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Somebody remembered what Christmas is supposed to be about.

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posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by BrokenCircles

If the plan was to pay off random items for random people, then why would she need to see the tickets?

Didn't bother to even read the quoted text from the story did you?

She asked to see the tickets to ensure she was paying the bill for tickets with TOYS on layaway. She wanted to ensure that her act of kindness would benefit CHILDREN.

And to those saying "yes give your money to corporations" She didn't. She gave her money to those families who themselves chose to give that money to K-mart, but couldn't pay it off upfront.

A simple act of kindness and random generosity and the majority of posts are complain it's not "Christian enough" and that the money should have been spent on whatever.

To each of you saying stuff like that, I suspect you are immediately returning all the presents you bought, and will receive, then donating the money to your local food bank right?

Because if not, you are a hypocrite.

If giving something to someone and getting nothing in return, not even revealing that YOU did it, isn't an act in the tradition of Jesus, well, screw current Christianity really.

This thread's OP made me happy. Most of the responses made me sad for humanity.

Really? You can't just respect an act of kindness, you HAVE to complain about some aspect of it? I feel bad for you and your families.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:18 AM
I love this story

Thanks for putting this here.
I started a thread about "changing the world" through small acts of kindness. Little things like this really do make a difference.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by RightWingAvenger
reply to post by FortAnthem

Wow our lord and savior is supposed to be glorified by getting cheap junk at K-mart? I don't think so. epic fail.

Come on dude!! Someone can't do something nice for a total stranger without having fools like you crawl out of the wood work... This is a great story and you runed it for me with your religous mumbo jumbo. Not everyone believes in your "god" and not everyone thinks the holidays are about glorifying some invisible man in the sky... It's about the human spirit and showing a little compassion for someone who is a little less fortunate. NOT the gifts!! Sorry not everyone shares your veiws, and thanks for sharing with us. Maybe next time try and show a little compassion rather than making you and your religon look bias. Isn't religon about understanding?

Organized religon=The worst lie mankind ever came up with to control the masses.
Millions of people through out history have been murdered and tortured because of so called peacefull religons.
See? The door swings both ways... Now have a good holiday!!

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:24 PM
Hello ATS,

Exactly what is "Christmas"? We are told it is in remembrance of day when Jesus was born. Okay, so we should be honoring Jesus on this day, but I say it is the most dishonorable thing ever done in modern times in the name of Christ. Whether you believe that Jesus was the son of God shouldn't matter, but instead look at the lessons he tried to teach.

Let's look at the Temple and him throwing out the 'money changers'. These were merchants using the worship of God as a way to get rich. They were turning the temple into what we would today call a mini-mall. The worship of God or Jesus should have absolutely nothing to do economics and consumerism. So, today, we have the celebration of the birth of the christian God as one of the most prolific spending holidays ever. Really? And if you need more information on what Jesus thought about money, look up camel, rich man and eye of needle.

Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. So 'Black Friday' epitomizes what 'Christmas' has become. Using pepperspray to get that x-box. Stepping over bodies to make sure we don't miss out on that great deal. This is Christmas. Now, I know not everyone would do this, but we can't ignore it is now part of the holiday.

Now getting rid of Christmas will never happen and it should never go away. It helps greatly in keeping the economy going. But I would say to those who want to truly celebrate the birth of Christ, Christmas is absolutely the wrong way to do it. Take December 26th and put away the gifts and just spend time with family. Turn off the electronics and turn on conversation. Know Christmas for what it really is, Mass Marketing Consumerist Day, and take Christ out insanity and put Him where you can reflect on his teachings.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:34 PM
A nice thread on ATS? I'm in shock, I haven't read all of the comments but I wouldn't be surprised if some users are trying to twist the news into some kind of conspiracy somehow.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

I've never been much of a christmas
person but what those people did was awesome. Hats off to those who perform selfless acts such as this. To all the other...bah humbug, but with a smile.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by RightWingAvenger
reply to post by FortAnthem

Wow our lord and savior is supposed to be glorified by getting cheap junk at K-mart? I don't think so. epic fail.

How about children being excited and happy? Or would you rather please your "lord and savior" by following leviticus, Scroogey McScrooge?

