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How can Christian Republicans hate Obama?

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posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by Ghost375

I don't like his policies.

Isn't that allowed?

Or do we have to love everything about the man.
*shakes head at this thread*

I read the OP twice to see what I missed. He specifically says he is not talking about not agreeing with policy but actually hating. It is in the thread title in case you missed it.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:24 AM
bedtime for me...and no stars or flags for a very important topic that I've spent years thinking about, and analyzing people's behaviors...TBH I didn't expect any S+F from a conservative leaning, fear mongering, and hate mongering, site like ATS.
But I didn't expect 6 stars to be given to someone who only gave a thumbs down emoticon. That's a little much, and I wouldn't have written this post if that hadn't happened.

Embrace Ignorance, right!
Embrace Ideas that only support your thoughts!
There's no way at all my signature could apply to you, am i right?

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by Ghost375

Dear Ghost375,

I am grateful for your kind thoughts. Even though I am filled with gratitude towards you, I would like you to reconsider something you said. We're getting into the area where a slight twist in the meaning of a word can change the entire idea.

The word (or phrase) I'm looking at is "real Christian." Of course I'm pleased that you see me as an example in this one area of political discussion, but only God can see into the darkness of my soul. He is the one who judges me, and I frequently consider my failings and ask forgiveness so I can start again. It's difficult for me to see myself as a "real Christian."

In the same way, beezzer, could be an amazing Christian, I don't know. If he wants help from me I'll give it, but I suspect it would be better if I asked help of him.

I understand what you were saying, and again I'm grateful, but for some people the phrase "real Christian" brings up thoughts you didn't intend.

With respect,

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknowsplusone
Here I am ranting again (tiring for me and everyone else).

Please realise that most people who call themselves "Christian" are not, in fact, followers of Christ.

So do not link Christ to so-called "Christian" things.

In fact Jesus would be so against most of the so-called "Christian" things that we have.

Also - here is my view of Obama, as a kiwi, so I am not there.

I think the man is as trustworthy as any president - which means, not very.

This man understands my point(at least, the important part of it)!
I disagree with many of Obama's policies, especially his lies about the war(s). This thread isn't about his policies at all...
it's about how so-called Christians are acting.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Ghost375

Why is it that the most hate comes from these so-called Christians?

Therein lies the crux of the issue, not just in terms of Obama, but also applying to many other instances.

Christianity preaches love and forgiveness, yet I have yet to meet a single Christian (my mother included) that doesn't spout out hatred for one thing or another on a daily basis.

Christianity, it seems, is the life of a Hypocrite.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by Ghost375

Hey! Not all of the people on ATS are as you described. Although this Forum does tend to bring out the nasties in how they have one perspective on polotics or what this country does right or wrong or whatever.

There are people out there and in here who can think and speak for themselves as well as be capable of admitting a faulty line of logic or anothers correctness in that persons example.

People bitch way too much! As well as people are way too apathetic and talk alot but never do anything actionable to change the situation. Split Infinity

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:40 AM
All I know is the Jesus has nothing to do with elections.

It will be the richest and most influential - in other words, totally corrupt.

Good luck, America.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknowsplusone
All I know is the Jesus has nothing to do with elections.

It will be the richest and most influential - in other words, totally corrupt.

Good luck, America.

Ah...but try to tell that to a devout religious voter who bases their logic on how it comes in line with their own sense....warped or not....of reality. Split Infinity

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by Algernonsmouse

Originally posted by The Old American

Originally posted by Ghost375
Isn't it Ironic? Don't you think?

How can the people who claim to be followers of the man who said to love everyone as yourself, hate anyone?

Why is it that the most hate comes from these so-called Christians?

If you were really a Christian, you'd love Obama. There's a difference between disagreeing, and hate. All you show is hate. There's no "I disagree with Obama, but I respect his views and love him as a person."

All I see from so-called Christians is the exact opposite of what they preach. All I see is judging, hate, and greed. I don't see unconditional love from any of them...

How about you practice what you preach?

I disagree with his views, but I respect and love him for his continued murders of the citizens of sovereign nations for their natural resources.

How's that sound?

Seriously, think THEN post.


It does not sound very Christian.
Think, then post.

So you love and support a man that has proven himself to be a person unapologetic in his killings of tens of thousands of innocent people, with no qualms about continuing those killings? Wow, what a humanitarian.

