD).

AT NO POINT did I claim prions couldn't be infections or couldn't be inherited. I was showing that there are forms which are ONLY inherited or ONLY infectious.

Prion diseases ALL have the ability to be sporadic, familial or acquired.

PLEASE READ YOUR SOURCES BEFORE CLAIMING THAT STATE SOMETHING. Your source refers to CLASSIFICATION of prion disorders as either sporadic, familial, or acquired. There are forms of all of these in prion diseases, but each prion disease is only ONE of these classifications.

The DNA itself is not altered - only its products are changed. That's what epigenetic means.

WRONG. In epigenetic change, molecules bind the DNA itself and alter it's structure or function. They do not, in ANY WAY, interact with the actual gene product.

PLEASE READ YOUR SOURCE BEFORE CLAIMING IT SAYS SOMETHING. In your source, it specifically says any change other than to the DNA SEQUENCE. You can change a DNA molecules structure, activity, kinetics, or bindings sites without changing the DNA sequence. THIS STILL AFFECTS THE DNA ITSELF, NOT THE PRODUCTS.

Wrong again. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is the most common of the human prion diseases. There are three types of CJD: 1) sporadic, also called spontaneous, for which the cause is not known; 2) familial, also called genetic or inherited, which is due to a defect in the prion protein gene; 3) and acquired, which is transmitted by infection due to exposure to the infectious prion from contaminated meat, or from transplant of contaminated tissues or use of contaminated instruments during surgical procedures.


Your EXACT words were that acquired infections "usually refers to infections that are medically acquired, for example in surgery, blood, or transplanted body parts". Your source DOES NOT SUPPORT THIS CLAIM. All your source says is that iatrogenic sources are only ONE form of acquired infection. IT DOES NOT SAY that this is the "usual" source.

edit on 12/10/2011 by VneZonyDostupa because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 11:28 PM
Mammograms expose your breast to ionizing radiation.
Ionizing radiation can cause cancer.

Why would you expose yourself to a dangerous cancer causing agent in order to "find cancer"?
And the more times you get it done the higher risk potentials.

And why isn't this cause for concern?

Oh well, keep 'looking for it'. I am sure with enough mammograms you will eventually find it.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 09:57 AM

Industry's standard legal defense in pollution-related lawsuits is to blame the victims - claiming people make themselves sick by "bad diet, irresponsible lifestyle and genetics" - saying industrial pollution and contaminants are not responsible. Following the September 2011 summit on the chronic disease NCD Pandemic, and the World Economic Forum (WEF) report on Pandemic costs, it appears that corporate industry's legal defense strategy is becoming public health policy.

One of the WEF's big complaints is that treating Pandemic victims just keeps them alive longer, and creates drains on the system. The primary goal is to cut costs by cutting Pandemic victims loose - terminating health and social-health supports, and gutting retirement programs. The main strategy is to blame the victims.

The breast cancer report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) does not provide unqualified support for the "blame the victims" policy, but corporate media is twisting the report's findings falsely to say it does.

In this and other threads, VneZonyDostupa and DevolutionEvolvd tag-team to dismiss the fact that industrial pollution and contamination play a lead role in causing breast cancer and other pandemic chronic diseases. VneZonyDostupa defends the corporate focus on "genetic cause," while DevolutionEvolvd defends the corporate claim that people make themselves sick by "bad diet and irresponsible lifestyle."

So let's review the items, one by one.


Mutations in the BRAC genes account for only 2 to 3 percent of all breast cancers.

Despite the low incidence of 'genetic' breast cancer, corporate industry, the genetics industry, marketers and cheerleaders like VneZonyDostupa keep pushing the idea that it's all about genetics. Why?

1. It's about the money - genetic researchers used to get all the cash for cancer and chronic disease research but now, they've been pushed aside. Today, the main scientific disciplines involved include proteomics (proteins / gene products) and metabolomics (metabolism), competing against genetics (genes / DNA) for funding and market share. The different sciences have evolved into separate industries - they are, above all, business competitors. Instead of working together and cooperating for the public good, they compete for funding and market share - pitching different approaches, tests, products, treatments.

