posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 11:07 PM
I have noticed with great interest recent post threads being shut down by moderators due to varying reasons around a theme, i.e. secret real life
identities of ATS members and supposed 'infiltration' by 'Goverment agencies of ATS and feeding of disinfo etc. etc.
I think we should take this as the honour it truly is, That the worlds governments look to us and the kind of collective problem solving and fact
seeking community that only exists on this website with some of the planets most brilliant minds secretly frequenting it for their ideas, their
intelligence, and believe it or not, breaking news. CNN does not work as fast as ATS.
So, sleep easy friends. None of the powers that be would do anything rash without running it by ATS first. I think every ATS member needs to start
seeing themselves as part of the huge collective hub of important info and research it actually is.
To all the government ATS members. Please stay on ATS. We want to help. YOU NEED our help.
Members, stop trying to weed out police and Government members. this is the kind of witch hunt nonsense this site does not need and makes us look like
an infantile chatroom.
Respect other members identities. They are secret identities. You should always assume that in this of all places. Play the game. We could all be
anyone. Any one of us could be any living celebrity or political figure you care to think of and be able to hide it with ease.
Who we are or what we do matters not here. It's our thoughts and opinions that count.