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Make your own darn lunch

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posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 12:47 PM

There’s currently a guilt-inducing ad campaign on the NYC subway featuring a large cup of coffee next to rows and rows of sandwiches: “For the price of one latte,” it says, “you could provide 25 school lunches.” Your first instinct as a non-poor person is to think, “What a piece of # I am, drinking this coffee and taking food out of starving children’s mouths.” Then you take a step back and do the math. “Wait a minute,” you say to yourself, “a month of sandwiches only costs a cup of coffee? Why did these people have a kid if they can’t put aside a coffee cup’s worth of money a month in order to feed them?”
None of this should even be an issue, because if there’s one thing that’s cheaper than food, it’s good food. I had no idea sandwiches were so cheap until Bloomberg’s ad accidentally spelled it all out. Upon a bit of research, it appears even charging $1.50 for lunch is rich.

• A loaf of bread is about $2 in America and usually contains 24 slices, which can be 12 sandwiches if you’re cool with crusts (and if you’re starving, you should be).
• A jar of peanut butter is about $3 and provides 12 sandwiches.
• A jar of jelly is about $3 and provides at least 12 sandwiches.
• Water is free.

That’s $2 + $3 + $3 = $8 for a dozen sandwiches, or $0.67 per sandwich. If you want to really live the life of Riley, replace the PB&J with butter and ham, and the price swells to a whopping $1 per sandwich. Thanks, calculator. Now I can enjoy my coffee in peace.

This type of ridiculous advertising by the nanny state and emotion-based thinkers is getting quite annoying. Michael Bloomberg wants the city government to be so large and take care of every hungry mouth without ever mentioning; why the hell do you keep having kids? These people have kids which they often cannot afford even before becoming pregnant then demand everyone else take responsibility for their actions.

Often these parents who have kids on these types of programs (not all) are fat asses who probably spent that money on a McDonald’s fry while they plop down in front a large television set. How people have even descended to the point of thinking this is okay and not feel absolutely ashamed for having to ask society for help is beyond me. I grew up poor but we never begged anyone for money, we would only ask family for food but even that was a huge slap in the face. But today people just sit there with their hand out then say, “Is that all you’re giving me?”

I am not even that old, this just shows how bad the system is being abused by the pervasive underclass of morally bankrupt leaches and their enablers, the bleeding hearts. Some people legitimately need help in bad times; these people are being deprived of resources by welfare addicts waiting for the next goody that they are provided by the state for free.

Tell them to save three quarters every day and give it to their kid for lunch, if you cannot afford that then sell something or give up one of your addictions. Do not come screaming at me that I am heartless for not wanting to waste my money on you and your children because you are brainless and lacking morals.

Perfectly said Ramzpaul!

edit on 12/9/2011 by Misoir because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 01:01 PM
I'm all about children eating food and sleeping in beds.

But this is ridiculous.

This woman clearly has a screw loose and is not capable of taking care of her children.

This is why I am pro-choice.

Socialism breeds Fascism.
(Is that a pun?)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 01:07 PM
I mean wow... How many lines can I cram "WTF??? Is you Stupid??"

Seriously... Why would you have 15 kids and no job to support them?? Why do people think I should pay them to have kids and sit down on their fat @$$ to make more?? Those kids should be taken. She cant support or provide for them. So yes, now it's an issue and the state should step in and take them. It was an issue at 1 apparently. She couldnt keep her legs closed long enough to have 1, much less 15. Cmon! How do these people make it through life this long with this kind of mentality.

Thats Wellfare at its finest!

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by Misoir

I am in total agreement with you! My neighbor has 4 kids and I am sure more will come. They sit around and don't even mow the grass all day everyday they sit on the porch swing, a guy in his 20's lives with her never moves, welfare pays the bills. She gets free treatment for arthritis and they both smoke her free medicinal pot all day. The kids run around in the cold and take care of themselves.

My husband works 10-12 hour days, we have no insurance and no health care. I like you was very poor as a child, my Father died and my mother had 7 kids but we did not get welfare. I would rather be hungry then start feeling someone should provide for my family just because i keep reproducing like a rabbit!

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 01:48 PM
Actually society should take care of her children and every child in a similar situation in our country. It is our fault, as everyone should be sterilized and have to prove themselves capable of caring for children before obtaining a license to do so.

Would be cheaper, and better for society and would essentially end abortions aside from those medically necessary. Essentially would solve many problems and even reduce crime.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by DJM8507
Actually society should take care of her children and every child in a similar situation in our country. It is our fault, as everyone should be sterilized and have to prove themselves capable of caring for children before obtaining a license to do so.

Would be cheaper, and better for society and would essentially end abortions aside from those medically necessary. Essentially would solve many problems and even reduce crime.

I don't agree that it is our fault, but i do agree that if people have kids they cannot take care of they should not be allowed to continue breeding.

I was 16 when my daughter was born, 18 when my son was born, we worked hard and bought a home my husband was 24. But still we realized that was all the children we could afford. Even though it was against his religion my husband agreed and had a vasectomy. We were never sorry for that choice!