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 04:36 PM
What a lovely gesture. Several people will be relieved that the bill is paid and the flow on effect for the people/children recieving the gifts will also be awesome! Well done and I love a story based on kindness.

Personally I do not like Christmas - but don't bash me hear me out - because I think of all the people on the planet who will be starving while others gorge themselves. I will be thinking of all the Children who have nothing all year round and will still have nothing on Christmas day. I will be thinking of all the people who have lost their homes in the freak weather - earthquakes - tsunamis - bank foreclosure and when it burned while the fireman watched....

I have spent many Christmas days alone and I am okay with that. Did have a husband for several years until he ran off and his entire family followed him (he told the lies and had the affair) and with no family of my own for most of my life I have been very happy to be at home with my pets. I feel peaceful and am grateful for my blessings in life. I know what Christmas can be like surrounded by people and food and presents but at the end of the day if there is little or no sincerity or meaning to the people, food and gifts then afterwards is kind of flat - for me.

Not judging anyone and I would never spoil Christmas for Children. Having worked as a Police officer on more than one Christmas day I know that you want to score the day shift. During the day the phone will barely ring because everyone will be busy so you can catch up on paperwork and do a few patrols - but by the time the afternoon and night shift arrive - the phone will be ringing and the radio room will be calling jobs over the radio - everyone is now drunk and the reality of the credit card bills is hitting home as they start hitting anyone in the way...get the picture.

As for Jesus - if he was my Child - I would not be sending him back to earth so they could have a second go - we are still a long way off being peaceful and showing goodwill to ALL mankind. Don't agree...or perhaps secretly you do.

So I will be happy that on Christmas day some people in America were treated to a beautiful surprise and I will be alone and peaceful and wondering when will people stop listening to the media tell them what to do? It's Christmas buy presents, it's Mothers day buy a card and present, it's easter buy chocolate eggs, it's groundhog day buy a groundhog - sorry got a bit carried away but you get the picture.

Much Peace...and as much goodwill as we have to share...

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by Unrealised

if jesus was real - the alledged evidence contradicts his birth - in december oor janurary

That off topic drivel is what you took from this story?


No seriously Really?!

Your username is fitting methinks..

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 04:53 PM
This one goes out to all the gripers and groaners in this thread

How can you seriously say anything negative about this? So you have a problem with someone insuring and that at least 3 families worth of children get toys and a shred of happiness (even if temporary) because someone went out of their way and spent their hard earned money on someone besides themselves or their own family?!

I don't see you going out of your way to help someone else..

What about Hunukkah? It has the same spirit of good will...

That is what the Christmas spirit is about... It's not about buying lavish presents for people no matter how often this is the case.. It's about giving to others.. being selfless.. helping those in need... NOW WTF IS WRONG WITH THAT!?!

I think it's time you step back and take a look at yourself Ebinezer...
edit on 9-12-2011 by DaMod because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 04:57 PM
I have two things to say.
1. I am a child who took a multi-year tour through public housing assistance (welfare) and whose mother relied on food stamps to get by. I don't remember these days as bad whatsoever, but I do remember them. Years later my mom told me that she had to choose between giving us medicine when we were sick or buying food. If it weren't for charity we wouldn't have had a christmas or two. Shortly after we moved out of that housing complex, one memory that sticks out however. For several years after, mom took me and my brother to K-Mart and made us pick a small tag from the 'needy' christmas tree. Even though we were on rough times ourselves, somehow my mom bought a pair of shoes and a toy for random kids.

Now I have two infant children of my own. Last christmas I told my wife that we need to partner with a charity and give back. So we were assigned a random family and we gave them a christmas. I don't know who they are. Funny that just today, I was buying some christmas things for our kids. My wife has been on maternity leave for work for several months, so we have been down to one income and have drained much of our savings over the last few months. She says not to spend money because we don't have any. Just to prove a point i am going to drive her down to KMart tonight and show her that tree. There are people out there who won't be having any kind of christmas this year. Be mindful of this as you make your way through your world.