Sorry, I don't love murderers who aren't repentant about it. I guess I'm not as perfect as Christ was.


posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by Ghost375

answer to the op.
I don't know and have not run into a Christian that hates Obama. I know some who disagree, but not picked up the hate meme.
For me, I simply see Obama as the 3'rd term of GWB on steroids.
I did not hate GWB, in fact gave him the same leeway I gave Obama but for different reasons.
GWB claimed to be a Christian so I waited to examine the fruits of his administaration.
He was utter fail as a Christian so in the end he was a poser.
With Obama, I waited to see the fruits of hope and change....well, now that all I have is the change in my pocket I guess I should expect his next campaign slogan to be "now I want your change and your hope too".

No, the ones I know that claim they hate Obama are the neo-cons.
They are not Christians in their own words.They do not believe in Yashayah. They believe in the god of forces. They simply despise Obama for many reasons but none of them from a Christian or anti-christ reasoning.

I think the op is fishing in the wrong pond, thinking this was a fish barrel but forgot to look if there were fish in it before he dropped his line and wasted his time thinking it was as easy as "fishing in a barrel"

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:46 AM
I am a christian and will tell you that i don't agree with just about anything the President has done. BUT, in my prayer time i always pray for him. For God to protect him and his family, and that he will make good moral decisions. That God would help him to be the President we need him to be.
He may be a great guy but he just sucks as a president. I know a lot of christians that feel the same. Just because we get frustrated at him doesn't mean we hate him.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by Ghost375

Well, count me among those who disagree with your thread. Not to mention when asked for evidence, you posted a link to a political (not religious) site. I don't know what religious affiliation those people are who are posting and it doesn't matter because I didn't see anything hateful in the posts anyways.

Go to some Christian sites. I'm a member of a several of them and MOST of the Christians there will admit they don't like his politics but still pray for him and would never wish him harm.

What a strange prejudiced thread.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by Ghost375

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by Ghost375
I stand by my posts.

His policies suck.

Something vile and disgusting that I once stepped in would perform better and have better policies than Obama.

But I don't hate the man.
Just his policies.

Some religious folks would say, "Don't hate the sinner, hate the sin."
Well, in the world of politics, Obamas' "sin" is described in his policies.

I think we all know Beezer is not a real christian. You clearly hate the man. Calling someone worse than "vile and disgusting" is showing hate very visibly.

When did I ever say I hated him?

You can't find it, can you.

His policies stink on ice.

I comment on his policies, his actions as president.

Labeling me incorrectly will get you nothing but heartache, puddin'.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Ghost375
bedtime for me...and no stars or flags for a very important topic that I've spent years thinking about, and analyzing people's behaviors...TBH I didn't expect any S+F from a conservative leaning, fear mongering, and hate mongering, site like ATS.
But I didn't expect 6 stars to be given to someone who only gave a thumbs down emoticon. That's a little much, and I wouldn't have written this post if that hadn't happened.

Embrace Ignorance, right!
Embrace Ideas that only support your thoughts!
There's no way at all my signature could apply to you, am i right?

Hey Ghost, you got the thought out there, and some will agree, some will not, as always in this forum. Expecting flags and stars is ego talking. I too have seen my fair share of religious hatred, both in history, and in common practice. I have met people who ask, first question, "what church do you attend?" and "do you know the Lord?" Just got that last one from an old guy a few weeks ago, I had repaired his computer and was setting up his internet connection for him. "Do you know the Lord?" he asked. I said, "friend, I have no Lord, no Master, I am a Free Spirit of Divine Nature." The old man was taken about, he went and sat down. "I never heard anyone make that claim before." I told him then that the word "Lord" means one who own slaves, and asked him if he was in fact a slave? The old man had never thought of it that way before. Then came the questions. His wife had died a few years back, and she refused to go to church, and considered herself to be a Deist. She would run Christians off when they came to her door, he said. After she died, he began to go to church, worried about his wife, and by the way, he showed he their bedroom, and it was like she never left, just stepped out for a minute. Her hairbrush was still on the dresser.

The old man told me that his "friends" at church had told him that his wife had gone to Hell. Because she was a "sinner." This distressed the old man a great deal, I could see it in his face as we talked. So, we talked, and drank coffee, and I told the old guy of the Afterlife as I see it, and told him that Hells and Heavens are only places in the human mind, and do not exist in a physical manner. I assured him that his wife was right as rain, that she was now happy, with her family and friends, and her pets.

A few days later the old man stopped by, and told me that he had seen his wife, and spoken with her. "I am going to be with her soon," he said. I don't doubt that for a second.

The point of my story is this:
Not everyone wants to be a Christian, and go to a church. That in itself is a given in modern America. America is a melting pot made up from immigrants. Some brought their Native religions along with them. Speaking of Natives, American Natives were persecuted by the Church, and the government, and had their land stolen, and had their children murdered by smallpox infected blankets handing out by the Army. Even the Pilgrims stole corn from Indian burial places.
Some have found the Old Religions again, and all of these non Christians are quite happy with their belief structure, and that is what a religion is, after all.

