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Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Have You Been Diagnosed? How About Your Kids?

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posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
What I wonder most are the parents that think that this is not natural behavior. If a child goes to school and disagrees with something, how do parents ignore what the initial problem is?

All we will be doing is getting kids to be "nice, quite, conforming" adults, that will automatically have their children diagnosed, because they themselves were "problems" and need this type of assistance.

When I was younger I wasn't taught to ask questions, but it was who I was, and made me into the adult I am today. I am now a parent, and fear that by me allowing my children to ask questions, and that asking questions is the most important part of what life lessons is all about, that my children will automatically become labeled in this way.

There will truly become a more separated world, when the medicated/diagnosed vs. non-conformist will have the new world to deal with.

How do we as researchers deal with what we know will become the future for our children and grandchildren?

Peace, NRE.

When I was a kid,I didn't ask questions either,I just knew better and did it my way.
I just went along with the adults,smiling along the way knowing I would get in trouble with what I was going to do.

Now,my 13 year old daughter is like that and it drives my wife crazy.
My 10 year old son asks question all day long,but is a good boy.But,he never shuts up.It drives me crazy.

The ones you need to worry about are the ones killing small animals and pets.
The rest are just fine.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I agree with what you are saying, but I want to throw another variable into it. For those parents that do try, society is still always working against them all the time. For the lack of better terms, the old school style parents are out numbered to the lazy ones. Even when the old school parents do everything they can, as soon as that child walks out the door society is undoing everything they are striving to accomplish. That in turn causes the old school parents to always be the bad guy and breeds animosity or resentment, especially when the child's friends are supplied with a silver spoon and parents that jump when the kid says jump. It is almost an exercise in futility to raise kids with proper morals and ethics.
edit on 9-12-2011 by Skewed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by Skewed
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I agree with what you are saying, but I want to throw another variable into it. For those parents that do try, society is still always working against them all the time. For the lack of better terms, the old school style parents are out numbered to the lazy ones. Even when the old school parents do everything they can, as soon as that child walks out the door society is undoing everything they are striving to accomplish. That in turn causes the old school parents to always be the bad guy and breeds animosity or resentment, especially when the child's friends are supplied with a silver spoon and parents that jump when the kid says jump. It is almost an exercise in futility to raise kids with proper morals and ethics.
edit on 9-12-2011 by Skewed because: (no reason given)

Doesn't matter if we are out numbered,that is the "old school" verses the "lazy".
You do what is right for your child and they will rise to the occasion.
Teach your kids to be independent.
Teach your kids to be respectful.
Teach your kids to think on their own.

And they will out survive the rest of them.
Screw labels .Who cares?
Be a parent,not a friend to your child.
Be mean and scary.
Don't baby and coddle them.
Prepare them for the real world.The real world doesn't baby and coddle us,does it?
edit on 9-12-2011 by kdog1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
reply to post by kdog1982

Though I do think that this has a lot to do with lazy parents, it also lies with parents who have children and have no idea how to raise them. Back in the day, a parent could as another parent, or have an older adult help with such things as temper-tantrums. etc,. But now everything is to ask your physician.

If you ask most parents where they go for parenting information, they will say it was their physician, the children's school, or some other authoritative figure.

What answer would you think you would get from any of those people?

Peace, NRE.

Sorry,NRE,I was posting as you had posted this.
You have a point there.
We have reached a point in our society where we can no longer rely on the family system,but must rely on outside sources.
Not good.
I do not have that problem in my family because of my wife's background as a special ed teacher and her extended family.

If you ask most parents where they go for parenting information, they will say it was their physician, the children's school, or some other authoritative figure.

Those,in my opinion ,are the worst places to get info on parenting.
Parenting by the book according the government or scholars.
Parenting is human.
With feelings of knowing your child,not listening to what others tell you.
If you feel that your young child is doing something that could potentially harm them or kill them,then they need a firm physical reprimand like a spanking .
If that child is doing something like writing on the wall with a crayon,that takes a totally different approach.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by kdog1982

I agree kdog. I grew up old school and if there was a problem with a child that child was reprimanded by a parent, if no parent was around it went to the next family member, until one of your parents got home, or legal guardian.

I would say based on my age, that in the 80's is when it began to be a "system" problem and was no longer the responsibility of the parents. Child welfare then made it their business and the foster care system sky rocketed.