I does not change a thing in your life except the reproduction, why so many men out there that are running around with various partners do not choose this simple in office procedure i can't understand! No child support, no hassle guys! No woman would ever know unless you told them, it does not change sex in any way!

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:06 PM
[color=dodgerblue]I grew up poor as well and we never applied for any type of assistance.

I am poor now. I am in college and I have two little boys, one of which is mildly autistic and suffers apraxia of speech. I am currently seeking employment, but haven't found a job yet.

My children? They are on medicaid. I will not apologize for that.

Why? I paid into the system for years. Their dad pays into the system and has for years.

When I finish nursing school and find a job, they will be on my insurance (his work doesn't offer it, not that we could afford it if they did).

I think my situation is different based on the fact that I am in school and actually doing something change the situation.

But on the other hand I am glad that there is help available to those in need.

It isn't our place to judge others.
edit on 9-12-2011 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by daryllyn

You're right... But it isnt our place to burden our neighbors either.

I salute your struggle. This issue isnt about you, or 3 children if you had them. I understand a person goes through life and alot happens.. But life DOES NOT give you 15 kids unless you're a total tard and something about you that every guy wants... and being dumb enough to give it up. Self esteeme could play a roll here... But 15 kids later, you would think she would have gotten a clue...

You have children, you struggle and you try forward still. You are not anywhere close to being in the same catagory as this person. Hell, I can see 4 with unlucky circumstances, but even with 4, I would push someone to not stop with wellfare, but to get off their butts and try for better. I still should not have to be paying for 4 kids while mommy and deadbeat dad stay at home.

If you have 2 and are on wellfare... You better be tryin to get an education with that.

If you have 1 child and are on wellfare with a healthy child and no job expectations.... There is no excuse for you. At this rate, you will have 14 more before the state will realise that you should have been given manditory birth control at 3. (they do it in some states!)

Wellfare should ONLY be for those that CANNOT provide for themselves. This woman can walk, talk, swear, and have kids..lots more kids... She is no where close to someone who cant provide for themselves. Maybe now that she has 15 kids... so the government should step in and stop her from going hungry.. Give her kids to familys who CAN support them. Otherwise, she is doing nothing for herself or her kids.. No amount of wellfare can save them from growing up and following in mommies footsteps. One hell of a role model ofr her kids.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

[color=mediumorchid]I agree with your post.

Star for you.

You would think... after the first 5, she would have gotten a clue. I cannot imagine having 15 kids. I would probably go insane.

How would you pay for sports? School clothes? Book fees? Even just lunch money for school (I am sure she gets free for them) would be a small fortune.

I cannot imagine living that way and being okay with it..

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by daryllyn

I have some in laws that have I think 13 kids. Maybe more now since I havnt seen them in years. The biggest motivation for the kiddies in the beginning (and this is probably made in jest) was to escape and become totaly income tax free. I think at the time it was 9 kids, which they did have. Today, all of the kids remain, and are healthy, and have really decent parents. They struggled, but not as much as some in their possitions. Sure, they came from well off, but they didnt look for a handout anywhere. He was an auctioneer and she was a stay at home mom. She also home schooled most of her children untill they hit around highschool somewhere.

My family on both sides... Meaning my Grandparents and all of their children (aunts and uncles), all belived in large families. They each had 7 sons and daughters on either side. 14 aunts and uncles and countless cousins among them... Today.. I cant imagine having more than 2 children at a 60K yearly wadge. I have no idea how I got where I did on minimum wadge all those years ago. One thing I did notice. As I got older, my wadges oddly raised... Hmmmmm

I remember being a cop at 7.60$ and hour. I remember working in the oilfield for 8$ and hour. I remember getting 600$ a month from uncle sam as an E2 in the army... that was just take home after taxes! Geeze.. And I was goving my life up for my country that taxed me to hell and back even in the millitary. The one good line of defence between the enemy and the wealthy..... The millitary.

I have no idea how we do it today. Perhaps we should scap it all and start with the basics.... Food and water, clothing and shelter, air and warmth... Everything else is trivial.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 12:05 AM
I've seen more than once where people have children when they can afford them and then fall on hard times.

What do you want them to do? Shove the kid back into the womb?

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 12:43 AM
15 kids... I can see one from a bad decision, maybe one or two from a bad relationship... but 15. That's like the fat guy that is so big, they can't get out of the bed and their body has fused to it... at what point do you begin to realize you may want to change what you are doing? At what point do you realize that there may be a problem?

As for the cost of lunch, I started carrying my lunch to work a very long time ago. In fact, 13 or so years ago I bought a piece of land... 3 acres on a 15 year mortage...after a small down payment, my monthly payment was equivalent to a 5 dollar lunch each working day of the month... another year and a half, and I can finally hit the Taco Bell.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

You obviously did not read my OP very well. I never once condemned anyone who actually needs assistance, what I said was that if you are too poor to properly take care of yourself then do not have a kid and expect anyone else to help you. If you need help when you are a responsible parent then first you should cut back on all luxuries, if that does not do it then sell some stuff like a TV or some jewelry, if you still need help then ask family/friends/church and finally if you drain all of those resources then you need to kick any habits you have and do go on state benefits. My point is people should find it humiliating to even be at the point of having to ask the state for help, not that they should not ask for help.