The old man I talked about went to church looking for answers. All he got was fear, and hate from them for the man's dear wife, because she happened to be of a different faith.

We are all known by our Deeds, people. Not one of us is the savoir of humankind, we all together are. Humanity will eventually all come to a singularity. An unknown, and undefinable event that comes every 26,000 years or so. It is a time when ALL Humanity will suddenly be in Spirit Form, yanked from our bodies in an instant, standing in a ruined world. What happens after that is anyone's guess. I'm sure we all like to think we will know exactly what to do, and some will know. Sitting in your faith waiting for a supernatural being to rescue you is a waste of time, if you ask me. Education and the accumulation of Knowledge and Wisdom is the key. Stop assuming you know what is going on, because nobody does.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:20 AM
Hey, as good Christians, when else would we have such a supreme opportunity to emulate Jesus' more fiery side and overturn the money changers in the temple, saying "Woe to you lawyers!"

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:54 AM
Perhaps what is perceived as hatred is really the righteous indignation against an individual or govt which imposes tyrannical machinations upon the people, or who lies and divides after his initial appearance as a supposed unifier.

"You are too controversial!" "Why don't you be a little more mainstream?" "You are raising too much hatred!" We are receiving more and more of these liberal and progressivist exclamations with regard to TIA stances on religion, history, international affairs, the environment, etc
We are just trying to express Catholic thinking on these topics. If such thinking is controversial, then so be it. It is difficult for a true Catholic not to be controversial, since he is following the steps of his Divine Master, Who did not come to bring peace, but the sword. The words below by the famous commentator of the Gospel, Fr. Louis Claude Fillion, could not be more opportune to answer such objections.


Fr. Louis Claude Fillion
Our Lord Jesus Christ affirms in the Gospel of St. Matthew:

“Do not think that I come to bring the peace upon earth: I came not to send peace but the sword. For I come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and the man’s enemies shall be they of his own household. He, who loves father or mother more than Me, is not worthy of Me; and he, who loves son or daughter more than Me, is not worthy of Me. And he, who does not take up his cross and follow Me, is not worthy of Me” (10: 34-38).
The sword, this terrible weapon that symbolizes war à outrance [to the extreme], is placed by the Messiah into the family, into the entire world. Is there anything that can appear stranger and more unexpected than this? Wasn’t the One anticipated by the Prophets supposed to present Himself as a Prince of Peace carrying an olive branch, the pledge of happiness and security? Wasn't He the One at whose birth the Angels sang "peace be on earth" (Luk 2: 14)?
If Jesus Christ affirms, however, that He came to bring war and not peace, it is not because His coming was a direct cause of fighting and dissension for the world , but rather that fighting and dissension would be the natural consequence of the establishment of His kingdom. Christ Himself cannot offer the kiss of peace until the passions and vices have been cut down with the sword.

The Symbol of the Sword Atila Sinke Guimarães
When one considers the principle characteristics of the Conciliar Church, one see that among them tolerance stands out. The basis of ecumenism is the concept that one should have tolerance for the errors of the false religions. The basis of aggiornamento – that is, the adaptation of the Church to the modern world – is also the notion of tolerance in relation to the revolutionary principles represented by the modern world. One can safely say that tolerance is the foundation of the two principal initiatives of Vatican Council II and the reforms that were applied in the post-Conciliar period.
Another important action of the New Church in the political-social ambit is its effort in favor of peace. Any war – by the fact of it being a war – is considered evil.

This is expressed in the Encyclical Pacem in terris by John XXIII, as also in important excerpts of the conciliar document Gaudium et spes. I recall that on the visit he made to the Holy Land, Paul VI planned a trip to the Valley of Armageddon. The ladies and gentlemen here present certainly will remember that, according to many interpreters, the last battle of History will take place at The Valley of Armageddon. It would be the battle between Our Lord and the Anti-Christ, the battle of the final victory of Jesus Christ.

Paul VI, however, wanted to walk through the Valley of Armageddon crying out in Hebrew: “Shalom, shalom!” Or, that is to say, the Vicar of Christ wanted to go to the site of the last battle and express symbolically that there should not be another war.

Thus, tolerance is a keynote of the new religion that is being instilled by the followers of progressivism.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:00 AM
Its only Christian Republicans?

How about Christian Independents and Democrats who oppose him?

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:14 AM

How does this thread not BLATANTLY fall under political trolling?

Wasnt there just a heads up thread about a crackdown not to long ago?

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:15 AM
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