My brother was a HUGE pain in the butt, and my mother was asked if he got out of control at school was it ok for the teacher to administer a spanking. My mother said yes, and I remember my brother getting worse, and now as an adult is very rebellious and cant settle down, and has substance abuse problems after no longer receiving Ridlin.

There are no perfect parents, let alone perfect people, but we have got to give ourselves a chance to raise our children, spend time with them, and eventually learn that they are young, and need guidance, and there is no medicine out there that can administer love the way a parent/loved one can.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 09:58 PM
Being a parent is one of hte biggest things you can do. It's something I don't think I'l ever do because it scares me that much. I can understand why some parents worry so much about their child. Why even the littlest thing can irritate them to the point where they'll just run to the doctor and plead for a quick solution. Life is hard ENOUGH without any kids in your life.

Bottom line, do the things you need to do to encourage your child to be independent, skilled, and ready to leave when they're an adult. Probably the most important thing is to get them into college and away from home. Home is the worst place for htem to be.

While growing up, probably all of hte kids in my class, including me, had problems. At one time or another each one would probably make it on that list posted by the OP.

I really do think that all of the medicating is out of hand. It has become like an excuse.
edit on 9-12-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions

Some signs and symptoms that must be perpetuated for longer than 6 months and must be considered beyond normal child behavior to fit the diagnosis are:

Actively defies or refuses to comply with adults' requests or rules[6]


Deliberately doing things that will annoy other people [7]


Angry and resentful of others[8]


Argues with adults[9]


Touchy or easily annoyed


Generally, these patterns of behavior will lead to problems at school and other social venues.

Of course they will, that's because society and their institutions are a bit mucked up at this point, and the gifted know this all too well. (shortened)

Yep, dear daughter had a real problem between first and third grades. Between having a disabled brother, being bullied (THAT was short lived
), death of a classmate's parent and a cross-country move - she was TICKED and fit most that there list - and with good reason.

Turned around in the space of a month in fourth grade when I got her tested and she started receiving support for gifted students. She was able to move ahead and take on more advanced studies. Learned to play the trumpet. Played soccer & acted in a school play. As soon as she was encouraged & challenged her attitude did a complete turnaround. She's in 6th grade now, encouraged to the extent of her abilities by her teachers & loves it. ODD? H-E-double hockey sticks with that!
edit on 9-12-2011 by Mountainmeg because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:14 PM
I think I have a serious case of situational ODD.. as in it only comes out when certain people are around.

Seriously though, check this out. Go "somewhere" and download it. "Psychiatry industry of death". There is definitely a case for ODD, but it will get worn out and misused just like adhd and add. Excuses to drug kids up when they are simply being wild and wonderful children.
Children who DO have true ODD need intervention desperately. SOomething does actually happen to children that dont bond properly as was attributed to causing ODD at one time. I hate to see it manipulated and misused on healthy children and on children or adults actually suffering from ODD... who will suffer as well with the dilution of medical evidence and research by labeling people who dont fit this off mold or standard these psychiatric industry people have pulled from their arses. Hows that for a run on sentence?

There are weird problems with kids today to be sure, but I think a hell of a lot of it is due to parenting.. or lack of it.. and societal demands and weirdness. Youre just not cool if you dont have labels on your clothes AND labels for your psyches these days. I dont like labeling kids, its sometimes becomes a self fulfilling prophecy sort of labeling. Damned evil to do that to a kid who just might be high strung or have home issues that arent his or her doing. Hell, they think 7 yr old boys need Ritalin if they cant stay in their seats. WHo here knows of a 7 yr old healthy normal kid that can possibly stay a statue for 4 hours?

edit on 9-12-2011 by Advantage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:24 PM
Actively defies or refuses to comply with adults' requests or rules[6]

Deliberately doing things that will annoy other people [7]

Angry and resentful of others[8]

Argues with adults[9]

Blames others for own mistakes

Has few or no friends or has lost friends

Is in constant trouble in school

Spiteful or seeks revenge

Touchy or easily annoyed

These are actually proper responses to the very abnormal and false reality we live in now.
Truth seems to shut experts down. No more need to explain argue debate discuss etc. Group think herd mentality programming doesn't work on all
edit on 9-12-2011 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:27 PM
The DSM continues to grow and grow. Nearly half of those living in the UK are defined as having a mental disorder. Is that wrong or what?

There is no way half of a society can be considered mentally deficient.

In the U.S. it is not much different. We are treating very young children for disorders that never existed in the 60's or 70's!!

Psychiatry has gone way too far. It is a business no different than a retail outlet. Diagnose as many people as you can and get your grand ticket to a 300K salary.