2. To the ignorant rodent trolls on this website, you have ruined a good forum and site. I have been interested in conspiracy theories / UFO's / ghosts / crop circles etc etc since the 1980's. I remember when the only place you could get info was if a major author published a book or through FATE magazine. When Prodigy online launched I will never forget the bulletin boards on the subject; it was the precursor to the internet and a lot more info was being shared. ATS should be a pinnacle for these topics, but a lot of morons troll these forums and have idiotic things to add. It dilutes the seriousness of the boards and definitely makes me not want to come here and read news as much. So please, if you have something dumb to write, limit it to your own Facebook page. It is annoying to read the garbage that people spew on this great thread. Kudos to the MI woman and to the copycats that followed her. There are a lot of children who are not getting a christmas but much worse, there are a lot of children out there that aren't even eating on the weekends outside of the school lunches that are provided. You may not know nothing about what that is like, but a simple act of kindness is acceptable, even on this christian holiday. You don't have to be christian to celebrate.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by White Locust

2. To the ignorant rodent trolls on this website, you have ruined a good forum and site. I have been interested in conspiracy theories / UFO's / ghosts / crop circles etc etc since the 1980's. I remember when the only place you could get info was if a major author published a book or through FATE magazine. When Prodigy online launched I will never forget the bulletin boards on the subject; it was the precursor to the internet and a lot more info was being shared. ATS should be a pinnacle for these topics, but a lot of morons troll these forums and have idiotic things to add. It dilutes the seriousness of the boards and definitely makes me not want to come here and read news as much. So please, if you have something dumb to write, limit it to your own Facebook page. It is annoying to read the garbage that people spew on this great thread. Kudos to the MI woman and to the copycats that followed her. There are a lot of children who are not getting a christmas but much worse, there are a lot of children out there that aren't even eating on the weekends outside of the school lunches that are provided. You may not know nothing about what that is like, but a simple act of kindness is acceptable, even on this christian holiday. You don't have to be christian to celebrate.

Amen to that.

I have nothing to add to that.. you've pretty much covered it.
edit on 9-12-2011 by DaMod because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 05:11 PM
you know something, all you negative posters take a nice gesture and twist it to something hateful and negative, what is your problem? Are you so full of hate and negativity, that you feel a need to spread it to others?
you all make me sick and I seriously think all you hateful people need your heads examined.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 05:17 PM
Good find. A nice change of pace from the usual. Thanks.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by RightWingAvenger
reply to post by FortAnthem

Wow our lord and savior is supposed to be glorified by getting cheap junk at K-mart? I don't think so. epic fail.

You actually think your God cares about an american holiday? Grow up

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 05:52 PM
Isn't Christmas remembering that the story of Jesus is pure astrological and the man himself never did exist but actually just a copy of other stories told before hand in other religious institutions?

Jaykay...but seriously. That's the truth.

But the Holiday shouldn't be about religion, it should be about caring for each other and being grateful. That's what I enjoy and believe in. It's right before the new years and it's a great Holiday to reflect and love.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

Thank you, great post, this is why there is a real reward in charity for the person performing the service and the person receiving it...this is one of the values we as humans have lost and why the world is the mess it is today.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
you know something, all you negative posters take a nice gesture and twist it to something hateful and negative, what is your problem? Are you so full of hate and negativity, that you feel a need to spread it to others?
you all make me sick and I seriously think all you hateful people need your heads examined.

Well said, it's frustrates me the same people can spread how much is wrong with the world and we are all going down a path to a very dark place of no return, when something does come along that does give you that faint glimmer of hope that we are all not totally boned, many jump on it and spew out the message it is done for the glory of corporations and big business. So what? Yes the companies will benefit from this type of gesture, sadly it is unavoidable, but you know what? I bet the smiles on those kids faces will be worth more than any company could hope to acheive.
About the only thing I can find here that is anything less than positive is that it takes a certain time of year for people to want to do something like this. If each of us helped each other all the time, that dark path we're on might just vanish for good.

edit on 9-12-2011 by 74Templar because: no reason given

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by jude11

Originally posted by RightWingAvenger
reply to post by FortAnthem

Wow our lord and savior is supposed to be glorified by getting cheap junk at K-mart? I don't think so. epic fail.


posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 07:46 PM
Nothing warms the heart and gives me hope for our future than to see such a generous gift to so many. I can only hope that the families are grateful.

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