Not everyone on welfare are lazy drug addicts abusing the system, that is nonsense, but I think there are a lot of people on it that did not already use up all their other alternatives and just find it easier to ask the state for help. There used to be pride in people that would never allow them to ask the state for help, I know my grandfather when they went through a very poor time, they resorted to eating cough drops, with my mother and her siblings absolutely refused any help from the state. That is a good thing because it frees the system up for people who really need it.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 06:12 AM
No, there is no excuse for a healthy adult having children they can't afford. There's also no excuse for letting children starve in America or anywhere else in the world, children do not ask to be born. Our system also is designed to keep people down, I doubt you will find a bigger challenge anywhere than the time inbetween dependence and getting off the system. Conversely a person who has worked hard all their lives etc, has to fall very far before they're even eligible for help (aside from unemployment pay). We need a better system, one that actually helps and is a bridge between poverty and self sufficiency.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 06:26 AM

There’s currently a guilt-inducing ad campaign on the NYC subway featuring a large cup of coffee next to rows and rows of sandwiches: “For the price of one latte,” it says, “you could provide 25 school lunches.” Your first instinct as a non-poor person is to think, “What a piece of # I am, drinking this coffee and taking food out of starving children’s mouths.” Then you take a step back and do the math. “Wait a minute,” you say to yourself, “a month of sandwiches only costs a cup of coffee? Why did these people have a kid if they can’t put aside a coffee cup’s worth of money a month in order to feed them?”

This statement is about as misleading as it gets...There is no way that one latte=25 school lunches...Do the math. As pointed out about the cost of bread and things to make the sandwich added up to $.67. That times 25 is alot more than the price of a latte, and that is just for the cost of the sandwich. If my child was just fed a sandwich for lunch at school I would be rather upset...What about the cost of the other food in the lunch, the drink?...Not to mention the other cost involved.......Don't be naive people.
edit on 10-12-2011 by isyeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 06:33 AM
There should be a charity established, one that people can donate to. The charity would provide sterilizations for who ever wants them ... in fact, it would PAY people to have vasectomies. I'm thinking the UN would donate a whole lotta $$ to that ... and I'd be willing to chip in a few extra $$ as well. It should be a world wide outreach ...


Oh .. I said vasectomies and not 'tie tubes' for women because a lot less is involved and it's much easier and cheaper to do. Nothing 'sexist' about it ...

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

I've seen more than once where people have children when they can afford them and then fall on hard times. What do you want them to do? Shove the kid back into the womb?

[color=mediumorchid]Very good point.

I am glad there is a system in place to help people that truly need help. It is upsetting that this very same system is continually abused by people like the lady in the OP.

I know a girl here that gets money from an annuity each month in the amount of $1200. She also gets $600 in food stamps and lives in a low income apartment. She is constantly buying the newest phone, the newest this or that. She complains to her friends that she cannot afford diapers for her twin daughters... but she can afford a new laptop? A new cell phone whenever something cooler than hers comes out? She is perfectly capable of working.. but her and her husband do not.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

Thats just as excessive as 15 kids.

Everyone falls and no one is immune to the world and life. Having 15 kids with no income (other than my taxes), no father (unless all 3 baby daddy lives with them), no hope, push, want or need to get a job/education/life other than being a baby popper.... That's more than excessive... That's extreem!

So, if a person falls on hard times durring labor... yes, they should be taken care of too. No diffrent than the sick and needy. But when someone fully capable is getting that money and stopping someone more in need because the system is rapped by leaches like this, so there is none for the REAL in need.. Thats when I start judging people. Saddly, I look at things harshly when someone is taking over someone else. I personly feel that anyone trying to bring/cause malice and strife willingly to someone else, or preventing someone else from being healthy and cared for, should be put away for life, for the want to cause strife in another's life. Yeah, it's harsh, but damnit people... thieves are thieves! Treat them as such!

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

whoa whoa whoa i didnt know she was one of the few surviving federal cannabis study paitents(the only people that get free medcinal marijuana are in the federal program,i think the government sends them an ounce or so a month ) i used to work in a club in mt and california but we never gave any away for free even if they were disabled so i dont think they are getting free pot unless as stated earlyer they are in the federal pot study,on the school lunches part its realy not that hard to make a sandwitch or whatnot for your kids and odds are even if you half ass the job you will most likely be feeding them better food then teh school will

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by DJM8507
Actually society should take care of her children and every child in a similar situation in our country. It is our fault, as everyone should be sterilized and have to prove themselves capable of caring for children before obtaining a license to do so.

Would be cheaper, and better for society and would essentially end abortions aside from those medically necessary. Essentially would solve many problems and even reduce crime.

Thanks Big Brother for the Orwellian wisdom of thy Totalitarian Collective hive mind.

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