No, we are not a crazy society. The crazy ones belie behind a desk with a checklist like those guys that change your oil.

Quit buying into psychiatry and the pills that come with it. We will all be disabled if we don't stop believing in pop psychology.

Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Oprah, and every other talk show on the boob tube tells us we are not sufficient human beings. Well damnit, we are self sufficient....quit buying into the inferiority complex!
edit on 9-12-2011 by brilab45 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:29 PM
And just so you know,facebook and text messaging has nothing to do with abnormal behavior.

Our society has taken a downturn because of our technology that we,as grownups love.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by kdog1982
And just so you know,facebook and text messaging has nothing to do with abnormal behavior.

Our society has taken a downturn because of our technology that we,as grownups love.

I dunno K... there are some that feverishly and pathologically post their every move on FB.. there MUST be a syndrome and medication for it coming shortly from the psychiatric community. One of my relatives seems to think the point of social networking is to let her ego run wild and toot her horn at least 10 times a day.. and Im basically sick of it. LOL!! Thats just a little over the top in the normal to abnormal yardstick of technodom social networkness That goes way past grownups love of something.. thats like.. boiling pet bunny on the stove sort of love. I cant even bear to look at my account anymore because Im sick of hearing her babble about herself.

That was a fatal attraction reference.. the bunny.. boiling.. on the stove.

edit on 9-12-2011 by Advantage because: took out a word

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by Advantage

Originally posted by kdog1982
And just so you know,facebook and text messaging has nothing to do with abnormal behavior.

Our society has taken a downturn because of our technology that we,as grownups love.

I dunno K... there are some that feverishly and pathologically post their every move on FB.. there MUST be a syndrome and medication for it coming shortly from the psychiatric community. One of my relatives seems to think the point of social networking is to let her ego run wild and toot her horn at least 10 times a day.. and Im basically sick of it. LOL!! Thats just a little over the top in the normal to abnormal yardstick of technodom social networkness That goes way past grownups love of something.. thats like.. boiling pet bunny on the stove sort of love. I cant even bear to look at my account anymore because Im sick of hearing her babble about herself.

That was a fatal attraction reference.. the bunny.. boiling.. on the stove.

edit on 9-12-2011 by Advantage because: took out a word

I'm with you on that,my wife can not get her face out of facebook chat,but yet complains to me that I spend to much time on ATS.Tit for Tat.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:14 PM
I hate these threads too. You rebelling against authority has nothing to do with ODD, most people do not know what they are talking about. I lived with a kid who had it, it is clearly a mental disorder. There is a big difference between it being over diagnosed, and its made up to sell pills. But keep encouraging people to not give their children medicines that might actually make them able to live a normal life, anyone who talks medical advise from you nut jobs probably shouldnt have kids anyway.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by burrito

I was talking with a lady about this topic earlier today, actually.

Her son was diagnosed with a variety of "disorders".

She put him on meds and he became "normal" = duuhhed out.

She decided that this was not the way to go, and looked for alternatives.

Turns out the kid had food allergies and his body was being inflammed hardcore.

So the inflamation lead to massive stress, which lead to a flight or fight response, ie surges of adrenaline in the body, which lead to him getting all these moronic labels.

He's now well without any rx.

But what do we know, we're just nutjobs who shouldn't have children.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 10:28 AM
At various points in my life I've had all of those symptoms. Sometimes all at once. Someone else here nailed it when they said these are all signs of behaviour in people who are more intelligent than normal. Speaking for myself only, I can tell you from personal experience that I was very aggravated growing up because I knew I was smarter than my peers but I was never taught how to apply that intelligence for my own benefit.

So not only did I feel like an outsider for being more intellectually advanced than most of my peers, I felt trapped in a way because I didn't know how to use it to my advantage. Those feelings of frustration were manifested into anti-social behaviour. The same type of behaviours stated in the OP.

Looking back, if I hadn't lashed out in the ways I did I propbably would've found the help and advice from people that I needed to better succeed in life. I know for a fact that prescription drugs wouldn't have helped because they're no better than the street drugs I took.

This "diagnosed medical condition" that we're talking about here is a good case in point in how low the medical community will go just to make a buck. It's also a good case in point to prove PT Barnum right when he said "There's a sucker born every minute".

Shame on the medical community for stooping to a new low, and shame on the avereage consumer for buying their pack of lies.

edit on 10-12-2011 by Taupin Desciple because: (no reason given)

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