There's a chronic disease Pandemic, billions of victims, and trillions of dollars to be made. Everyone wants to be #1. In fact, each of these sciences has something legitimate to offer, and the global health problems we're facing literally beg for inter-disciplinary cooperation - but our economic system doesn't allow it. Our system is based on competition, not cooperation. So the Big Boyz fight against each other for funding and market share - and we're SOL. In this system, victims, potential victims and victims-in-waiting are not players.

NOTE: From the WEF's perspective and for the NWO, the real problem with cancer and other chronic NCDs is that not only are they incurable, but victims do not die - they often survive, disabled, for decades. The goal is to find treatments that keep people working until they drop dead, and to charge them up the wazoo for the privilege; survivors claiming already-paid-for benefits are unneeded, unwanted and unwelcome in the corporate NWO.

2. It's about the money - offloading responsibility and liability for the chronic disease NCD Pandemic. If the general public starts to recognize just how high the health costs really are for industrial pollution and contamination, and how badly we've been screwed, the system as-it-is will collapse. The Big Boyz will lose all their hard-earned [tsk] money.

3. Eugenics - many geneticists believe all people are genetically superior or inferior, despite the fact that such notions have been thoroughly disproved. Even so, the goal is to manipulate public policies to "improve the human gene pool" based on out-dated ideas of "genetics." Part of the strategy involves convincing the public that cancer, chronic disease and other "negative traits" and "genetic predispositions" are purely "genetic." Needless to say, it's a lie.

edit on 11/12/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/12/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by Night Star

I had done research for my father, but is a trial and error, I imagine that you have research also, is many sites in the internet with information on natural medicine that help people already on conventional medicine, even here in ATS is two threads that give information on good research about alternative medicine for cancer.

You have to remember big pharma had done a good job on making many remedies and alternative cures look like nothing but hoaxes and you will find plenty of articles paid by big pharma to ridiculed any alternative found in the net, also is many sites that are nothing but snake oil sales that doesn't help much either.

Something I have found in common when it comes to cancer is that the immune system needs to be protected the importance of a healthy liver and pancreas is a most when fighting cancer.

When you do research always look for alternative medicine to enhance the function of those two organs they are the main two organs with life giving enzymes.

Most of us have to learn how the body works in order to help find what works best for us to keep the body healthy enough to fight diseases and prevent them.

Like Sofi in this thread had done research for years, we don't even think about how our bodies work until we are faced with some chronic diseases or a love one, many just follow conventional medicine without questioning, but others like me will dig into research to find answers.

My father and father in law are fighting cancer, My father always have been a healthy eater, active, no high blood pressure or high cholesterol, and never been overweight, now a full blown vegetarian, his cancer was found when he was 61, he refused surgery, but submitted himself to radiation treatment, the cancer was no cure but dormant, now is back but is very slow growing.

My father in law was diagnosed with cancer this year his is 77, his cancer is more aggressive, he was a smoker and overweight for many years, now he is not.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

That is something that has bug me for many years, when you find out that many treatments for cancer and prevention of cancer like mammography, ultrasound, MRI now even the machines used to scan the body in the airports are all dangerous to the human body and can cause cancer and increase the chances of cancer.

I remember when I found out about thermal imaging for breast cancer screening and asked my doctor about it, he looked at me like I was crazy, it seems that while in Europe thermal imaging is taking over, here in the US is all about profits with the machines been used for mammography, I guess it most have been a man the one that invented the darn machine because they never get to have their breast squeezed like a pancake. Perhaps if screening for prostate cancer included to have the testicles squezed like pancakes they would get the idea.

Then you ask yourself, what in the hell is the government and the medical establishment thinking since the invention of radiation for treating cancer we have not gotten anything better and safer yet.

Still the main course for treatment of cancer by modern medicine is radiation, we all know that radiation also causes cancer.


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